Chapter 12

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"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
- Lao Tzu

Chapter 12 - Apologizing

Zane went quiet but didn't seem mad. He just sat next to me, in complete silence, not questioning me any further. The silence got more uncomfortable as time passed but I tried to ignore it, deciding to focus on my hands instead.

"You know," Zane started up, almost making me jump from him suddenly speaking up, "They don't care that you're homeless." I said nothing, still focusing on my hands instead of looking at his face. "They won't care that you're mom is in jail either. You haven't done anything wrong."

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. "You don't know me."

"I know you well enough to realize that you won't harm anyone. You're like a harmless little teddy bear," He teased. I just laughed awkwardly, stretching my arms out a bit. "You should go downstairs and talk with everyone."

I nodded, standing up with Zane before stretching. I don't know how I didn't realize that I was so tense when I was sitting there solemnly.

"What do I say?" I asked him, nervous that I would have to start a conversation.

"I don't think you'll have to say anything."

After I had a short conversation with them, I realized that I shouldn't have been afraid.
I shouldn't have doubted that they would have let me stay. They told me that I didn't do anything wrong and I knew that but for some reason, I was still paranoid. At school, you would constantly be worried about how people would look at you. When you got home you never really had to worry about it but I did. I was always distressed about it. I thought that people were going to judge me based off my parents and my wrong doings. Even though I tried my best to get along with someone, every time that they found out about my parents, I would leave them in fear that they would hate me. I would leave them because I was scared that I was disgusting in their eyes. But for the Ro'Meaves, Aphmau, and Sylvana, that wasn't the case.

All of them accepted me for who I was, no matter how much trouble I was in. I buried myself in some deep water but they didn't care. They told me I could stay with them and it would be okay. I was going to stay with the Ro'Meaves tonight because they had an extra bedroom that I could sleep in. I was very thankful that they gave me a second chance to redeem their trust, even though they said that I never lost it.

So now I was in Zane's room, laying comfortably on his bed while looking up at his ceiling lamp. "Why do you like my bed so much?" Zane questioned me, huffing angrily.

"Why do you care?" I questioned him back, hugging his pillow while he stared at his computer screen.

"Well it is my bed, that I sleep in, so I find it kind of creepy."

I chuckled, squeezing the pillow tighter, "I guess it's just relaxing."


I just ignored him, feeling as though he wouldn't understand. I could feel his cold stare on me as I was falling asleep, the darkness completely engulfing me.

Zianna tried to convince me to stay at the house the next morning but I refused. I decided to go to school instead because I didn't want to be a burden. Another reason that I didn't stay at the house is that I wanted to talk to Laurence and tell him that everything is okay.

Last night, Laurence left before I came out of the bathroom because it was already getting dark and he didn't want to worry his parents. Before he left, Laurence told Garroth to tell me that he was sorry but I didn't need to hear it. Now that my secret has been said, I am glad that he brought it up. Not only did it ensure me a place to stay but somehow I feel like Zane and I got closer as friends.

Even though he argued with Garroth to take me to my own bed, there was something different between us. It feels as though I can talk to him more about anything I wanted, even if it was very personal. I also realized that Zane seems to be more relaxed with me compared to the past few days.

As soon as we made it to school, I set out to find Laurence by sticking with Garroth. To the side, I could see Gene glaring daggers at me. I could tell that we were not in a good position right now. The argument that we had fueled the air between us and I could ascertain that he has not let it go.

Garroth glared at me and furrowed his eyebrows, looking confused. "Are you okay?" He asked me.

I snapped out of my trance and looked over at him, giving him a reassuring smile. "Yeah, I'm alright."

"Garroth!" I heard Laurance call from a few feet away.

"Hey bro," Garroth greeted him, patting Laurance on the back. When Laurance's eyes cast on me, his eyebrows creased, making him look guilty.

Before Laurance could say anything, I put my hand up and said, "No, it's okay. Thanks for yesterday."

Laurance looked at me questionably but then smiled. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yep!" I said enthusiastically, practically bouncing on my heels, "Better than ever!"

I watched as Laurance looked behind me and frowned, his gaze hardening as he glared at the person behind me. Turning around, my (E/C) hues met with Gene's dark blue eyes that had dark bags under them.

"(Y/N), can I speak with you?"


*I am going to mention stuff that I put in my A/N for the people who didn't read it.*

Hi, everyone! Ha... I'm kind of embarrassed still. If you didn't know, on Sunday I accidentally posted this chapter (it was a misclick) and it wasn't done. So, if any of you saw it... oops.

I have something to announce! (Nothing too special.) I decided that I will update this book every Tuesday. I'm not going to update two days a week because I am working on another fanfiction. *wink wink*

Anyway, I love you all. Please stay safe and have a wonderful day/night. Toodles!

- Author~Chan

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