Chapter 10

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Rian's POV

Lexi and I got off the plane, heading towards baggage claim. While waiting for our bags to come around, I text Pat to tell him that I landed safely and I'll talk to him later. I put my phone in my jacket pocket of my USA Hockey jacket I got four years ago. I feel a tap on my right leg. I look down and see a little girl with bright blue eyes.
"Are you Rian Fitzgerald?" She asks with excitement. I bend down so I'm at eye level with her.
"I am. What's your name?"
"Payton!" She flashes me a smile. She was missing a front tooth and a bottom tooth. I smiled back at her and stuck my hand out.
"It's nice to meet you Payton! What brings you out here to Lake Placid?"
"I'm watching your game against Canada!" She says with excitement.
"Well I guess I'm going to have to score you a goal then, aren't I?" I give her a smile.
"Yeah." She says shyly looking down at the ground, twisting her body left and right.
"Hey Lex! Come meet my new friend Payton!" I look up to my best friend who has gotten our last bag. She comes over and kneels down next to me.
"Well Payton it's nice to meet you! I'm-"
"Lexi O'Shanahan!!" Payton cuts Lexi off excitedly. "Mom look!! It's Rian Fitzgerald and Lexi O'Shanahan!" She jumps up and down and points to the two of us.
"Would you like a picture?" I ask her with a smile.
"YES!" Her eyes grow wide with happiness.
"Are you sure you don't mind?" Her mother asks.
"No not at all!" Lexi and I reply with smiles on our faces.
Payton's mother pulls out her iPhone and snaps a picture of Lexi and I with Payon. I turn my attention back to Payton.
"So where are your seats for the game?" "They are in the balcony." Payton's mother replies.
"How about I get you and your family tickets for right behind the glass in the offensive zone," I turn to Payton's mom, "And I can pay you back for those other tickets or find a way to reimburse you."
"Oh you don't have to do that at all. We are doing you a favor really." The mother denies me.
"No, if anything I'm doing you a favor. It's the least I can do for your family. It's fans like your daughter that makes me love playing."
"You truly do have such a large heart. Has anyone ever told you that?"
"Well when you go through he- H-E- double hockey sticks and back, you learn a few things along the way, mostly dealing with character, how you want others to look at you, and most importantly, how you look at yourself."
"You have been such an inspiration, not only for Payton, but for my oldest son, my husband, myself included. You make me realize that others go through worse things than we do and make it out on top."
"That tends to be my goal haha. My main point is to appreciate what you have while you still have it because you never know how appreciative you are of it when it's gone. I learned that the hard way. And I pray that others learn it much easier than I did."
"Well your message really hit home for our family. Payton adores you. This is all she wanted for Christmas was to see you play. We couldn't just fly out to Russia, so this was our only option. When we told her, she was beside herself."
"And I'm serious about the tickets. Talk it over with your husband. I will have four tickets set aside for your family and money to reimburse you and I'll throw in a note for the purchase of any jersey you want in the pro shop. If you don't want it then that's fine. If you do then just go up to the ticket window and show them your ID and give them this note. If they give you trouble have them call me up and I will personally make sure you get them."
"Thank you so much! I will talk to my husband and see what he wants to do. This means so much to me, to my family." Payton's mom starts to tear up. I pull her into a hug.
"It's not a problem at all. It means so much that you would fly out here just to watch me play."
"I hate to break this up and all, but Rian we have to get going." Lexi tells me. I look down at my watch and notice we are behind schedule a bit.
"I'm sorry to cut this short but it was nice meeting you and I will leave the tickets at the window." I bend down to look at Payton, "And it was a pleasure meeting you Miss Payton!" I say with a smile.
"It was nice to meet you too! Good luck tomorrow! I will be cheering you on!" She smiles at me. I laugh.
"Ok! I'll get you that goal too!" I give her a wink before she wraps her small arms around my neck. I hug her back and smile to myself.
"I'll see you later right?" I ask Payton. She nods her he's with a giant grin on her face. I stand up and grab all my bags before waving goodbye to Payton and her mom.
"That was so precious." Lexi gushes.
"She is the reason I play. I play for the fans. And for Dan obviously, but I don't play for myself. It's for everyone else around me."
"It's so hard to believe someone could go through so much and still be so humble about everything."
I shove Lexi in response.

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