Chapter 22

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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
- Maya Angelou

Chapter 22 - You

"Nothings wrong," you laughed, causing Zane to raise an eyebrow suspiciously. His eyes focused on your hands that were fiddling with one another nervously, fingers threading with one another.

"Don't lie," Zane huffed, becoming irritated at how long it was taking him to get you to talk.

"I'm not lying," You continued to argue, now sitting up to try to exaggerate your point.

"You're impossible," Zane grumbled, throwing his head back in his seat.

"And you talk too much," I snapped back at him, feeling kind of hurt from his unpleasant attitude towards me. Zane sat back up, gazing at me with confusion as I climbed off of his bed, no longer in the mood to talk to him anymore.

"Wait-" You heard Zane blurt out as you left his room, closing the door loudly behind you. As soon as you made it to the guest room, you slipped on the bed and sighed, staring at the ceiling. "I'm so stupid. Why do you make me feel this way?"

Before you knew it, it was the next day and you were still as confused as yesterday. Zane had not left your mind yet once which caused a very late night for you just staring at the ceiling fan. You were starting to get annoyed as to why this was happening, why he was even on your mind. Sure, you two were friends but that didn't change anything. You've been friends for a while and you've never experienced this before. There was one point where you thought that Kawaii-Chan or someone else at the lunch table went to Lucinda and made her cast this spell that makes you only think of Zane on you. But of course, you knew that you were wrong.

"Looks like you had a good night sleep," Garroth said warily, leaning back in his chair.

You glared at him for a second before forcing yourself to smile, "Yes, a very good sleep."

Out of nowhere, Zane shuffled into the room, groaning at the sudden brightness of the light.

"I guess (Y/N) isn't the only one who's moody this morning," Vylad pointed out, earning a harsh gaze from Zane.

"It's too early for this," Zane grumbled, pulling one of the seats before sitting in it.

You never responded, keeping your gaze down while you waited for your toast to finish. While Garroth was ranting about something that happened at baseball practice yesterday, Zane watched you carefully, trying to figure out if there was any way he could talk to you again. After your dramatic exit yesterday, he didn't know if you two were still considered 'friends' or if it was something more complicated than that.

As soon as you heard the toaster sing, you scrambled for your plate and practically threw the toast onto it, desperate to leave the house before Zane. Ever since he walked into the room there was an awkward feeling* surrounding the room and you didn't want anyone to comment on it.

"Why did you go to sleep so early (Y/N)?" Garroth asked.

You rolled your eyes, trying to play everything off as normal as you could. "I was tired and I have a test today. Why else would I go to sleep early?"

"Really? What subject?"

"Uh-" You paused, desperately thinking for an answer. "Math. Yeah, my math teacher said it's going to be brutal."

"What was it over?" Vylad joined in.


Garroth shot me a puzzled look. "I thought you learned about logarithms towards the end of the semester."

"My teacher wanted an early start," I laughed nervously, trying to pass it off as normal as I could. You finished your toast quickly by practically stuffing it in your face. "I'm going to go get my bag and leave early. I have to meet up with people for a group project."

Zane stood up as well, catching your attention. "I guess I'll leave as well. Doesn't hurt to be there early."

You turned around, frowning at your failed attempt to get as far away as possible from Zane. As much as you didn't want to admit, your brain and your heart were in a disagreement.

Without wasting a second, you grabbed your band and slung it over your shoulder as you walked out the door, Zane rushing to keep up with you.

"(Y/N)," Zane called out your name as you sped down the sidewalk, "(Y/N), wait."

Zane's sudden grip on your wrist pulled you back, causing you to crash right into Zane.

"Will you stop being such a baby and listen to me!" He whined, looking down at you.
Your breath hitched in your throat at the sudden close proximity.

Zane swallowed thickly before letting go of you, taking a step back to put some space between you two.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to upset you last night," Zane mumbled scratching his neck as his cheeks reddened. "I-I just-"

"Please don't apologize, I was-"

"Let me talk," Zane practically growled, giving you a pointed look. "I really am sorry. I was annoyed last night because you wouldn't tell me what was wrong and-"

"It's because it was about you." You blurted out before you could stop myself. You slapped a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from saying more but it was already a bit too late.

"W-What about me?" Zane questioned.

"I-It's nothing!" You turned around, your face as red as a tomato, "J-Just don't worry about it!"

You ran off, leaving Zane to stand on the sidewalk confused.


Ah~ this was long awaited. I finally finished the chapter. I hope you all liked it!

I'm not going to tag any pick up lines this time because I'm too tired and not in the mood and I'm already really late on getting this out.

I love all of you

- Author~Chan

Thinking is a Sin (Zane x Reader) Phoenix Drop HighWhere stories live. Discover now