Year: 4055; Day: 239

9 1 0

{Song for the chapter: Loving Someone - The 1975}
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"I don't understand where this came from," said Jove.

"You're kind of a rebound," I admitted. We were laying on a couch in my bedroom together, so close I could hear his heartbeat.

I felt him shrug from beside me. "I kind of figured as much. It's okay. It just gives me a chance to prove to you that I'm an amazing boyfriend."

I smiled and took one of his hands in mine. "Yeah," I whispered.

"So what happened yesterday with that other guy?"

I winced at the memory. Lake's green eyes piercing into me. His single tear, yet strong voice when he told me he didn't believe in us anymore. "It didn't work out," I simplified.


I laughed softly and laid my head on Jove's shoulder. It reminded me of...

I gulped and put my head back on his shoulder. It still wasn't enough. I felt his pulse beating slowly and evenly. He was a living, breathing person. I had to be prepared to lose him, and then move on without him-- no strings attached.

Haha, what a funny joke. No strings attatched? What was I thinking? I had spent what little time we had together focusing on how I was going to leave him.

... How stupid was I?

And now here I was with the wrong job, with the wrong person.

"I don't know who I am," I whispered, partly to myself rather than Jove.

"Then we'll figure it out. Together," he said in a soft voice.

I weakly smiled up at him. "Thank you."

Lake was in the past. I wasn't going to make the same mistakes with Jove.

I suddenly sat up and straightened my composure. I turned to Jove and stuck out my hand. "I want to start over. Hi, I'm Nova."

A grin lit up his face. He took my hand and shook it slowly. "Hey, Nova. I'm Jove."

"Tell me about yourself, Jove," I said with a half-hearted smile.

"Um. I'm 6' 1", my full name is Jove Demetri August. I'm nineteen. I'm going to pretend you're not the queen of the City of navy blue and sailor white, and tell you that my favorite color is grey."

I interrupted him, "Grey isn't a color. It's a shade." Despite wearing a grin, he gave me a look and rolled his eyes. His usual dark eyes were dancing with light.

He continued, "My favorite food is pasta. My sister is three years older than me, her name is Fira and I really miss her. Um. I don't know what else to talk about. So. Tell me about yourself, Nova."

I threw him a small smile. Running through my head was a list of various lies or truths I could tell him. Did I tell him about Kara, about my past life? After pondering it for a moment, I decided no. I needed to leave everything in my past behind.

"Well, my name is Nova. I'm seventeen. My favorite color is... green. Like, a really bright green. Not that gross forest green Feriah has. My favorite food is vanilla ice cream, obviously. I'm 5' 10"," I maundered on about insignificant things in my life.

"What about your family? How old is your brother?" Jove pryed. Every married couple could only have two children, and they had to be a girl and a boy. It was an Earth law created by the government-- something about population control. So, that said, it didn't surprise me that he knew I had a brother.

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