Chapter 25

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"Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own."
- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Chapter 25 - Holding in

"Mom, what about mom?" You asked frantically into the phone, starting to pace in the short space in the stall.

"They're allowing visitors," Your father said gruffly, sounding like he just woke up even though it was 2 in the afternoon.

Your breath hitched as you tried to process what he said. Allowing visitors? "W-What does that mean?"

"It means that I'm taking you to see her tomorrow. Be grateful, this is the last thing I'm doing for you. Meet me at the house at 3 o'clock sharp." With that, he hung up, not waiting for a response.

After the line went dead, you stood there in disbelief. After years and years without having a true feminine role model, you'd finally meet the person you've been yearning to see? You were scared, beyond a doubt, you didn't know what your mom was like. You didn't know if she was like you or if she was as "stubborn" as your father. But, nonetheless, you wouldn't pass up an opportunity to meet her.

You never knew that meeting your mom would be such an emotional rollercoaster. You felt like you were going to explode the moment you stepped out of the bathroom but decided to keep it in because you didn't want everyone at school to see you.

Today you were anxious to get out of school but no one would think that it was out of the ordinary since it was Friday. The moment the bell rang, you were out of your seat and heading out the door, not waiting for your teacher to dismiss the class. You didn't care about getting detention, all you cared about was getting back home.

Home. It isn't your home. You've grown so close to the Ro'Meave family that you tended to call it home as crazy as it may sound. You wanted to call the Ro'Meaves your family but calling Zane your brother wasn't what you wanted to do. You thought much more than that of Zane.

At the moment, you didn't care about that. You didn't care that Garroth and Laurance were calling after you as you rushed out of the school. All you could concentrate on was keeping yourself from, to have some peace and quiet before anyone started talking to you.

You hastily came in through the front door, booking it to your room- well the "guest" room. Usually Zianna would greet you along with everyone else but, of course, she wasn't expecting you to be here so early. By the time Zianna made it to the front door, you already retreated to your room, leaving Zianna to wonder what happened to get you upset. Immediately, her mind wandered to her boys. She intended to do a full on interrogation the moment they stepped through the door.

As you were trying to collect your thoughts and hold back tears, the boys walked in through the front door, looking as puzzled as ever.

"Boys, why is (Y/n) so upset?" Zianna started, placing a sassy hand on her hip.

"(Y/n) is upset?" Zane questioned, glancing over at his blonde brother. Garroth told him that (Y/n) left before they could even speak to them, not that they were upset.

"Yes, upset. They came in through the front door and the next second they were gone!"

Zane looked up the stairs worriedly, knowing that something would have to be seriously wrong for you to just leave like that. Even after your dad kicked you out you had such a calm demeanor, no one would have known you were just abandoned. Now that you were showing signs in distress, he knew it had to be more complicated.

"Where did they go?" Zane asked frantically, dropping his bag to the floor instead of carrying it up to his room.

Zianna looked at her son, noticing the anxious look on his face. Ah, young love. But now was not the time. "I don't know, I would check their room."

Without wasting time, Zane rushed to the stairs and towards your room, leaving everyone in shock. Zane never runs.

You were hunched in your room, against the wall opposite to your door. You could tell you were feeling a bit better than you were a few moments ago but you were still a little bit more unstable than you wanted to be.


Your head rose at the voice coming from outside your room. Why would Zane be here?

"Are you in there?"

You swallowed, hoping to not sound too shaken. "Yes."

"Can I come in?"


Zane stood outside your room for a moment in silence, not understanding why you would keep him out. You two grew so close that he wasn't expecting for you to say no to him.

"Why not?" He asked, stepping closer to the door.

You didn't know what to say. 'Because I'm emotionally unstable'? You definitely could not say that, it would send him into a full on panic attack.

"(Y/n), please."

You stood up on shaky legs, carefully making yourself to your bedroom door, unlocking it slowly before opening the door. You allowed Zane to step in before shutting the door, not wanting any other people in the room.

"Are you okay?"

It was such a general question. You could easily say no, you weren't but that would lead to the question 'why', and you weren't sure you could do that without melting down right then and there.

Instead, you just went with, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Zane narrowed his eyes at you, knowing you were somehow lying. At this point, you cursed at yourself for getting so close to him that he could realize when you were lying straight through your teeth. "Come on (Y/n), don't make this hard."

"Zane, I'm not making it hard here, okay? I just don't want to talk about it."

"If you talk about it, then you'll feel better."

"Stop it Zane. You're not going to pry it out of me."

Zane sighed and rubbed his head with his hand, starting to get upset as well. "Look (Y/n), I'm here to listen but if you don't want to talk, I have no purpose here." He starts to walk to the door, opening it. "If you want to talk to me, I'll be in my room."


I hope you all liked it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'm on vacation right now and the internet really sucks so I'm sorry if I don't get to respond to all of you.

Since I'm on vacation (and I have to finish 3 summer reading books over the break) I'm probably not going to be able to finish the next chapter before Christmas and maybe even New Years.

That being said, I wish you all have a wonderful time during your break if you have one.

- Author~Chan

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