Chapter 9

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"There are two great days in a person's life - the day we are born and the day we discover why."
- William Barclay

Chapter 9 - New Friend

Werewolf class felt like it dragged on for eternity. I kept trying to glance back at Aphmau to know that she was still there but I ended up locking gazes with the guy next to her.

He was a bit scary, yes, but I was certain that he was all just show and looks. I mean, you can't verbally or physically hurt someone without getting in trouble, so why would you do it? I guess I never really understood that in school.

The second the bell rang, I stood up in my seat making it scratch the marble floor as I rushed to Aphmau. "Hey Aphmau," I greeted her, putting on a smile to make myself seem more welcoming.

"Hey... (Y-(Y/N)? That's your name right?" She responded uncertainly, smiling back at me.

"Yeah. Listen I know this is going to sound weird but I really need a place to stay tonight and you're the only girl I seem to know."

She stared at me with a confused expression but shrugged, zipping up her school bag. "Okay," she responded, "I mean, I'll have to ask my mom when we get to my house but to me, it's fine."

My eyes lit up and a burst of excitement ran through my body. "Really?" I asked her loudly, catching the attention of the people who have not left the room yet.


"Thank you so much!" I practically screamed, jumping to her side and giving her a hug. Thankfully, it wasn't awkward because she just laughed and hugged me back.

We walked out of high school together talking about how much she loves cats, mangas, animes, and art which I really found interesting. I was never really used to talking about what I liked, so I just listened to her and asked questions.

"So," I began, "Is there any particular animes that you like?"

"Well, I like Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online, and Sailor Moon a lot."

"That's really nice. Have you ever seen Ouran High School Host Club? That's a really good one."

"Have I seen Ouran High School Host Club," She laughed, "Of course I have. Who do you think I am?"

I chuckled and turned my head to face forward, staring at the sidewalk in front of me. "How about TV shows? Are there any that you like?"

"Gravity Falls and Steven Universe," She beamed in response.

"Waddles was so cute in Gravity Falls!"

"I know right!" She fangirled, "But Mabel was by far my favorite out of all the characters in Gravity Falls."

"Her sweaters were fantastic," I laughed with a smile on my face.

We ended up talking about anime, tv shows, and movies all the way home. Both of us seemed to like things that were very similar like Sword Art Online, Frozen, and even Steven Universe. At first I was only conversing with her to make sure that she would be comfortable if I stayed with her, if I had to be honest. But now, I'm talking to her sincerely, like she was a friend. That's weird, I haven't had a friend that was a girl in quite a while.

Soon enough, we finally made it to her house. I have to say, I love the look of her house but given my position in life, I like the look of every house at the moment. Aphmau motioned me to follow her inside, a warm smile on her face. Slowly, I walked inside the house, my nerves buzzing like crazy.

"Mija, you're back," A warm voice said when we walked in the door.

"Hi mom," Aphmau greeted her back, "This is my friend, (Y/N)."

The woman instantly jumped in the room, smiling widely at me. "Why it's lovely to meet you! I'm Sylvana, Aphmau's hip mother."

I shook her hand, smiling politely at her. She looked a lot like Aphmau, it was kind of like she was an older version of her if I'm being honest.

"So, mom, I was wondering if I could ask you something."

Sylvana's face got dark as she turned to face Aphmau, "What is it Mija?"

"I was wondering if (Y/N) could spend the night," Aphmau muttered before quickly adding on to her sentence, "They have no where to stay tonight so I thought that maybe they could just stay here- only for one night though!

Sylvana turned to me, looking a bit puzzled, "Where's your parents?"

"Well, my dad is on a business trip and he won't be back for a while," I quickly lied to her, trying my best to keep my voice steady.

"What about your mom?"

My throat tightened and I wasn't sure what to say. I don't talk about my mom much, and I have a good reason for it. "She's on vacation with her friend."

"That sounds fun," Sylvana chirped, "But I don't know why she would leave you home alone."

"I told them that I had someone to stay with but the person I planned on asking ended up canceling."

"Oh, well, you are welcome to stay with us for a while if you would like. But, we do have a scheduled bed time."

"Mom!" Aphmau whined, covering her face with her hands.

"It's fine, I had one too," I said, trying to make Aphmau feel better.

"Well, I hope you don't mind but we have to go to dinner at someone else's house." Sylvana brought up.

"I totally forgot!" Aphmau face palmed.

"Who's house?" I asked, hoping that it was someone that I didn't know.

"The Ro'Meaves."


Sorry for the wait. If you haven't read my last update on my board, I'm currently sick and on vacation. It's a great combination that will result in a decrease of brain power and energy. But because of a long car ride, I finally got this chapter done.

Please notify me if I messed up anywhere, I'm writing on my phone right now and it can't really check my work like my computer can.

I love you all. Stay safe and don't get sick because it really sucks, especially when it's the first week of summer and you're at the beach.

- Author~Chan

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