Chapter 5

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"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
-Marilyn Monroe

Chapter 5 - New Guest

I made my way down the stairs and into the dining room, Zane following behind me. "You're grumpy," I pointed out before walking into the dining room.

"And you're annoying," Zane grumbled under his breath, sitting down in the only seat that was open which happened to be next to me.

"Take your time and enjoy darling," Zianna told me, grinning from across the table.

I smiled back at her before I started to eat the food on my plate. "A-And she just left me!" Vylad complained a gloomy look now painted on his face.

I looked up confusingly, not sure what he was exactly talking about. "Maybe she didn't want to talk to you," Garroth suggested before taking another spoonful of his potatoes.

"Or maybe she just thought you were bothersome," Zane shrugged.

"Zuzu!" Zianna scolded him.

"I thought you always wanted me to tell the truth," He responded, looking down at his plate.

I tried my best not to show I was laughing but it was fairly difficult considering I was shaking and covering my mouth. When I looked up, I noticed that all of their eyes were on me. "Sorry," I said, causing me to break and burst out laughing. Once I calmed down, I looked at Vlyad apologetically, "I'm sorry Vlyad. You're not annoying, don't listen to Zane. He just has a chip on his shoulder."

Zianna laughed, smiling widely at me, "You look adorable when you laugh (Y/N)."

I looked at her shocked, not expecting her to compliment me. "Thank you?" I said, but it came out more like a question.

"Adorkable," Zane chuckled quietly next to me.

"Thanks," I told him, "Your room looks adorkable."

Zane shot me a glare, making me roll my eyes in response.

"Hey, mom, can Laurence come over for a bit to hang out?" Garroth spoke up.

"Laurence? Sure he can!"

"Laurence?" I questioned, "Laurence Zvahl?"

"Yeah," Garroth offered me a smile, "You know him?"

"I do," I told him. "We're both sophomores after all." Another reason I know him is because he used to be a part of the Shadow Knights and usually when someone is affiliated with Gene, I know them.

"True," Garroth replied.

"Well, let's get cleaned up before he gets here," Zianna told us, looking at our empty plates.

"Come in, come in," I heard Zianna say from downstairs. I looked over at Zane who was playing some video game that I wasn't really familiar with.

"Are you not going to go say hi?" Zane asked me, glancing back at me for a split second.

"No," I said, pulling my legs close to my chest to get comfortable, "I don't think I should."

His face contorted with puzzlement. "Why?"

"It's kind of complicated."

Ever since Laurence quit the shadow knights, we just stopped talking. After a while, I overheard that he no longer liked us which kind of hurt considering we were pretty close. Soon enough, Gene and he had an argument and that made things worse. I don't really think he wants to talk to me now since I'm associated with Gene.

"Whatever," Zane grumbled, focusing back on his game.

I twiddled my thumbs, trying to think of something to do to distract me for a while. No, I'm not planning on staying here all day but I want to linger here for a bit longer before I go out trying to find a place to stay with no money.

"(Y/N) is here?"

I tensed up from suddenly hearing my name being called from downstairs. Zane chuckled, obviously amused by me being startled. In response, I shot him a glare before getting on the floor and hiding behind his bed.

"You know they're going to find you," Zane said, pausing his game and swiveling around in his chair.

I sighed and stood up on the floor momentarily before I threw myself on his bed, covering my face in his covers.

"Gross," Zane shuddered, "Get off my bed, I don't want your germs."

"But it's so comfortable." And I won't have a bed to sleep in for a while so it's nice to enjoy one while I have it.

Zane groaned, standing up and walking to his door, shooting me a glare and calling out, "(Y/N) is in here! Please get them!"

My head shot up and I looked at him in disbelief. Why would he do that? Was it because I refused to get off his bed?

I heard some shuffling outside the door until Zane's door shot open. I looked at his blue eyes. and slightly disheveled light brown hair. I groaned, instantly shoving my head back into the bed's covers.

"(Y/N), what are you doing here?" I heard Laurence ask me.

Looking up, I smiled at him. "I'm just hanging out with Zane for a while."

"I don't want them here," Zane groaned, "Please take them somewhere else."

I clutched onto his bed covers, continuing to glare at him. "I'm not leaving this bed."

Zane scoffed, "What's so special about my bed. You have your own bed at home so just go there!"

A pang of hurt coursed through my body but I ignored it and just chose to stuff my head back in the covers. "Come on (Y/N)," Laurence spoke, "I want to talk to you."

"Well, you're doing that right now," I pointed out.


I slowly and reluctantly let go of Zane's bed and started to follow Laurence out of the room. We made our way to another empty hallway before he decided to turn around and speak to me.

"What's been going on?"

Thinking is a Sin (Zane x Reader) Phoenix Drop HighWhere stories live. Discover now