Chapter 1

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Every human walks around with a certain kind of sadness. They may not wear it on their sleeves, but it's there if you look deep.
- Taraji P. Henson

Chapter 1 - Another Year

Sighing, I walked in through the school doors, dreading another awful year of school. I got to school a few minutes late so that I wouldn't have to wait for the doors to open. Even though I absolutely hated being at home, I despised being at school more.

I groaned as I joined in the long line to get class schedules. It's such a pain to wait in long lines, especially this one. The line this year is so much longer than the line from last year. I guess there's more freshman this year than there was last year.

My eyes lit up as I caught a glimpse of Gene, Sasha, and Zenix. Even though people say that they're bad influences, I still hung out with them. They're the only ones who would really talk to me.

"Gene!" I yelled, squeezing my way through the crowd of people.

"(Y/N)," He smirked, leaning back on the brick wall, "Glad you could join us. Do you have your class schedule?"

"Actually, no. The line is just so long that I thought I could hang out with you guys until it dies down a bit."

Gene huffed, pushing himself off of the wall. "Well, you don't have to wait in line if you don't want to." My eyebrows furrowed in confusing but Gene just rolled in eyes, taking my wrist and walking over to the class schedule desk. "She/He needs a schedule," Gene spoke, acting annoyed.

"O-Oh, sorry Gene!" The man who was working the desk apologized. "What's your name?"

"(Y/N) (L/N)."

After a few moments, the man pulled out a folder, grabbing a piece of paper from inside it. "Here you go." Gene took the paper from the man and dragged me away before I could thank him.

"You could have thanked him," I scolded Gene.

I wasn't afraid of Gene like some other people in Phoenix Drop High. The reason being, I've known him for quite a while now. He dated my sister for a few months and ever since I kind of felt like he was the brother I never had. Correction- The brother I wish I had.

"Thank him? Psh, he doesn't deserve to be thanked with how slow he's working today," Gene retorted. "Anyway, let's compare schedules." Even though Gene and I only had one class together, I was happy nonetheless.

"Why are you placed into the werewolf class?"

"What?" I questioned him, leaning over to look at my schedule, "I'm in the werewolf class?"

"Is there something you're not telling me (Y/N)?" He chuckled, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not a dog, Gene," I sneered.

"Your sister sure was."

"Gene!" I screeched, catching everyone's attention.

"I'm just kidding," he laughed, "Now go to homeroom... unless you want to skip with us."

"You know I don't do that," I sighed, "I actually need a good job some day."

"Yeah, yeah," Gene said, walking back over to Sasha and Zenix, "Go on before I drag you with us."

I obliged and made my way to the home room. Room 127? Okay then. My next class is also in there... ugh chemistry.

As I was making my way to the park after school, I ran into Zenix who told me that he lost a bet, so he had to buy snacks at the convenience store. "So, you and Gene," Zenix snickered.

Thinking is a Sin (Zane x Reader) Phoenix Drop HighWhere stories live. Discover now