•twenty nine•

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Right after the bomb had gone off the whole level was covered with ashy smoke, when I heard the faint voice of Nate "Don't you fucking kill me, psychotic bitch." He has a loud personality but then again who am I judge that.

"I won't but your life is in my hands, obey me." I tried oppressing his dominant attitude.

"Ugh... fine, but I will leave here, alive." His eyes rolled all the way back into his brains.

"Swear to never talk about this to anyone." We started jogging up to the next level as I knew Bucky and Wanda would need my aid.

"Deal." Was all he simply said, very careless about everything happening around him. Right as we reached level twenty three pin drop coldly climbed into our ears.

Surely if Wanda and Bucky have already taken a level down, why the hell would I be of any help, so I caught the elevator and rode it up to level twenty six.

Walking down the long corridor with Nate I hoped to see Pietro at the other side. Hesitantly, The door unraveled and my needing eyes scanned the room a loud hearty sight left my lungs as I saw Pietro spinning around on Afflon's chair.

"49! You made it" He walked over, still a little dazed from all the rounds. I could tell he wasn't content by the other presence in the room. "Who's he." Pietro's lips snarled.

"You'll see lets just wait for your twin and mr no voicebox." My head was wrapped around the thoughts of how Wanda and Bucky were currently fighting, I left Pietro's towering body and started to wander all around the office. "Keep an eye on him."

*thirty minutes later*

I was sat down on the desk, facing Pietro whilst he was on Afflon's chair again when suddenly the door blasted open with loud grunting and deep breaths.

All three of our heads darted back to see both my blood covered companions, oh no. Pietro speeded over to Wanda "Are you fine?" He was almost on the verge of tears at his heavily breathing sister.

This is all my fault, everything is all my fault if I would've gone to the lower levels from here they wouldn't be on the verge of dying. "We're fine Piet, just got blood on ourselves from everyone we killed." Wanda cooed.

Oh, thank Lord they're fine Pietro seemed to have the same thoughts as me as his face lightened up. He's a really caring guy, especially when it comes to Wanda I hope nothing does them apart, especially death.

I casually walked over to them, my face seemed to be as serious as most times. "Well done guys." I congratulated, looking over to Pietro's back, blood was stained with a stench catching up. "Take a break, help yourselves we've got a wild ride ahed of us." I warned.

I watched as Pietro helped his sister over to a couch where they both took a seat, Bucky strolled over to the chair while Nate was looking outdoors through the windows all around the surface of Afflon's office, gazing over at the green scenery.

I knew for a fact that we were all in desperate need of ammo, and now that I have both my guns back it was probably the best idea to refill right now and give the others a break.

With that in mind I started to proceed out of the office only to be stopped by Wanda "Where are you going?"

"Getting ammo, they're still in stock on level twenty two right?" I asked.

"Oh, yes impressive room that was no?"

"You're damn right about that." I replied, happy by her answer as I finally left the room, hoping they'd all be patient especially Sonic.

I ran down the stairs, knowing I'd be quicker that way the fresh air travelled past my face as I felt replenished and started gaining back my energy.

Finally reaching the tiny blood splattered corridor, putrid stench and humid weather replaced the calming atmosphere from level twenty six.

As much as my body wanted to do this task as quick as I possibly could, blood is a very slippery liquid especially when placed on the glasses marble floor.

I barged the door open to mountaineer over dead bodies and various futuristic weapons lying down admits the red liquid. My nostrils felt like they were fighting a battle over clean air and freshly bleeding anatomies .

I shook, I faintly stumbled, I gasped, I was as slow as a tortoise but at the end my body had finally hovered onto the many bullet cabinets. My eyes scanned every digit rented on top of the cabinets to verify which bullets I needed.

Finally I had figured out the dwelling of Bucky's and my bullets, I aligned them along my police belt and front facing suspenders, figuring I should get a shirt soon as the sun was setting and nights tend to be at shivering temperatures.

I wasted no time in getting back to level twenty six as I almost tripped over the stairs while sprinting back up. The door was finally in my sight, almost colliding into the door I shakily made it in.

First to fill my gun with bullets standing next to the door I felt all eyes on me. "Pietro my combat gun." He was quick in my vision, handing me over my possession. Soon, I was done with both of my weapons as my eyes narrowed over to Bucky.

I walked over to him and placed a heap of ammo onto the desk while he was quick to load his riffle. "Whats the plan now?" Wanda seemed to ask from the couch while Pietro slowly strolled towards me.

"The toughest levels and opponents, some are deadly mutants so be aware." I honestly warned them for the combat ahed. Bucky stood straight from his seat coming over to us while Nate was terrified and confused.

"Thorpe, just stay the doors will be locked soon, understood?"

"Yea sure, whatever." The ginger haired man's posture and actions completely transformed as he was back to staring at the outside world.

"Lets go." My hair flew back with the wind giving it perfect rhythm I marched out Afflon's office while my team followed behind me. The sound of the office door latching was the last thing my mind was on as I knew that this is when the real battle is going to begin.

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