Chapter 27 (END)

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Just a little note- the A/N at the end is REALLY important if you want to know what I'm doing in the future. Also I have a little note for all of you at the end.~

"And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time."

Chapter 27 - Mom

Zane sat in beside you in shock, not able to realize that you were admitting that you liked him too. You cared about him in more ways than just one.

Before Zane could even respond, you pulled away, a look of hurt and regret on your face. Zane didn't respond, only sitting there like a fish right out of water.

Trying to save yourself from the embarrassment, you stood up, taking a hold of Zane's arm as you walked toward your door. Zane stumbled, standing up quickly as you practically dragged him to your door. He was still fazed out from what just happened, not believing that you liked him back.

Once you softly pushed Zane out of your room, he noticed what you were doing, slamming his hand on your door to keep you from shutting it. "Wait-"

"No! Just leave me alone!" You yelled, tears pooling in your eyes.

"(Y/n), I didn't-"

"Zane, please just save me the embarrassment. I know you don't like me so just don't make it harder than it already is for me."

Zane wanted to yell out, grab you and tell you that he was just in shock, that he loved you too. But you didn't give him that chance, taking advantage of when he was distracted with his own thoughts. You shut the door in his face, locking the door before you turned around, sliding down against the door as you sobbed again.

You kept chanting to yourself that he didn't like you and that he was just your friend because he had to be.

Meanwhile, Zane was standing outside your door, still not able to do anything. He flinched every time he heard you cry, feeling his heart throb painfully. "(Y/n)," Zane started to say, sliding down the opposite side of the door, "you have to listen to me-"

"Just go away," You hissed, still heartbroken.

"Please just wait-"

"I told you to go away!"

Zane turned towards the door, his eyes pooling with tears. You were on the other side, hugging your legs as you chanted, "I shouldn't have said it, I shouldn't have said it."

"Honey, it's time for breakfast."

You laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling like you did all night. As much as you loved food, you skipped dinner last night, not feeling like you had much of an appetite. In the middle of the night, you were able to grab a snack and a glass of water before heading back to your room without being seen.

With a sigh, you slipped out of bed, lazily pulling on new clothes before messing with your hair, making it look somewhat presentable. You could see in the dresser mirror that you had terrible bags under your eyes but they also seemed to be swollen and red from where you cried last night. There was no fixing it, you couldn't even cover it. Instead, you would have to bear everyone seeing you even in this vulnerable state.

You stepped out of your room, trudging down the stairs before making your way to the dining room where everyone was already eating.

"Oh my Irene! What happened to you?" Zianna practically yelled, her face full of concern. You wished she hadn't, she put more of the attention on you.

Thinking is a Sin (Zane x Reader) Phoenix Drop HighWhere stories live. Discover now