Chapter 19

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Thank you Popcorn12020 for the fan art, I absolutely love it!

"Love is not only something you feel, it is something you do."
- David Wilkerson

Chapter 19 - Associations

Even though Laurance didn't walk with me, I felt so much better knowing that he was okay and that he wasn't mad at me. All of it was just a misunderstanding and it was all solved by a simple conversation.

Whenever I arrived at home, I guess I can call it, Zane asked me if everything went okay. Of course, I told him all about our conversation and how it was all because of the rumor about us. I guess the rumor started because Zane doesn't get along with most people and they just assumed that we were dating because we just sort of... connected in a way. I had no trouble talking to him about my feelings and I like to think that it's the same for him. We would talk endlessly about who we liked at school and who irked us the most. We also made bets on who was going to get together next and what our favorite OTP was. It was like basically watching a real life TV show fight in front of you while you made bets with your friend.

Do I consider Zane a friend? Yes, I do. Getting to be friends with Zane is actually very difficult at first because he doesn't like to open up to most people. I was thinking that he maybe had some trust issues or he just didn't want people to push him around all the time. I take advantage of it though whenever he does something nice. Usually, I would tease him about it and be like, "Aww, little Zuzu is being all nice!" but I would always end up telling him that I was just joking and to lighten up because he usually got aggravated by it.

Aphmau tried to talk to me about "feelings" and how I should try to embrace them. I'm not stupid, I know she was basically trying to say, "Hey, I know you have a crush on Zane," but honestly, I don't think I do. Getting to that point is extremely hard for me. I always know that having feelings for him would be wrong because I know he wouldn't like me back. His heart is probably ice cold and it will never make space for me. I'm just glad he just warmed up a bit and can talk to me about anything. Right now, just being friends is enough and if I start to develop feelings for him, so be it. I just don't want to ruin the friendship that took so long to build.

"(Y/N)!" Zane whined falling back onto his bed, "For the hundredth time, pepperoni of cheese pizza?"

"Oh, right. Sorry I kind of zoned out for a bit. I prefer (Pepperoni/Cheese) over (Pepperoni/Cheese)."

"Now it's your turn."

Carefully I looked around his room, looking for anything that might make up a random question. "Um, soccer or volleyball?"

"What kind of question is that?" He huffed, throwing his arms out in front of him. "I don't like sports, they're disgusting."

I chuckled, leaning in towards him while smirking, "You just don't like them because you're not good at them."

"That's not true, sports just don't like me," He defended himself, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Yeah, whatever," I said, rolling my eyes. "Hey, have you talked to Gene recently?"

Zane looked up from where he was sitting and gave me a strange look, "No, why are you asking?"

"I don't know, he just seems very... quiet. It's very unlike him."

"Maybe he just doesn't want to speak up because he doesn't want to get more detention."

I laughed, covering my mouth, "Like he actually cares about getting detention. I thought you knew all about him, you wanted to join the shadow knights after all."

"Yeah," Zane said, "I still do."


"They're the only ones I can really relate with," He said, laying back on his bed again, staring at the ceiling, "Aren't you in the shadow knights?"

"Not officially. I'm just associated with Gene so it's kind of like I would hang out with them all the time. I didn't really know anyone else that would talk to me, especially after Laurance left and began to hate Gene."

"What's your relationship with Gene?"

I squinted my eyes at him in an attempt to find out what he meant, "What do you mean?"

"What's your relation ship with Gene? Like are you friends, do you have a crush on him-"

I cut him off, slapping my leg as I started to chuckle, "Me? Having a crush on Gene? No, no, no, you have it all wrong. Gene and I are nothing like that. We're just friends, that's all. He used to date my sister and ever since then we've just stuck together."

"So are they still dating anymore?"

"No, they broke up last year when my sister graduated. He didn't really see me bothered by it though which kind of irked me. I mean, if you got out of a relationship that you spent so long on, wouldn't you feel bad about it?"

"Maybe he didn't want to show it to anyone," Zane suggested, getting off his bed.

"But we were friends and he would share anything with me. I wouldn't care if he cried in front of me, at least it would be different from his stone cold facade he always liked to keep on." Zane didn't really answer me so I decided to ask him why he even bright it up. "Why did you even ask about me and Gene anyways?"

"Oh, no reason. I guess I just got curious." I watched Zane carefully as he walked over to his door, opening it. "I smell something good, do you want to go check what's downstairs?"


I seem to just be so nervous about school that I somehow wrote all of this in one night. Yay me! I hope you all have good luck with your first day of school, whenever it is.

Here are the two pickup lines I picked for this week:

SnoweyColdFace : "I don't know what takes my breath away more; Those stairs, or your smile."

KikichanArtist : "Do you live in a corn field? Because I stalk you ~

Now the last one really reminds me of Kawaii-Chan tbh

If you want to have your bad pickup line in next week's chapter go ahead and comment it! (Keep it PG please)

Also if you want to see anything specific in future chapters, go ahead and comment some suggestions!

I hope you all have a wonderful day/ night my lovely Reader~Chans!

- Author~Chan

I understand that it's Monday and I might or might not update like this every week depending on how I feel. I just believe that I'll forget to update tomorrow because it's my first full school day.

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