Chapter 11

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"It was the men I deceived the most that I loved the most."
- Marguerite Duras

Chapter 11 - The Truth

I just stared at the white tile, my mind blank as I sat in the bathroom away from everyone. Aphmau, Sylvana, and Zianna were constantly attempting to get me out of the bathroom but I wouldn't listen to them. I was too nervous about what they would say, I could practically hear their thoughts playing in my head after Laurence announced my secret in front of everyone.

'Homeless? Why would she be homeless?'


'I can see why they're homeless.'

'I wouldn't want to be seen around them.'

All those thoughts constantly raided my mind, replaying over and over like a broken record. The silence was suffocating, no one said a word, probably too appalled to even talk to me. In an instant, I shot out of my seat and rushed to the bathroom, too many emotions raging in my mind. My heart ached at the look on their faces as Laurence spoke the word "homeless".

I locked the bathroom door behind me as I walked in and slowly lowered myself the floor, gripping my hair and pulling on it. "Don't cry," I constantly murmured to myself, cradling myself in an attempt to calm down. Once I got to the point that I couldn't handle, I decided to turn off my brain, letting my emotions and train of thought fall into a black hole in the back of my mind.

"(Y/N)," Aphmau spoke again, sounding exhausted, "Please come out, we want to see you."

I still ignored her, not speaking a word. I was too devastated and worried about what they would say. I'm a bit surprised they haven't used a key for the door yet.

All of a sudden, the door clicks, making me raise my head quickly. Zane walked in and closed the door behind him, acting like nothing happened.

"(Y/N)," He started, "Do you know how annoying you're being?" In response, I just looked down at the floor, twiddling my thumbs because of my anxiousness. Zane sighed, sitting down far away from me. "You know, they're extremely worried and you're just in here not even helping them."

Was he trying to make me feel bad? Okay, I get it, it's not my best choice to ignore them but I can't help the thought of being rejected again just like my father did to me.

"Are you going to talk?" Zane growled, making me jump.

I shook my head no, pressing my thumbs together with force.

"Can you at least tell me what happened?" He asked, catching my attention. I have him a confused look, furrowing my eyebrows. "You're homeless. How?"

"My dad," I spoke quietly, my voice cracking because my throat was dry, "He kicked me out."


"I was spending too much time with Gene." I couldn't believe that I was telling him all of this. Something pushed me to tell him and I couldn't stop myself.

"Spending too much time with Gene?" Zane scoffed, "That's why you got kicked out?"

"He accused me of caring more about my friends than my family because I would never get home on time."

The black-haired freshman shook his head in disappointment. "Then what did your mother say?"

I felt my throat constrict as I struggled to find a response. "They're divorced and I've never really had a good relationship with my stepmother."

"So they live in different houses?" I nodded my head. "Why can't you just go live with her then?"

"It's more complicated than that," I laughed dryly, not wanting to answer his question.

"In what way? Does she not have custody of you or something?"


"That doesn't mean that you can't sneak out to go to her. Your dad won't call the police because he's the one who kicked you out."

"I just can't," I said, getting a bit aggravated at him trying to pry answers from me.

"Then what's the big problem?" He seemed to be getting more annoyed too, even if he seems peeved all the time.

"Why do you need to know?" I snapped at him, not enjoying his nosiness.

"Well sorry for trying to understand you," Zane sassed. I watched as he stood up and walked to the door, a permanent frown on his face, "God, all I was doing was trying to help and you're not even grateful."

"Wait," I stood up and caught his wrist as he was about to turn the knob. My legs felt like jello because of how long I was sitting but I ignored it and focused on Zane. "Please don't go."

Zane glared at me under his hair but sighed and took his hand off the knob, shaking my hand off his wrist. "You have some explaining to do." I just nodded in response and sat back on the floor, looking up silently at the freshman.

"First of all," he started, "When did your dad kick you out?"

I looked at the floor, my cheeks tinted red from embarrassment. "Um, that day that I found you at the park."

Zane squinted his eyes at me and shook his head. "What the heck were you doing at the park?"

"I was trying to find Gene. He told me that I could find him there if anything went wrong but he ended up leaving before I got there," I answered him, still not pleased with his irritating attitude.

"So when you didn't find him, you found me?"

"Yeah, you were just taking a stroll. I was just planning on talking to you but then it kind of escalated into this," I laughed softly, folding my hands together.

"So when you were calling your dad to make sure-"

"I never called him," I told him quickly, "I haven't spoken to him since he kicked me out."

"Then why don't you try? He might take it back-"

"No," I told him, a disgusted look appearing on my face. "I don't want to go back there."

"Why not."

"It's just," I paused, trying to find a good explanation, "They don't understand me."

"Then why don't you go live with your mom? Just because she doesn't own custody doesn't mean your dad is going to call the police and complain about it. From what you're telling me, you're dad doesn't care what you're doing right now."

"I can't-"

"Why not?"

"Because my mom is..."

"You're mom is what?" Zane almost shouted, getting angry at the lack of answers he was getting.

I was almost in tears, thinking the worst was going to happen when I told him the truth. Everyone is still so shocked about me being kicked out that after they hear about this I think everything will be over.

"Well?" He sassed, putting a hand on his hip while raising an eyebrow.

"My mom is in jail," I finally blurted out, tears rushing down my cheeks, not caring if Zane was staring at me in shock. I just wish he won't think I'm crazy.


Hullo my Reader~Chans! Are you liking the cliffhangers?

Trust me, if you thought this one was bad, you would not want to hear another one I had in mind. (I texted Goob about this too) I was planning on ending it with "My mom is-" but I ended up giving the rest because I felt bad about it and I didn't want to be that cruel.

I'm sorry for the cliffhanger, Reader~Chans! I love you all nonetheless. Have a wonderful day/night!

- Author~Chan

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