Chapter 13

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"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do."

Chapter 13 - Principal's Office

"(Y/N), can I speak with you?" Gene asked, his eyes empty.

Instantly, I drew back from Gene, not wanting to be near him. "No," I refused, watching his anger slowly build up.

"Come on, (Y/N)," Gene said, trying to hold back the growl in his voice.

"They said no," Laurance told him, attempting to make his way in front of me. I grabbed Laurance's arm and pulled him back, glaring at him to tell him to back off a bit.

"What, Laurance?" Gene tainted him, taking a step closer, "Do you have a problem with me talking to (Y/N)?"

"Shut up Gene," I snapped at him, shooting him a glare as well. It was obvious that everyone's eyes were on us. I could feel them staring at me, waiting for my next move.

Gene ignored me, taking another step forward. "Aw, does Laurance have a crush?" Gene teased him even more, not only making Laurance irritated but me too.

"What in Irene are you talking about Gene?" Laurance laughed, taking a step closer to Gene. Everyone was leaning in, eyes almost bulging out of their heads. "If I didn't know any better, I would say that you are the one that has a crush on (Y/N)."

Gene's face paled as he staggered back a few steps, shocked that Laurance even thought that he liked me in that way. A few moments later, Gene's face started to redden, his anger burning throughout his whole body. He took large strides up to Laurance and drew his arm back, causing me to shout.

"Gene, don't!"

Before I knew it, Laurance stumbled to the floor, his hand covering the side of his jaw. I couldn't believe what I just saw. Did Gene really take it to those measures? He should know one thing, if you mess with my friends, you're going to regret it.

Without even thinking, I rushed my way over to Gene and slapped him. "Don't you even lay a finger on my friends!" I yelled at him, but he seemed too shocked to notice.

Gene was just staring at me with wide eyes while a mark was starting to form on his right cheek. I leaned in closer to his ear to make sure no one else would hear what I'm about to say.

"If you ever dare to touch another one of my friends again, you're dead."

Okay, so I may have gotten in trouble for what happened this morning. Apparently, some people recorded from the sidelines and now it's all over the internet. Another reason we got in trouble was that some of the teachers were watching the fight from inside of the school building. When they saw Gene hit Laurance, they instantly reported it but some of them stayed behind and saw me hit Gene which brought me into this mess.

So now we are all in the office exchanging glares to one another. I'm stuck in the middle of Gene and Laurance as they argue with each other using their hands which looks absolutely ridiculous. "Can you both stop?" I hissed at them, already pissed that I'm stuck here with both of them. If Gene wouldn't have come up to us and talk then this wouldn't have happened. Even if he did, if Laurance wouldn't have pissed Gene off, we still wouldn't have been put in this position.

Out of nowhere, the principal opened the office door and walked in, sighing deeply. I could tell that he did not want to be in this situation, especially this early in the morning. "On a normal day, you all would have been suspended for a couple of days and I would have called your parents," He spoke, taking a seat in front of us behind his desk. Thinking about him calling my dad makes me really nervous. He kicked me out of the house so that I wouldn't bother him so if he would have gotten a call telling him to pick me up, I would be dead for sure.

"But," The principal counteracted himself, "Today I'm going to let it go." I released the breath that I was holding, so relieved that he didn't need to call my dad. "Instead you will have to go to detention for the next week."

"Next week?" Laurance almost shouted, surprised by the principal's decision. Don't you dare change his mind Laurance.

"Yes, and if you have any problems with that, I won't hesitate to call your parents," He told us, his stern eyes lingering on Laurance. After a while of us not saying anything, the principal smiled but it still wasn't a heartwarming smile. "You all go to class. I don't want to see you back in my office anytime soon."

I nodded furiously, grabbing my bag and rushing out of the office. Laurance and Gene followed behind me, still giving each other evil glances.

"You started this," Gene growled at Laurance.


"Can you two please just shut the hell up?" I said, giving them a murderous look. "I'm done with this. If you two get into a fight and bring me into something like this again, you would not want to look forward to seeing me again."

Laurance gave Gene one last glare before walking off to the bathroom, probably going to see how bad the bruise on his jaw was.

Gene stood in front of me, jaw clenched and eyes hard. "Why did you slap me?"

"What do you mean 'why did you slap me'? You hit Laurance!" I snapped at him, not able to contain my anger.

"Why are you blaming this on me? He-"

"I told you no Gene," I cut him off. I was already annoyed by the situation. Without giving him the time to respond, I rushed to class, dreading that I have to see him again in detention.


Whew. Dramatic much?

I know, it was maybe just a bit dramatic... okay maybe a lot. But that's what happens in my brain and it makes it interesting.

Do you have any suggestions or ideas for the next chapter?

I hope you all have a wonderful day/night, I love you Reader~Chans!

- Author~Chan

So it might not be Tuesday where you live but it is where I live. I might just keep updating like this if I'm up past 12:00 (Which I usually am)

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