Chapter 7

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"Don't walk in front of me... I may not follow
Don't walk behind me... I may not lead
Walk beside me... just be my friend"
-Albert Camus

Chapter 7 - The Morning After

I stayed up for a while thinking about what Laurence asked me. For some reason, I couldn't think of an answer. Where will I stay tomorrow? Will I be homeless? Well, I'm kind of homeless already but what I'm asking is will I have to live on the street?

Like Laurence said before, the streets are incredibly dangerous. I could be kidnapped, robbed, and all of the above! I guess what is best for me now is that I get some rest so that I can properly function tomorrow. If I don't have somewhere to stay tomorrow, I'll have to live on the side of the road with creepy strangers walking by.

I probably won't let it come to that, though. At least, for as long as I can prevent it.

"Zuzu!" I heard Zianna screech, jolting me awake, "Why in Irene did you make poor (Y/N) here sleep on the couch?"

"It wasn't my fault!" Zane defended, his voice sounding rougher than normal, "They're the one who fell asleep on the couch!"

"Well, you could have carried them up the stairs," Zianna mentioned.

Carefully, I stood up from the comfy cushions and made my way to the kitchen to see what was going on.

"Gross," Zane gagged, his back in front of me, "Who would want to touch them?"

Zianna spun around, shooting a dark glare at Zane which made him shiver noticeably. Soon enough, Zianna saw me behind him and her frown was instantly transformed into a smile.

"(Y/N)!" She said in a high pitched voice, "Did you sleep well?"

I nodded, not wanting to waste all my energy in the morning on talking.

"Well, that's lovely. Go have a seat in the dining room, I'll put the pancakes out there in just a minute."

Slowly, I made my way to the dining room, plopping down in the seat next to Vylad.

"Hey (Y/N)," Vylad greeted me, along with Garroth.

At least they know how to properly greet someone unlike one person around here. "Hi," I said back offering a small smile before closing my eyes again, trying to fall back asleep somehow.

Garroth laughed at me, his smile wide, "You seem really tired. That's why mom tried to make you sleep on Zane's bed."

"Who in the world would want to sleep on Zane's bed?" I tried to say sassily.

"Ooooo!" Vylad called out, giggling under his breath.

"Well I would have thought that you would based off of yesterday when you wouldn't let go of it," Zane fired at me, taking a seat away from everyone else at the table.

"I was tired and I didn't want to get up."

"Well then maybe you should have gone to your own house and taken a nap," He scowled, glaring at me from across the table.

If he was trying to shut me up, it worked. Instead of trying to think of an insult I could throw back at him, I stayed silent.

"Come on Baby Brother, don't be rude," Garroth complained, "(Y/N) can stay here all they want."

"Goodness, it's not like they're family. They only stayed here one night," Zane mumbled, staring at the plate of pancakes that Zianna was placing on the table.

"Now, Zuzu, (Y/N) may not be family but they're still allowed to stay here all they want," Zianna stated, putting her right hand on her hip.

"You don't even know (Y/N)," Zane replied, taking one pancake from the plate with his fork.

"And you do?" I question him quietly, also taking a pancake from the plate.

Silently, he shot me a glare, not happy with my response.

No one talked until everyone was done and we had to get ready to go to school. Thankfully, I brought an extra clean uniform with me so that I wouldn't have to wear a dirty one today. After I changed in the bathroom, I made my way down the stairs, meeting all the Ro'Meave brothers at the bottom of the stairs.

"You're so slow," Zane groaned, putting on his backpack.

"Sorry," I said sassily before grabbing a hold of my backpack and following the brothers out the door.

"Why are you being so rude to them Baby Brother?" Garroth questioned him.

"Don't call me baby brother!" Zane snapped, a dark aura forming around him.

Goodness, he has a bad temper. Slowly, Garroth leaned down and spoke quietly to me, "Sorry, he has anger issues."

In response, Zane stared him down with a murderous look. I tried not to laugh while I agreed with Garroth.

"You know what, why don't you all just leave me alone! You're rambling to me about leaving (Y/N) alone but you won't do the same for me?"

Garroth straightened up and pouted, "Aw, come on Baby Brother, were siblings so we can go on all day about this."

Zane turned around, not daring to pay any attention to us.

Gene was not happy when I made it to school. He was very annoyed about how I went to school with Garroth and Laurence, who we happened to meet along the way.

"Why were you going to school with them? Last time I checked, your house was in a different direction than theirs," Gene said, trying to keep his anger down.

Zane's not the only one who has anger issues. Instead of answering him, I decided to ask him a question of my own, "Where were you yesterday? I went back to the park where you told me you would be and you weren't there."

Gene just shrugged and sat at the trunk of the tree that he was leaning on. "I figured that nothing would happen because every time you have a problem with your dad, it's always resolved. After you left, I went home and Sasha and Zenix did whatever they wanted."

"What if something did happen? You weren't there!" I started to get irritated, annoyed by his careless reaction.

Gene stared at me, squinting his eyes. "Did something happen?"

I turned around and started to walk away. "You wouldn't care even if I told you."


So tired. I finished two papers this weekend, one today and one on Friday and now I just feel dead.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was probably terrible and I'll wake up regretting that I even posted it.

Anyway, I hope you have a great day/night Reader~Chans!

- Author~Chan

Thinking is a Sin (Zane x Reader) Phoenix Drop HighWhere stories live. Discover now