Chapter 18

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I'm sorry for not updating last Tuesday but I'm back and I'm writing fast! (Stop lying Author~Chan) I need to stop being weird and let you all continue.

"Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die."
- Carrie Fisher

Chapter 18 - Solving Problems

Good news, I was able to eat lunch in the little time I had available. Well, I more like inhaled my food but that's not the point. I got to eat and that's what's important.

The only thing that bothered me after I got my food was all of the staring. Can people just mind their own business? I don't want to inhale my food while you're all up in my face with your nasty breath. I'm just kidding, I'm sure you brushed your teeth this morning (at least I hope).

My classes after lunch weren't that eventful at all. Just boring lectures, some English lessons, blah blah blah. Maybe this is why people make all this drama up in school because otherwise, we would literally die of boredom here.

Detention was the only thing that I was really looking forward to, believe it or not. I really wanted to figure out what was going on with Laurance, whether he was actually mad at me or if he was having a phase. Something just unsettled me when he told me that he would like to talk to anyone but me. Does he have a secret that he doesn't want me to know? Maybe he fancies me. No, too weird. Laurance liking me? Gross.

I finally made it to detention and sat in the seat behind Laurance. When I realized that he was going to switch desks the moment the teacher came in, I grabbed onto his uniform and pulled him back down into his seat.

The teacher lazily strode over to his swivel chair and took a seat, giving us all a look. "Just don't be loud and stay in your seat." With that, he rolled his head to the side and closed his eyes, looking to catch up on some sleep.

I beamed, knowing that I could talk to Laurance without any trouble and he couldn't move away from me. Taking my pencil, I flipped it around so that the eraser part was pointing at Laurance and I poked him in the shoulder with it.

I was disappointed when Laurance didn't react and just continued to fiddle with his ink pen. Of course, I was not going to let that stop me so I took on another attack and twisted my pencil back around so that the sharpened part now faced Laurance.

Now stop thinking that I'm going to stab him (Does sound a bit fun though) because then I would get in even more trouble and I don't want to get suspended. Instead, I lightly grazed it on the back of his neck, causing him to cover it with his hand and give me a glare.

"What do you want?" He harshly whispered over towards me, not wanting to disturb the teacher.

"I want to know why you're mad at me," I told him, resting my cheek against my palm while I stared at him blankly.

Laurance just rolled his eyes in response and twisted back around in his seat. Well, I guess that leaves plan C. I took the sharp end of my pencil and reached over his desk, stabbing his hand. No, not hard, I didn't penetrate his hand of anything. Maybe left a little mark.

"Ow!" He hissed, pulling his hand away violently.

"Quiet please!" The teacher's voice boomed, shooting a glare towards Laurance.

Laurance mumbled a sorry before he looked over at me. If looks could kill. "Why did you do that?"

"You didn't respond to me!" I whisper yelled since I didn't want to get in trouble with the teacher.

"That doesn't mean you have to stab me!"

"Oh man up Laurance," I joked patting his back, "Do I need to kiss it to make it feel better?"

Laurance's face turned beer red as he stood at me shocked, not knowing what to say. "I-I- What? Gross, no!"

"Keep it down or I won't hesitate to put you in more detention Laurance Zvahl," The teacher grumbled, grabbing an eye mask from inside his desk.

"Laurance, please tell me what's wrong, we were fine yesterday."

Laurance hesitated, glancing behind me. I was about to try and see what he was looking at but he started talking again, "How long have you been- you know."

I looked at him confused, not sure what he was trying to say. "What?"

Laurance lowered his voice a bit, "How long have you been dating Zane?"

Ugh, Laurance believes in that rumor? You have to be kidding me. "Really?" I looked at him deadpanned. "You believe that I'm dating Zane?"

"I mean there is-"

"It's just a rumor Laurance, I'm not dating anyone."

"But what about-"

"Wait a minute," I say, staring at his puzzled complexion, "Why would you care in the first place?"

Laurance stayed silent, scourging his thoughts for an answer. Immediately, a grin appears on my face as I prepared to tease him.

"Were you jealous because you thought I had a boyfriend while you didn't have a girlfriend (or boyfriend, whatever floats your boat)?"

"Totally not!" Laurance whispered back, "I just, you know. You're like a sister to me so it's kind of like I have to be protective."

"Uh-huh," I laughed, "I think of you as a brother so I guess it's kind of the same for me."

Whenever I looked over at the clock to check the time, Laurance's face dropped but he smiled again once I directed my attention back to him. "That's good."

"Well, you want to walk home with me like you did yesterday?"

"Actually, no, I have some stuff to do before I leave."

That's weird, he doesn't usually quit on me whenever I ask him if he wants to walk with me. It's okay though, he probably just wants to get the stuff he has to do done as quick as e can before heading home and me being there will only drag him down.

"Okay, suit yourself."


I had a nice break but it's short lived because guess what... I start school next week! Yayyyy. I love school! (Is dying inside *cue the picture I linked)

So I got this idea from lilsimsie on YouTube (because I love the sims) and I want to start this thing where you all comment bad pickup lines and I'll put one or two in the next chapter. (Keep it PG please 😂)

So comment your favorite bad (PG) pickup line!

Also, leave some suggestions if you have any and you want me to use them!

I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! Toodles!

- Author~Chan

Why am I so cringeworthy?
Also thank you so much for 2.6K, I love you all

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