Chapter 34

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Rian's POV

"Shit." Erica mumbles under her breath. The guys just lost game 3 against the Wild 4-0.

"Well this sucks." Jackie pips up.

"Hey hey hey, let's not let their loss impact our girls night." Lexi gets up to get more beer.

"Lex, how many drinks have you had?" I ask her as she walks away.

"Enough to be hungover in the morning." She replies, closing the fridge. "Plus, I'm drinking for two." She says, opening another beer and sitting back down on the couch.

"Who's the second person?" Jackie asks.

"Preggers over here." She nods her head in my direction.

"Thanks Lex. I can always count on you to cover for me." I say laughing.

"You know it. I've always got your back." She says patting my knee.

"So Rian, how far along are you?" Jessica asks eagerly.

"Um, I think almost three months." I reply.

"You are starting to show." Erica says excitedly.

"Shut the fuck up! Your brother has been waiting for this!" I exclaim.

"Really?" Jackie laughs.

"Every morning and night he always checks to see if there is a bump. He gets so sad when he can't see one." I laugh.

"He's a loser." Jessica laughs. "Only he would get super excited to see that."

"He is a loser, but I love him dearly." I laugh.

"Have you picked any names yet?" Erica asks.

"Riley Elizabeth and Tyler Francis." I smile, rubbing my stomach.

"I hope it's a girl." Jackie gushes.

"So does your brother." I laugh.

"Do you want a girl?" Jessica asks.

"I don't know. I'd rather have a boy, but if it's a girl, I won't complain." I shrug.

"Girls suck." Lexi slurs.

"Easy killer." I laugh. "You're a girl too."

"I know and I hate it. Girls are just so much work and they are so dramatic." Lexi huffs.

"Yeah but when their little and they cling to their dad and become little daddy's girls. It's really rather cute." Jackie gushes.

"That's part of the reason I want a girl. Just to watch her cling to Patrick and I know he wants a girl because of that daddy's girl relationship. And because I want to be able to braid her hair and pick out dresses for prom and the whole nine yards." I smile.

"With your luck, the kid will hate you and Patrick and hate dresses and will run away when she is 18 and get a sex change." Lexi says with a straight face.

"And you're not coming anywhere near this kid once it's born." I scold.

"Lexi will be the crazy aunt." Erica laughs.

"Crazy aunt Lexi!" Jessica and Jacqueline chorus.

"Fuck all of you." Lexi scolds. "Grizz, you need to keep the alcohol away now." She says handing me her half empty beer.

"Why does everyone call you Grizz?" Jackie asks.

"Lexi, care to explain?" I ask as I get up to dump the rest of Lexi's beer down the drain.

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