Chapter 6

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"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'"
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Chapter 6 - Spilling the Beans (Spilling the Tea)

"What do you mean?" I asked him, my eyebrows scrunching up.

Laurence sighed and tilted his head. "You know what I'm talking about. Just spill the beans (Y/N)."

"Actually, no, I don't know what you're talking about. Are you sick or something?" I tried to place the back of my hand on his forehead but Laurence halted me by grabbing my wrist. His grip didn't hurt though, it was a very gentle grip. It just as if I was porcelain glass that he wanted afraid of breaking.

"I went to your house to give you some homework that you forgot at school but your dad acted all weird," Laurence mentioned, letting go of my wrist.

I stood in front of him frozen, unable to even move my hand down to my side. The mention of my dad made my stomach churn and my body go numb. I did not want to be reminded of him, not right now.

Laurence gave me a weird look at reached out for me. In response, I moved away from him, finally taken out of my trance.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Laurence questioned me, taking a step closer toward me to get a better look of me. It was probably because I looked pale from how sick I was feeling.

"Yeah," I said breathlessly, putting a strand of my (H/C) hair behind my ear. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Laurence eyed me before continuing on with his interrogation. "Your dad said that he didn't know where you were and he never wants to know. Why? I mean, I know you've never really had a good relationship with him but for your dad to say that..." He eventually trailed off, getting lost in his thoughts.

I sighed, cutting him off. "My dad kicked me out," I confessed in a soft voice.

"What?" Laurence almost yelled but he caught himself. "What do you mean he kicked you out?"

"It's just as it sounds like. He kicked me out of the house."


"He believed that I was prioritizing friends over family so he thought that kicking me out of the house to go live with friends would be better than if I stayed with them."

"But you're only 15."

"Doesn't matter, he doesn't care."

"Where are you going to live for now on? You can't live on the streets, you'll get kidnapped- or even-"

"None of that will happen. I'll find a safe place until I get get a place to work at and maybe then I'll find somewhere to stay."

"You can't say that none of that would happen. You don't know what's out there."

"And you do?" I snapped, "Laurence you're not in my situation right now so just stay out of it. It's really none of your concern."

"It actually is. I'm your friend so it is my concern."

"That's not what the rumors said."

"Since when did you listen to rumors?" Laurence paused for a moment before continuing to speak, "Look, I know we haven't talked that much since I left the Shadow Knights but I just don't really fit into that group. To be honest, I really just don't like Gene. What I'm trying to say is that I never said I didn't like talking to you or being your friend."

I just stood there in silence, not really sure what to say or do. To put it in strange words, it's kind of like when you get confessed to the first time in your life. Most people are just so baffled that someone even likes them that they just freeze.

"(Y/N), honey, it's getting dark. Would you like to call your parents?"

When I turned around, I jumped back, not expecting to come face to face with Zianna. "Oh, um, yeah sure," I answered her in a weird manner before I slowly pulled out my phone.

No, I can't call my dad. What am I doing? He would just tell me to never speak to him again and that I'm out of his life. That is if he even picks up the phone.

"Actually, I have a better idea! Why don't you ask your parents if you could stay over or the night? I think that would be fun! You could sleep in Zuzu's room while he sleeps on the couch."

"No, no. That's too much to ask for," I told her, waxing my hands to stress my point.

"Please, my boys are very well-mannered so they wouldn't bother you."

I resisted the urge to snort at the 'well-mannered' part. "Okay," I answered her, "I'll ask my dad right now actually. If you don't mind, I'm going to the kitchen."

"Of course! You need your privacy while talking to your parents," Zianna responded.

She's really straight-forward, isn't she?

I made my way downstairs and to the kitchen, where I pretended to call my dad. "Hey dad," I spoke into the phone. "Yeah, I was wondering if I could stay at my friend's house for the night."

After a while, I faked a smile and gasped, "Really? That's great! I'll see you tomorrow!"

After I "hung up", I went back upstairs and told Zianna that I could spend the night. I had nowhere else to go so why not spend the night here?

Laurence gave me a look. He seemed very disappointed but also a bit relieved.

"That's great!" Zianna exclaimed before squealing a bit. "What do hip teenagers do at sleepovers? Maybe we can watch a scary movie! Wait, I forgot that tomorrow you have school. Maybe next time."

After her rant about what we should do, she skipped to the kitchen to bake some cookies.

"You know you can't stay here forever," Laurence spoke, ruining the moment. "They don't know you, and I don't know what will happen when they realize that. You may be able to stay here for today but where are you going to stay tomorrow?"


I know you're out there Goob. I'm still watching you.

I hope you all have a wonderful day Reader~Chans!

- Author~Chan

Thank Goob for bugging me to finish this chapter.

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