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I made my way out of the motel as Bucky jogged back into his room when my eyes suddenly met upon a guy who was standing next to the stair case.

There was a weird red mist emitting off him, he dressed as if he was one from the medical ages, I froze in my spot only gaining a side profile of this mysterious man.

He was heavily dolled up with all sorts of weapons and leather armour shields. I looked in every direction baffled on how no one seemed to care about this guy who seemed like a threat.

He had visible multiple knives, grenades and other small weapons such as daggers, blade knives and arrow darts.

A white hood covered most of his face leaving me to stare only at his pink lips and stubble. He had a dangerous amount of protective armour surrounding his body.

He wore brown boots, belts and extra pocket belts were worn round his top. He wore baggy pants and also had a red cape that dropped down below his thighs.

I was sure he wasn't from this age in time. Stunned yet curious as his head slowly turned, his face met mine although all I could see were his lips "They say we are a myth, but how is that when you and I walk on this land proving them wrong." The man spoke with a thick Italian accent. "Come take my hand and I shall take you where you belong." He stretched his arm out motioning me to grab it.

"Honey are you just going to stand there all god damn day like a Greek statue." I turned my head to the old lady at the counter, she placed her finger on the hem of her glasses dragging them down her nose so she could stare at me straight in the eye awaiting a response.

"Oh no, I um..." my head turned back to face the man when all I got to see in return was empty space. He was just gone in a matter of seconds, I knew he couldn't have gone far so I ran out looking both ways but I never found the morbidly clothed man.

That voice, I knew it.

I shook it off, now concentrating on going to a blind spot in the city to transport back to ARAE. I made my way down the streets crowded with muttered chatter and beady eyes.

I got into a dark ally my ears perked to the sound of heavy punch, I went deeper into the dusk filled alley when I saw a guy dressed all in black.

Behind him was a smaller man who was thrown into the full garbage bins, the smaller guy seemed to be bleeding from his lips but his his stance was still in a defensive one.

He looked straight at me which seemed to catch the bullies attention as he turned to look at me, a vicious smirk playing on his lips.

Walking towards me he started to speak "Ain't you a pretty thing." He stated. "I can tell you like it raw."

"Leave her alone asshole." The thin man behind him tried to help me out.

"Oh you're right, I love raw meat especially when its flavoured human, seasoned with some fresh organs with a side of blood to dip them in." I creepily spoke, although my actions seductive taking him by complete shock as I watched his pupils dilate.

"The hell is wrong with you." He scoffed backing away with disgust while his fingers brushed through his jet black hair, jogging out of the ally.

"Run along kiddo." I advised the smaller boy as he slowly walked out the alley. When I was sure of no one else being around me I jumped into the sky landing right next to the Helicopter on level 27.

I returned to level -2, closing the door behind me to the viewing room to my surprise I saw Afflon inside Pietro's cell, he was tied up to a chair to what looked like a questioning session that was going on.

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