Chapter 8

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"The strong bond of friendship is not always a balanced equation; friendship is not always about giving and taking in equal shares. Instead, friendship is grounded in a feeling that you know exactly who will be there for you when you need something, no matter what or when."
-Simon Sinek

Chapter 8 - Aphmau

It was peaceful. There was no noise except for the clinking of pencils against tables from time to time. I loved to come to this stop to be alone and be able to just relax for a while. Although, right now it wasn't doing me much good because all I could think of was Gene.

Gene did show me this spot and that didn't really help me get my mind off him. Also, we ignored each other all day which has never happened before. Sasha even came and asked me what was wrong with us, which was extremely odd because she doesn't usually talk to me unless I'm with Gene. I told her that everything was fine and that she had nothing to worry about but she still seemed skeptical about it after she left.

"Hey," I heard a deep voice call out behind me, startling me so much that I almost jumped out of my seat. "Calm down," Garroth laughed, catching attention from the people around us. I guess Garroth and Laurence snuck up on me while I was daydreaming.

"What are you doing here?" I asked them, turning sideways in my chair so that I could see them easier.

"A better question would be, what are you doing here?" Laurence asked, switching the pressure of finding an answer to me.

"I just wanted to be somewhere quiet," I mumbled, glancing at the floor, "You two are kind of ruining it."

"Where's Gene?" Laurence asked me, sitting in the chair next to me while ignoring what I just said.

"Probably out with Sasha and Zenix somewhere," I responded, fiddling with a pen in my hands. I stared at the dark blue pen, zoning out until Garroth spoke up.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?"

I gave him a weird look and shook my head, putting my attention back on the pen in my hands. "I'm fine," I answered him, "Just a bit tired, that's all."

Laurence hummed suspiciously while Garroth shrugged and sat in the chair across from me. "So what are you two doing here?" I questioned them, trying to get the conversation off of me.

"We were just exploring a bit," Laurence said, still watching my every move. Goodness he was really skeptical of me, wasn't he? "Hey, (Y/N), can I talk to you alone for a second?" Laurence asked me out of the blue, catching the attention of almost everyone around us.

"Um, yeah," I replied, standing up from my chair to follow him out of the library and into the empty hallway. "So what do you want?" I asked him awkwardly, leaning back on the green lockers.

"I have a solution to your problem," He said, moving some of his hair that fell in front of his face.

"What problem?"

Laurence gave me a deadpan look, not expecting me to actually ask him what my own problem was. Oh, yeah. Maybe it was the fact that I'm homeless and I have nowhere to sleep tonight. I worried about that constantly today, even if I was thinking of Gene.

"Look, I thought about this for a while and I know someone that you might be able to stay with. Her name is Aphmau. Now, her mom's a bit... strict- but that won't be a problem. I think her mom will like you."

Yeah, until she find out about my dad kicking me out and my mom... let's not talk about that. "Aphmau, huh. That sounds like the name of the girl in my werewolf class."

"Wait," Laurence paused, looking very puzzled, "You're in werewolf class?"

"Yeah," I answered him, shrugging slightly, "They messed up my schedule and put me in that class."

"They probably thought you were a werewolf because of how mean you are," Laurence laughed, trying to make it obvious that he was joking.

I punched his arm and retorted, "They probably switched my schedule with yours. I mean, you grow hair so fast, who wouldn't think that you're a werewolf?"

Wow, that sounded pretty lame.

"Is being a werewolf bad?" Someone said from down the hall, making me freeze in my place.

"No, werewolf for us means cats. We have our own secret language," Laurence nervously chuckled as the werewolf came closer.

"You're lucky that you saved yourselves, nerds," The werewolf growled as he made his way into the library.

"That was a close call," I laughed quietly, smiling a bit at Laurence.

"Yeah," he laughed with me.

I glanced back again at the black haired, caramel-eyed girl sitting in the back corner of the classroom. How would I get to talk to her? It would be weird if I just went up there to talk to her when I don't even know her. It would be even weirder to ask her if I could spend the night at her house.

Absentmindedly, I tapped the desk with my finger, trying to calm myself down. Of course, someone had to ruin it though.

"Can you keep it down? That's annoying." The guy next to Aphmau complained, glaring at me with his black, beady eyes. I just stared at him, refusing to stop tapping my finger on the desk.

I could tell that he was getting annoyed when his eyebrows creased and his fists clenched. The werewolf who sat next to me just glanced at me disapprovingly, not liking that I was tapping my finger either.

The minute the guy was about to blow his fuse, Aphmau stepped in. "Calm down," She whispered fiercely at him before shooting me a small smile, "Sorry but I guess that noise is kind of distracting for other people."

This is my time to speak to her! "Hey-" Suddenly, the bell rang, cutting me off from finishing my sentence."

I guess I'll have to wait until after class then.


I know, this was one slow and boring chapter but I promise the next one will be better.


I have a poll out right now about who my new book should be about and what series it should be located in.

Here are the links:

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I hope you all have a lovely day/night and have a great summer (if you're almost there!)

- Author~Chan

Thinking is a Sin (Zane x Reader) Phoenix Drop HighWhere stories live. Discover now