•twenty one•

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I charged into the soul sucking room of Level -5. My eager eyes laid on Cho, ecstatic of her presence I walk over to her.

"Hello 49." She mumbled, a jaded smile struggling on it's route towards her lips.

"Sup, where've you been?" My head nudged up, curious to know the location she visited. Right as my eyes captured a faint portrait of her lips parting to speak, I vocalised instead "There's some clearing up I need from you." My voice and features transformed to portray how serious and deep our upcoming chat would be.

I strolled my way to her while Cho's anatomy froze, extremely rigid her frame grasped onto delicate goosebumps.

I slowly glided along her back, brushing past her dainty body. I drank in how her eyes tried following me behind her back.

My hand rapidly snaked around the front pocket on her jeans, swinging the large phone away from her custody. She gasped at my sudden touch which dug into her front pocket.

She was trembling against my presence, steadily my arm travelled further to my back, releasing my katana from it's special suspenders pocket, my hand gripped tightly into it.

"Ooohhhh I can't wait to see some blood."

I couldn't agree more with the voices, I walked around to meet her eyes again, almost like a preying carnivore ready to pounce on its meal.

"You will give me straight answers, even if I have the slightest hunch about you lying, it'll be one small cut and in no time you'll bleed to death." I deviously grinned at her, Cho's pupils dilated heavily almost leaving no hazel in them.

I heard a loud gulp emit from her throat, a string of sweat swimming down her face. "What's my real name?" I asked, rounding her frozen body.

"It's been Agent 49 ever since I-I've known you."

"Who are my parents?"

"A-a lovely c-couple, I've heard. I have never seen them as I don't know who they are but Afflon always says that y-you have your mothers e-eyes."

"How did I end up here?"

"You were taken a-away right from when you were born, the second your mother gave birth." She was sweating like a gold medalist at the Olympics.

"Oh yea and how was that?"

"Your mum was forcefully made to sign a contract as she owed more than three million dollars to a wealthy man. Your dad never knew about that part, s-she owed such a big amount because of her ancestral past. Everyone in her family was in debt to the other party and in time the money kept i-increasing." She tried her best not to stutter.

"What did the contract say?"

"It g-goes something like in 'due to the large amount of debt that is now deemed as unpayable we require you to kindly complete the payment by handing over your first born."

"She owed money to ARAE?"

"No, even if ARAE was just at its building stages  and not known to anyone that wasn't the case." She paused finally easing up to me. "Felix's dad had gone to visit some sources, asking for help in starting ARAE, and then he saw you. A small baby crawling around with no fear of those rich thugs at all." She laughed "He knew you'd be the right start for his new organisation, and from then you were raised here."

"Did he just... take me?" I was more intrigued by each word that left Helen's mouth.

"He carried you like a hero and bombed the place, he was fearful at what those threats would do to you once you started getting older so he brought you back without a scratch. At those times only Level -5 up to -3 were built so he made your home right here."

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