Chapter 20

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"The flower that smells the sweetest is shy and lowly."
- William Wordsworth

Chapter 20 - Apologies and Arguments

"Hey Bro," Garroth greeted him as he joined as on our daily walk to school.

"Hey Garroth," Laurance nudged him slightly before glancing over at me. "Hey (Y/N)."

Not really thinking of anything to respond with, I just said a short hi and looked away. Instead, I kept on glancing at Zane who was just staring off into the distance with a frown on his face, although it's not really clear because of his mask.

As Laurance and Garroth were chatting with each other, I decided to go and find out what was wrong with Zane.

"Hey Zane, did you get enough sleep last night?"

He swung his head to look at me, his eyes narrowing, "Why do you ask?"

Immediately, I directed my gaze in front of me instead of at him. "You just seem to be dozing off, that's all."

"It's really none of your business."

I swirled my head around at him again, confused to why he was acting so ignorant around me again. Just yesterday we were fine together, chatting like normal friends. Stupid Zane and his mood swings.

"Um, I'm sorry about yesterday (Y/N)," Laurance spoke, giving me an apologetic glance. "Someone told me a rumor about you and I was a complete jerk and listened to them instead of asking you about it."

I shook my head at him in slight disappointment. "It's okay Laurance, it's just simple high school drama."

"You don't even want to know what it was or who told me?" He questioned me in disbelief.

"It's not like I'll be able to do anything about it," I shrugged.

"How about if I told you that it was Gene?"

"Gene?" Zane blurted out in confusion, "I thought you two were good friends."

"I guess you weren't there when the whole school fight happened a couple weeks ago," Garroth said.

"I don't know how you wouldn't find out," I chuckled, "It was all over Facebook."

"Ugh, Facebook," Zane grumbled, "No one uses that anymore."

I rolled my eyes at him and looked at the school that we were slowly approaching. "Long story short, Gene hit Laurance so I hit Gene and we got stuck in detention."

"So you haven't talked to Gene since then?"

"No, I haven't had a reason to."

"Well he seems to be spreading some rumors about you, (Y/N). So you might want to," Zane advised me. "If you want me to go with you for support, I totally can."

"No, I'm good."

"You sure?" Zane asked me sincerely, causing his brother to awe.

"Aw! Baby brother really cares for (Y/N)."

Instantly, Zane's face lit up and he started to stutter. "S-S-Shut up! You d-don't know that!"

"Stop teasing him Garroth," I snapped at him, starting to get annoyed with him nagging on and on about how Zane was acting nice all of a sudden.

"Aww, (Y/N) is being nice back!"

Goodness, this is almost as bad as the first time I met Kawaii-Chan.

"What's the deal here Gene?" I spoke confidently, placing a hand on my hip as I stared blankly at the back of his head.

Gene and his posse (I guess you could call it) twisted around, looking quite surprised to see me. "What are you talking about?"

"You know well what I'm talking about," I grumbled. After a few moments of him looking at me in complete confusion, I sighed and told him it directly. "The rumor you spread about me which, might I say, is completely fake."

Right after I mentioned 'rumor' he loosened up and just stared at me, but he knew what was going on. "So Laurance told you about the little rumor, did he?"

"Yeah. Tell me, why did you do it?"

"Spread the rumor?" I nodded in response. "You were simply on my nerves and I had to get you back some how for hitting me."

"You hit Laurance!" I argued with him, "That's why I hit you."

"Laurance wouldn't let me talk to you."

"I told you I didn't want to talk but you kept on being persistent."

"Why? Why didn't you want to talk?" Gene pushed on while Sasha and Zenix started to walk off. "Is it because I left the park that one time and you told me to stay? It's not like anything happened to you anyway."

"Nothing happened to me?" I laughed loudly, angered on how Gene was acting. "Oh, lots of things happened, you just never cared to ask!"

"Yeah? Then what happened? Did little (Y/N) get their phone taken away?"

Gene's posture stiffened a bit when my eyes started to water up. "I can't believe I thought you would care."

I backed away from him a bit, not wanting to even stand close to him.

"After all the time you've known me, I thought you would understand my position by now."

"(Y/N)..." He started to speak, looking at me in confusion.

"You know my mom's in jail and you know how my dad decided to forget about it. He replaced us and doesn't even care about me, you know that! Why in the world would you think that nothing would happen? Is getting kicked out of my house nothing to you? Is not knowing where to go nothin to you?"

"Come on (Y/N), he wouldn't do that," Gene stopped me.

"You're such an idiot," I chuckled lightly before walking off.

Why would I even try to talk some sense into him?


Hi everyone. It's been quite a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry for not being that active and everything and you probably don't even want to hear why.

I had to read the book again three times in order to write this chapter because I was so lost. I'm sorry if that happened to any of you too.

Last week I found out that this book reached 50K reads and it's not even done! Thank you all so much for that. I love you all so much. Which is why I'm even more sorry I haven't been able to write.

WereWolfGamer47 : "Are you a defibrillator cause you send electricity throughout my body."

riversings123 : "Are you wifi...? Cause I feel a connection."

Leave your favorite (PG) pickup lines if you want to have it in the next chapter.

Also comment some suggestions if you have any ideas for the next few chapters and I might use it *wink wink*

Thank you!

- Author~Chan

Thinking is a Sin (Zane x Reader) Phoenix Drop HighWhere stories live. Discover now