Chapter 17

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Appreciate this amazing fan art made by WeirdKaylahFox I love it so much.

"Never make a decision when you are upset, sad, jealous or in love."
- Mario Teguh

Chapter 17 - Rumor

I stood in the open frozen in shock for a few moments, trying to comprehend what Laurence just told me. What was his deal? What did I do? God, he has a really bad attitude today. Maybe he's had a bad morning and I should just leave him alone for a while.

I sighed, turning around to walk to class, dreading detention later.

It wasn't just Laurance, everyone seems off today. I've gotten strange looks from everyone around me, making me extremely uncomfortable. Some people looked genuinely confused while others looked more curious. Others sent nasty looks my way and I didn't hesitate to return them.

Everyone's just so weird today, it's making me a bit anxious. It's especially nerve-wracking now because it's lunch and everyone is walking around talking and just stalling around the place. I was getting more unnecessary looks than I wanted.

"Stop saying that!" I heard a person yell from across the room. I turned around at the familiar squeaky voice, looking over to see what was wrong.

Zane had a red face and was yelling at some other person, maybe one of his friends. I don't know if he even had any but it was just a guess.

Cautiously, I started to follow Zane, worried about his outburst. "Zane!" I called out for him while also catching the attention of other peers around us.

Zane paused when he heard me call his name, slowly turning around with his normal displeased look. "You know, this is your fault too."

I tried to think of anything that related to what he was talking about. What did I do wrong- no, we do wrong? Everyone was looking at us weirdly, stopping their other conversations to listen to us.

Zane rolled his eyes and took a hold of my arm, practically dragging me to an empty hallway.

"What's going on? What are you talking about?"

Zane stopped and let go of my arm, turning around. "You really don't know what's going
on, do you?" He questioned me, squinting his pale blue eyes- wait, I mean eye.

"No clue."

Zane deeply sighed, dragging his hand down his face. "There's rumors going around... about you and I."

I noticed the pink tint starting to form on his cheeks as he attempted to hide his face. "What are they about?"

"They think that we're a thing."

A thing? Like what thing. Ugh, teenage drama. People just need to leave it alone.

"And it's your fault too. If we hadn't of walked together to school this morning it would have never happened."

I laughed, "Zane, we were coming from the same place, how could we not walk together. I mean, unless you want to run to school."

"Me? Run? Nice try (Y/N)."

"Well I guess your stuck because I'm not running either," I stated, shrugging my shoulders.

"Can we just try to find a way to make the rumors stop?" He asked me, seeming very annoyed from all of the talking going on behind our backs.

"We'll find a way, don't worry Zane," I told him, patting his shoulder lightly to try to get him to loosen up. "You know," I laughed, "Sounds like you don't really like me."

"Who would?" Zane and I stood silent for a few moments before he let out a chuckle, "I'm just kidding, but I obviously don't like you in that way."

I didn't really feel hurt from what he said. I mean, I don't think I liked him in that way either. "So you're saying you like me as a friend?" I asked him, grinning mischievously.

Zane's face suddenly reddened as he started stuttering out of shock. "W-W-What? A-Are you c-crazy?" I laughed clutching onto my shirt to exaggerate it a bit. Zane instantly shot me a glare, his cheeks still burning red. "Whatever. We should go eat lunch, it's about to end soon."

"Wait, what?" I exclaimed, looking around frantically for a clock. Zane's right, we only have ten minutes left! Curse schools and their short lunch times. "My food!" I whined, "I need it!"


Day one of band camp is complete. Sorry I didn't write as much this week but I'm so tired and literally cannot feel my legs. I'm posting this early too because I know I'm going to sleep really soon. I might miss next week's update depending on how I feel.

If any of you have suggestions on what should come next, go ahead and comment them and I might use them.

Have a wonderful day my Reader~Chans!

- Author~Chan

Thinking is a Sin (Zane x Reader) Phoenix Drop HighWhere stories live. Discover now