Chapter 4

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"A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world."
- Leo Buscaglia

Chapter 4 - His House

While Zane took his time searching for his brothers, I was left with Zianna who was rambling on about how she's 'hip with the kids'. Zianna even mentioned how she snoops around to find teen trends, practically telling me that if I was hanging out with any of her boys, it wouldn't be a coincidence if I felt like someone was watching me. At one point she was about to dab to show me how much she knows, but I immediately stopped her from embarrassing herself. Instead, I made her focus on a stray cat that was prancing around in a field of flowers.

After waiting for what felt like years, Zane finally returned with his brothers with his normal 'I don't care, and you shouldn't care' look on his face. I let out a dramatic sigh, gripping onto Zane's shoulder, making him jump in his place. "Thank god you're back, I don't think I can last much longer," I said quietly, trying to make it only audible to him.

"Whatever," Zane responded, shaking my hand off his shoulder.

Goodness crybaby, okay. I rolled my eyes at him before glancing over at his brothers. "Garroth?" I questioned the one with bleach- wait, no- beach blonde hair and blue eyes. Garroth's eyes shot up from the ground, my voice apparently bringing him out of his daydream- well, technically night dream- or late afternoon dream- whatever.

"(Y/N)? Hey! I haven't seen you in a long time," Garroth greeted me.

I heard Zane huff behind me, "You two know each other?"

Turning around to look at Zane, I gave him a glare before explaining, "I know Laurence so it's kind of a given that I know Garroth."

"Laurence," Zane whispered quietly before shivering and turning back around.

"Aww, so you're friends with my Gargar too?" Zianna gushed, squeezing in between us.

"Mom!" Garroth whispered to her, his cheeks red.

I lightly chuckled before answering Zianna, "Not really, but we talk. He's in one of my classes and I know Laurence."

"Oh, so you're a sophomore (Y/N)?"

"Yeah," I answered her, scratching my arm nervously.

"That's so cool! As you already know, Gargar is a sophomore too! Now, Little Pea and ZuZu are freshmen."

"Little Pea?" I questioned her, not really sure what she was saying.

"Vylad!" Zianna squeaked, shuffling around to grab the boy's arm.

I squinted my eyes at the brunette boy to try and jog my memory. "Nope," I sighed, "I'm sorry, I don't recognize you. My name is (Y/N)."

Vylad nodded calmly, "My name is Vylad, it's nice to meet you."

"Ditto," I said slowly, kind of freaked out by his actions.

"Let's get going! It's going to get dark soon!" Zianna called, walking to the park's parking lot.

"Make yourself at home!" Zianna smiled as she walked into the house.

Reluctantly, I nodded and took off my shoes, setting them on the shoe rack that they had next to the front door. I made my way into the kitchen where Zianna was pulling out ingredients from the fridge.

"You can go into ZuZu's room if you want, he never does anything in his room. Usually, at this time, he's playing on his computer," Zianna chuckled.

I squinted my eyes at her curiously but shook it off, deciding it was better not to question her. She's crazy. I made my way up the stairs and to Zane's door. Before going inside, I knocked on the door to be safe.

"Go away," I heard Zane growl from inside.

I rolled my eyes in response and opened the door anyway, walking inside his room with no care. "Hey!" Zane yelled at me, "I told you to go away!"

"That's not how you treat guests," I smirked at him. He growled at me before turning back around to focus on his computer game. "What are you playing?" I asked him, sneaking up behind his computer chair.

"None of your business," Zane replied, turning off his computer monitor before swiveling around in his chair to shoot me a glare. "What are you doing in here?"

"Zianna said I could come in here if I wanted. She told me that you would be playing a game on your computer," I stopped for a second to laugh, "Does she actually know what you're doing all the time?"

"Shut up," Zane told me quietly, his cheeks red.

I chuckled and patted his shoulder, which he didn't like. "It's okay," I told him, taking my hand off his shoulder when he gave me a death glare, "I would much rather have a mother that knows what I'm doing all day than not having a mother at all."

"What are you talking about," Zane bit at me, "Everyone has to have a mother, otherwise no one would be here."

"Yeah, I suppose that's true."

"Dinner's ready!" Zianna hollered from downstairs, making me almost jump out of my skin.

With a scowl on his face, Zane groaned and stood up, walking to the door. "Are you coming?" Zane asked bitterly, opening the door for me to walk through.

"Goodness, what's got you so worked up?" I muttered while I walked past him. Maybe I teased him too much.

Or maybe Gene is right, he's annoying.


Heh, heh. Sorry for like- not uploading. Also sorry for this really short chapter. I really want to get better on uploading chapters but I can never find the time to write. >.<

Plus, I'm a huge procrastinator. That makes it even worse for me.

Anyway, I hope you liked it and I'll try to upload the next chapter sooner.

Also, for the people who suggested some ideas, thank you so much! I'll try to incorporate them in my story sometime soon!

Lots of love! ❤

- Author~Chan

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