Chapter 10

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"Life is pain and the enjoyment of love is an anesthetic."
- Cesare Pavese

Chapter 10 - Yonderly

"T-The Ro'Meaves?" I almost choked as my eyes looked like they were about to pop out of my head.

"Is there a problem?" Sylvana asked me kindly, staring at my with a worried look.

"No, no problem." Except that I just left that house this morning. Zianna probably thought that I was going home today so it will be a surprise when I show up at their house saying that I'm spending the night at Aphmau's. I almost forgot that I told Sylvana that the person that I was planning on staying with ended up canceling. Maybe I'll tell her later that it was about two days ago. But I 'called' my parents asking if I could stay at Zane's house. I don't know anymore!

"We'll be going in about an hour or two," Sylvana mentioned, "Do you have different clothes (Y/N)? If not, I believe that you could try Mija's."

"I have clothes," I told her.

"Great! We'll leave her in an hour so I suggest that you two go get ready now!"

It didn't take that long to get ready, I just put on a simple black dress shirt and some nice dress pants. Aphmau, on the other hand, put on a red dress with a white belt on the waist. She also slipped on a bracelet and a red headband.

I know it's kind of bad to compare myself to other people but she just seemed so much more attractive than me. Don't think, I tell myself, It's just hurting you in the end.

"You look beautiful," I complimented Aphmau.

She blushed, her tan completion on her cheeks reddening. "T-Thank you," She stuttered nervously, "You do too."

I smiled and walked to her bedroom door, stopping myself from opening her door. "Do you think that we should go down already?"

"Yeah, we probably should," Aphmau responded, happily skipping toward the door.

I opened it and motioned Aphmau to go through, kind of like when guys say, "Ladies first," and motion their hand in front of them. Aphmau curtsied in response, giggling while she walked out of the door.

We're both so weird.

"So, do you know them?" Aphmau asked me when I got out of the car.

"Know who?"

"The Ro'Meaves, silly!"

I rolled my eyes and nodded my head, "In a way."

She looked at me questionably but shook it off like nothing happened. The closer we got to the door, the more nervous I became. I was to the point of running away, too nervous to even handle them seeing me again but this time with Aphmau and her mother. I mean, it looks suspicious when I told Sylvana that my parents were on a trip and I told Zianna that I'd call my parents to make sure it was okay that I could stay there for the night. How do they even know each other anyways?

I stood in front of the door next to Aphmau and behind Sylvana in complete silence, almost shaking from how anxious I was. Sylvana rung the doorbell and Zianna immediately opened he door with a smile on her face. "Come in, come in!"

Thinking is a Sin (Zane x Reader) Phoenix Drop HighWhere stories live. Discover now