Chapter 24

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"When love is not madness it is not love."
- Pedro Calderón de la Barca

Chapter 24 - Confrontation

For some reason, the teasing increased on the way back home from school. It wasn't unusual for Garroth and Laurance to joke around about you and Zane but they normally stopped when you asked them too. This time, they wouldn't shut up.

You were starting to think that they somehow had a problem and physically could not shut their mouths.

Ultimately, you blamed them for the awkward atmosphere between you two when you got back to the house. You and Zane just pretended like nothing happened. You were sprawled out of his bed like normal as he sat his computer chair. The only difference this time is that Zane wasn't playing his computer game like the other times, he was participating in the conversation.

"Are you okay?" Zane questions, looking at you with concern.

You snapped out of your head, sputtering out an answer, "Wha- yes, yeah I'm fine."

Zane nodded his head slowly, his crystal blue eyes making you a bit more nervous. "So, is there anything new going on?"

"Not particularly, how about you?"

Zane was deep in thought for a moment, just staring at his dark bedroom wall before shaking his head abruptly, "N-Nope."

You raised an eyebrow at him, sitting up on the bed to have a better view. "Really? That doesn't sound convincing."

"Shut up, I'm sure." Zane huffed, his face red with embarrassment.

You laughed, falling back onto the bed, "Whatever you say, emo kid."

Walking through the school hallway in the morning was like walking through a corridor filled with zombies. No one was awake and, of course, no one wanted to be here either.

Usually, your mornings were very relaxing (other than the nonstop teasing from Garroth and Laurance) but today, it changed. As you were taking your normal walk to your homeroom, a hand popped out from a janitor's closet, pulling you inside. You were about to scream but the person covered your mouth, not allowing you to even make the smallest peep.

"It's okay (Y/n)," The girl said, finally turning on the light.

Your eyes widened at the troubling three. When the raven uncovered your mouth, you quietly whispered harshly to them. "Really guys? It's too early for this! What are you doing?"

Aphmau looked over at Kawaii-Chan and Katelyn before turning back to you with a mischievous smirk on her face.

"So, talk to us... you and Zane."

"What about Zane and I?" You asked, trying to act like normal but you could feel your cheeks already heating up.

"Come on (Y/n)! You don't have to act anymore, we already know you like him!"

"What in the world are you talking about?" You rolled your eyes, turning around to let yourself out. "You all are crazy. If that's it, I'm leaving."

"No!" Kawaii-Chan shouted, grabbing your arm and yanking you away from the door. Katelyn quickly stepped in front of the exit to keep you from escaping.

"Really guys? What do you want?"

"The truth." Katelyn spoke up, "We want to know how you few about Zane."

"How I feel about Zane?" You questioned, "Zane's a really good friend." Aphmau motioned you on, making you sigh. "Zane's a really sweet person."

"Sweet? Haha, your kidding!" Katelyn laughed.

"No, he's a really kind person if you get to know him. He's also a person who would never leave you behind, he waits for you no matter what, even if he doesn't admit it."

"Really?" Aphmau intervened.

"Yes, and not to mention he's super fun to hang out with, I could have a conversation with him for hours."

The girls looked at each other before putting their attention back on you.

"It's so cute how he will get flustered even over the littlest things! Then if he gets really into something, his eyes will just light up- wait... you guys set me up."

Kawaii-Chan laughed, "(Y/n) really likes Zane."

You groaned, putting your head in your hands. "Okay, fine. I do like Zane but never tell him. Please just don't say anything, I don't want to rush."

"It's okay (Y/n), we won't say anything."

"So anything new with (Y/n)?" Laurance questioned Zane, earning a sharp glare.

"Why do you care?" Zane hissed, unhappy that you left him with the two people he couldn't stand.

Garroth made kissy faces as Laurance laughed, "Zane, it's obvious you have a crush on them."

"What crush? There's literally nothing going on, we're just really good friends."

"And you wish to be something more," Laurance pressed on, standing in front of Zane. "Come on, Zane, man up. You like them but you're too afraid to admit it."

Zane bit his lip, contemplating the whole thing. He knew that he thought of you differently but he was too afraid to explore and figure out what it was. He was too afraid that it would ruin the friendship you already had and he didn't want to risk it, especially after the experience of almost losing you a few days ago.

"Stop acting dumb Laurance and go to class."

Your phone was buzzing for the past five minutes, it was driving you absolutely insane. At first, you thought someone was pulling a prank, thinking that they would do it because they knew you were in class but when you realized that it wasn't stopping, you began to think about it.

What if something bad happened and someone was trying to get ahold of you?

As quick as you could, you excused yourself to go to the bathroom, grabbing your phone out of your backpack on the way there. Once you pulled it out, the number showed up, but it wasn't a contact on your phone. When the call ended, you checked the recent calls and saw that it was the same number that called you 20 other times.

You were about to press on it when they started calling again. Suspicious of what it might be about, you answered and slowly put it up to your ear. "Hello?"

"(Y/n), I have something to discuss. It's about your mom."


Ooo, cliffhanger. There's not much left, so stay tuned for the next few chapters! This book is sadly coming to an end soon. I know some of you might be sad and I'm sorry but it has to end sometime.

I hope you all enjoyed and have a wonderful Christmas because I don't know if I'll be able to post before then. I love you all~ goodbye.

- Author~Chan

Thinking is a Sin (Zane x Reader) Phoenix Drop HighWhere stories live. Discover now