Chapter 3

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"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Chapter 3 - Dinner

Where am I going to live now?

I allowed myself to think a bit until I remembered what Gene told me. "If anything bad happens, you would know where to find us."

The park, that's where I should go. No, I wasn't planning on living in the park, I was thinking that maybe I could spend the night at Gene's house for a "sleepover." Of course, he doesn't need to know the full story of what happened, I can just tell him that my "now not dad" and I got in a fight and I don't want to spend the night there. Now, if I told him that I got kicked out, I'm worried that he'll get too carried away and start to make his way to my house with some bad intentions. I don't want him to go to juvie because of my disapproving "now not dad".

It didn't take that long to walk from my house to the park, maybe 20 minutes at the most. Once I got there, I checked the bridge where they would usually be hanging out by now, just graffitiing. For some reason, they weren't there, so I checked the place under the tree that we also sit at frequently. With my luck, of course, they weren't there either.

Did Gene seriously lie to me? Goodness, now I'm in a bit of trouble.

I strolled around the park, looking at things to get clues on what to do. Well, school didn't teach me to survive in my own, it only teaches me that box and whisker plots are completely useless... at least in math. Unless you want to be a mathematician, maybe you'd use it then. I groaned, getting really irritated that I couldn't find Gene.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a person with blonde hair walk by. I ignored him, not really believing that it was someone that I knew. But then I recognized another person walking my way.

"Zane," I let his name slip out of my mouth.

The 'Emo Kid' looked up, taking his eyes off of the gravel and adjusting them on me. "You," he sneered, scrunching up his nose.

"Hey," I greeted him, smiling slightly to try and ease the awkward aroma around us.

"What are you doing here?"

I let my smile drop and set my hand on my hip, a bit irritated from his attitude. "Just because I hang out with Gene doesn't mean that you need to act like you're 'all that'. I'm just saying hi, don't get your panties in a twist."

Zane groaned while rolling his eyes and stopped in front of me. "What do you need?"

"I already said-"

"Aww, Zuzu! I didn't know that you had a friend!" I heard a lady say behind me.

Turning around, I saw a pale lady with black hair and azure blue eyes. "They're no-" Zane tried to speak up but the lady cut him off.

"Sweetie!" She squealed, scampering closer to me, "You're so cute! How did you meet my Zuzu?"

Zane groaned, placing his head on his hand in disappointment. Instead of reacting like Zane did, I decided to smile at her politely and stick out my hand. "I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you..."

The woman smiled back at me and shook my hand, giggling enthusiastically. "I'm Zianna, Zuzu's mother." After she shook my hand, she rested her palm on her hip. "Don't worry about hanging out with me because I'm hip with the kids!"

"Mom!" Zane grumbled while I lightly laughed at her zealousness.

Zianna laughed with me then grabbed my arms, smiling wide. "How about you come join us for dinner? I would love to have one of Zuzu's friends over!"

"Yes!" I blurted out. After pretending to clear my throat, I lowered my voice and answered again, "Yes, I would love to."

Zianna squealed and hugged me. "Make sure to talk to your parents to make sure it's okay."

"I will," I responded, turning around to catch a glimpse of Zane who was glaring at me with disappointment. 

"What?" I asked him, smiling innocently as I tilted my head to the side. "I'm going to call my parents." Zane kept an eye on me as I walked past him, pulling out my phone and pretending to dial a number.

"Dad?" I pretended to say into the phone," Yeah, I just wanted to ask you-" To make it more believable, I stifled a laugh before continuing. "I know, I know. Can I eat dinner at my friend's house?" After a second or two, I plastered a smile on my face, "Thank you! I'll see you later."

Afterward, I pretended to end the call and turned back around, locking eye contact with Zane who was looking at me suspiciously. "Have a problem?" I questioned him, putting my phone back in my pocket. 

"We're not friends," He pointed out, his voice rough.

"For now," I smiled at him, walking over to where Zianna was.

"We will never be friends," Zane growled at me.

"Would you really say that to the person who's friends with Gene?" I asked him, smirking devilishly.

He cursed under his breath before following behind me. "I can come," I told Zianna.

She squealed again and took my hands, jumping up and down. "Oh, that means I need to make a big dinner. Hold on for a second sweetie. Zuzu," She called out, "Can you go get your brothers so that we can head back quickly?"

"Do I have to?" Zane groaned in response. Is he always this grumpy?

"Yes," Zianna told him, "(Y/N) can help you if they would like to."


"No," Zane cut me off, "I can find them myself."

I can see why they call him 'Emo-Kid'.


I know, it's been a while. School, homework, blah blah blah. I know you don't want to hear it.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I'm having so much fun writing this book.

Do you have any feedback or suggestions?

Lots of love! ❤

- Author~Chan

Thinking is a Sin (Zane x Reader) Phoenix Drop HighWhere stories live. Discover now