Chapter 23

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"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
- Lao Tzu

Chapter 23 - Strange Feelings

Zane's mind had been wondering the whole day at school and it didn't go unnoticed. Aphmau was glancing over at him in homeroom, pondering why his was just staring at the wall, his eyes dull like normal.

"Zane," She spoke, turning away from her not-alone buddy to try and figure out what was so different.

Zane spun his head around, finally coming to his senses and put his signature frown back on his face (even though you can't really see it). "What do you want?"

Aphmau narrowed her eyes at him, huffing as she turned back around, "I don't even understand why (Y/N) talks to you."

Your name caught the attention of Zane since his mind was previously focused on you. "What about (Y/N)?"

Aphmau glanced back around at him. "I said that I don't understand why they talk to you."

Even though Zane didn't want to admit it, Aphmau's words hurt him a bit. It wasn't because it was Aphmau who said it, but it was because he thought the same thing. He also didn't get why you talked to him, given his extremely introverted nature. Zane also believed that he was very annoying at times, but only when he looks back on moments.

Instead of responding to Aphmau, Zane turned his head and ignored her for the rest of homeroom.

You were quiet at lunch, just poking around the food on your plate while your mind replayed the event that occurred this morning. You cringed, still extremely embarrassed from spewing out the things you didn't want to say.

"That's because it was about you."

You groaned, hitting your head on the table in frustration. You were confused and irritated at why Zane was always on your mind.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Aphmau asked you from across the lunch table.

Slowly, you raised your head, moving your hair out of your face. "Yeah, there's just someone on my mind." Everyone's eyes widened, completely speechless after what you said. Once you finally processed what was going on, your eyes widened as well, scolding yourself for screwing up once again. "I-I meant something-"

"Who?" Kawaii~Chan pressed, leaning in towards you.

"I said that I didn't mean-"

"Come on (Y/N), there has to be someone on your mind. Have you seen yourself today? You're totally crushing on someone!" Katelyn joined, leaning in as well.

"What are you guys doing?" Laurance butted in, causing everyone at the lunch table to groan in annoyance, well, except for you. You were grateful he decided to intrude your conversation, switching the attention off you and onto him.

"Really Laurance? (Y/N) was going to tell us the person they liked!"

Well, not completely off you.

"(Y/N) likes someone?" Laurance raised his eyebrow, looking over at you.

You weren't completely oblivious to Laurance's slight crush on you but you were always to nervous to say anything, not wanting to ruin your relationship more with all of the problems you've had recently.

"I never said that-"

"(Y/N) was dozing off about someone," Kawaii~Chan swooned, her eyes almost representing hearts.

"Ugh, I said I meant to say something, not someone."

"Sorry (Y/N), but you're secret's out," Aphmau laughed, smirking as she leaned closer, "So, you were going to tell us who it is?"

"Who what is?" Garroth decided to intrude, once again making everyone groan.

You laughed, getting up from the lunch table. "I guess it was proven that you can't get it out of me so you might as well stop trying."

"So you admit there is someone!" Katelyn beamed causing Kawaii~Chan to start squealing in excitement.

Your face started to heat up as you struggled to respond, not even sure if you liked someone or not. That someone being Zane.

"I-I didn't mean it like that," You stuttered, trying to hide your totally red face.

"Haha, you can't hide it now!" Garroth laughed, "Little (Y/N) has a crush!"

You glared at him, "Shut up Garroth, we're in the same grade!"

"Still older than you!" Garroth called out as you walked away, once again, in embarrassment.

Zane strolled up to the lunch table shortly after you left.

"Why isn't (Y/N) here?" He asked, looking around the lunch table before scanning the cafeteria.

"You just missed them," Laurance said, causing Zane to groan.

"Yeah, they left," Aphmau spoke up.


The table all started to chuckle and give each other glances.

"We were just teasing (Y/N) about her crush~" Aphmau responded.

Zane's eyes widened as he looked at Aphmau. He never knew you had a crush and honestly, he didn't know why he cared.

"Really? Who is it?"

"Why would you want to know?" Garroth questioned, raising his eyebrow playfully.

"I-I just," Zane struggled, his face slowly becoming red.

"Aw, Zane likes (Y/N)!" Kawaii~Chan spoke up, laughing at Zane's flustered expression.

"I never said that!" Zane defended himself, glaring at Kawaii~Chan.

"Then why is your face so red?" Aphmau teased him.

"I-I just-" Zane was at a lost for words. He didn't know how he felt about you. Yes, he thought that you two were really good friends but something about it bugged him and he wasn't sure what it was. "It happens okay?" Zane yelled as he walked away.

Aphmau grinned at everyone, her eyes glistening mischievously. "Let's make a plan."


Happy Thanksgiving!

I really wanted to get this chapter or for you all because you deserve it. Even though I've been really inactive lately, everyone still showed so much support last chapter and I literally almost cried. You all make me so happy~

I hope you all have a great day and I hope stuff your face with food like I am going to.

- Author~Chan

Thinking is a Sin (Zane x Reader) Phoenix Drop HighWhere stories live. Discover now