Chapter 11

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Rian's POV

I walk into the rink with a hop in my step. I'm ready for this game. I walk into the locker room, seeing all my teammates in their lockers doing their pre game rituals. I stand in the middle of the locker room and stare at them, they stare at me.
"Who's ready to FUCK SHIT UP TONIGHT?" I yell.
The teams response is hooting and hollering in agreement. I run out of the locker room with a soccer ball in hand with my team following me. We get to a clearing in the hall where we spread out into a circle and prepare for a game of two touch.
"Are you actually going to make a good pass to me today Grizz or are you going I sabotage my chances of winning?" Amanda Kessle asks with her hands on her hips. She is the most uncoordinated person on our team. She falls over her own two feet and she can't even play soccer without screwing it up in some way, but if you put her in a pair of skates on ice, she is the most graceful player I have ever seen.
"Manda. I'm not the one who is sabotaging you chances. You just suck at soccer." I tell her blunty.
"Just serve the damn ball will you!" Amanda wins the award for worlds worst comebacks.
I serve the ball over to Julie, who kicks it across the circle. The rules of this game are easy, keep the ball in the air using anything but your hands. You have two touches before someone else has to touch it. If the ball hits the ground, the last person to touch it is out. I wasn't the best at it, but I wasn't the worst. I was always in the final 10 before I would get knocked out.
Lindsey Fry sends the ball over to me. I catch it on my chest, one touch, then kick it over to Jessie, two touch. She head butts it over to Lexi, who collects it with her chest. She sends it over to Amanda, who deflects it behind her. The ball hits the ground, as an angry Amanda storms to get it.
"This game is rigged!" She yells.
"Or you just suck." Lexi fires back at her.
"I don't need your sass LexO!" Amanda yells.
"Manda! Easy! Go sit in the corner and cry!" I point to the corner.
"Fine you assholes! I will!" She stalks off to the corner. We all laugh at her attitude.
"I would make the best 2 year old!" She exclaims from the corner.
"Two year old temper tantrums?" Julie calls out.
"You know it Jules!" She laughs.
We continue playing and more and more people got out. Once I got out I went to join everyone else. I felt like someone was behind me. I whip around to find Amanda trying to sneak up on me. She screams at the top of her lungs, holding her chest.
"You scared the shit out of me!" She gasps.
"Fun fact! I am not easily scared. I have brothers who would try to scare me. I've become immune to it!" I tell her.
"I have a brother too but he beats me up!" She smiles after.
"Same with mine. We would have wrestling matches in my basement all the time." I think back to when Dan was my wrestling coach and Greg was Cullen's. They would always make Cullen and I wrestle each other. Each match always lead to another trip to the local hospital for an x-Ray, cast, or stitches. Sometimes all three.
"Let's go Grizz!" Amanda gets in a wrestling stance.
"You should know Manda, I won everyone of my matches." I get into my stance.
"You don't scare me one bit." She growls.
"Maybe you should rethink that one." I say.
"Ladies lets make this clean. No broken or sprained bones, ligaments, tendons, or anything of that caliber. Do I make myself clear?" Monique explains.
"Yes ma'am." We say in unison, not breaking eye contact.
"Then on your marks, get set," there was a long pause as she lifted her arms before putting them down, "GO!" She yells.
Amanda and I grab on to each other. She stands about 5 inches taller than me. I use my 5'1" frame to my advantage and take out her knees. We fall to the floor, laughter and chanting erupts from my teammates. I get on top of Amanda, pinning her to the ground. I get her in a head lock and tie up her legs. The hall is silent and u look up to see Coach Stone staring down at us. Amanda stops struggling in my arms when she sees coach as well.
"Hi coach!" We say in unison with smiles on our faces.
"Do I want to know?"
"Probably not." I respond.
"Just don't kill each other please." She says as she walks away.
"Looks like we have a dysfunctional team going to Sochi, huh?" She says to Julie.
"In more ways than one." She answers. Coach walks into her office, as I let go of Amanda.
"Well that was fun!" She exclaims.
"We'll have to do it again sometime!" I respond helping her up.
"Yes we will!" She answers taking my hand, pulling each other up.

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