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I woke up greeted by the scent of ice and rain water, I got up from the comfy mattress and slipped on a pair of black joggers.

I strolled my way over to the windows, shaky as I wasn't used to the sudden burst of energy my body had to produce.

My tanned hands pushed the curtains apart when I gazed into the vast expanse of phantom white mountains which soared into the sky, bracelet's of snow kissed each of the heaven draping pinnacle.

A turquoise-blue stream below my gaze as the stream wound its merry way through the mountains and below it. Babbling and burbling, it sprung over the limestone rocks in its way. Pebbles whisked about in the under wash like pieces of glitter.

I slowly made my way out of the place I resided in, calling the elevator I hoped for Afflon to be in his office at this early time of day.

As I reached level 26, white walls leading in a circular motion directed me towards Afflon' office, I entered the big room without knocking looking over to meet with a deformed leader of ARAE.

"What happened? You look like you just came back from war." I unprofessionally, curiously questioned about Afflon when I caught the sight of him slouched over his chair with bloodshot eyes and a scruffy stubble, dark bags carrying his blue irises while his hair sprung out in all directions.

"Why are you here?" His tired knackered voiced travelled across the room.

"I need money, just enough for some new clothing and breakfast."

"Alright, here." He mumbled placing a bunch of Icelandic Krona' in front of his walnut coloured desk.

As I made my way over, reaching to grab the money he slams his plam to my hand "You've got quiet the nerve these days, from the way you talk to me-"

"Says the guy who calls me flower." I cut him off purely annoyed by his words. "What is this really about, Felix."

"Do you fancy Pietro?" He growled.

"No." He let go of my hand allowing me to scrunch up the notes and stuff them into my pocket.

"Watch your back, Agent 49."

"That's impossible." I chuckled making my way out of the room. I waited for the carrying device and upon its arrival I steeped into the elevator only to be met with two other agents.

"Agent 49" they both said in unison acknowledging my existence.

"Girls." I nodded facing the doors while they were behind me, clothed for a much more formal day.

I made my way out past bodyguards and secretaries, new business men and other agents. I marched around the circular modern architecture, heading towards the exit.

As I stepped out of the heated building, cold breeze contrasting with a light sunny glaze shone upon my skin. All I heard were various birds and howling wind. My nose scrunching to the scent of green grass and pearls of the ocean.

I immediately looked into the other direction, away from the exit facing the cursed building. My body bolted up whilst I almost flew with the birds I only heard minutes ago, briskly landing a short distance away from the city's town. I took another leap now landing at the south facing side it.

I then proceeded by foot, sprinting my way to the small motel I left the assassin in. My irises recognised the lane trying to rid my ears of the mixed chatter as I entered the motel.

I knocked on the second door to my right hoping for the brunette to unlock the door. I heard a creek knowing Bucky was behind the door I pushed it back entering the worn out room, my hands immediately pushed the door close as I saw Bucky to my left.

"I know who you were." I spoke taking a seat on his hard bed while he maintained his position next to the door with his arms crossed.

The Winter Soldier wore a white vest and black joggers. "Your name is James Buchanan Barnes, born March 10 1917, eldest child of four not to mention you were also a soldier in World War 2." I paused letting him absorb all the information. "Steve Rodgers was your best friend, you've known each other all your life he accompanied by your side in and out of the war." I finished.

He never uttered a word only staring at my red lips and how the words strolled out of them. His eyes got cloudy when I spoke again. "You killed a lot of innocent people Bucky, including some very well known figures you've angered a lot of people. That's why SHIELD is after you." I stopped knowing he was fed information all about SHIELD.

"I just want you to know the people you killed, you didn't have a choice and no one has the right to say you did. You were under a trance and I'm willing to help you prove that point to the whole world." I got up making my towards him. "You didn't do any of that okay? Don't drown yourself in guilt for something that wasn't your fault." I stood no further than two inches away from him, my head tilting up to meet with his eyes.

"Go to Steve Bucky, he lives in central New York. Ah hell, why am I telling you when you already know." I realised. "Here's some money to help you pay for this room, it'll cover you for another two days if you need time to plan. Also there's extra for food." I smiled at his grey orbs while he still never mumbled anything back, maintaining his silence.

"HYDRA are trying to look for you but I made that task harder by erasing you off the map for them too. You truly are a ghost now." I giggled "If you need anything, call me okay? And remember you're not The Winter Soldier, you're Bucky." I handed him a small paper with digits on it.

"You deserve to be happy after all you've been through and the only way that's going to be achievable is by Steve... now that you know who he was to you, you might also recognise him once you meet, all those memories would gush like a tsunami in your head."

I placed my palm on the handle adding "Maybe those pretty eyes might remember Natasha Romanoff, you guys were in the same facility for some time." I finished leaving the room while I screamed through the corridors. "I hope you find happiness Buck."

I instantly felt a tall, muscled body behind me when I turned to the bionic armed man behind me, out of his room. I tried searching his eyes for answers when he suddenly got lower and wrapped his hands around my body, pulling me closer to him.

I returned the favour placing my chin on his shoulder as I got on my toes to adjust to the height difference, failing as there was still a visibly big contrast.

My face lit up while I couldn't stop smiling. I couldn't squander around the fact if in this moment I actually felt happiness.

Never letting go of the hug but embracing his warm body on my cold one. Wishing from the depths of my icy heart that he could finally be content after all those years.

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