Chapter 14

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"I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it."
- Pablo Picasso

Chapter 14 - The Video

Ever since this morning, I have been dreading detention. Believe it or not, even though I spend a lot of time with Gene, I have never received it. I was never the person to ever cause trouble at school but I guess things are changing. Here I thought that if I left Gene, I wouldn't get in trouble.

"Class dismissed," The teacher said abruptly.

Wait, class is already over? When did this happen? I hope there isn't homework. I glanced around and watched people grab papers from the teacher's desk as they left the room. Oh great, that means we do have homework.

I groaned, standing up to pick up my backpack and trudge to the teacher's desk, picking up the Algebra II homework. In my peripheral vision, I could see my teacher staring at me with a disappointed look when I stepped outside his classroom, getting ready to go to lunch. I guess he realized that I was daydreaming in his class... whoops.

Yesterday, I ate my lunch alone outside but today Aphmau invited me to eat with her and her friends in the cafeteria. I headed straight there, finding Aphmau waving at me at one of the tables. "Hi (Y/N)!" She greeted me as I sat down next to her.

"Hey Aphmau," I greeted her back, trying to ignore the confused glances from the other people at the table. I silently pulled out the lunch that Zianna (graciously) made for me. Even though I didn't want her to make it for me because I thought that she could make it for someone else another day, she told me to be quiet and just take it. I never really had someone ever pack a lunch for me. I either grabbed some food from school or skipped lunch and just ate when I went out with Gene and his friends.

"No offense but, who's this?" One of her friends asked, her blue hair laying on her right shoulder.

"Right I guess you all haven't met them," Aphmau laughed, "This is (Y/N), I met them yesterday." Aphmau glanced over at me and started introducing me to her friends. The blue-haired one was named Katelyn and I knew I saw her somewhere around campus. Another one was named Kawaii-Chan who (oddly) spoke about herself in the third person.

"It's to meet you (Y/N)-Chan!" Kawaii-Chan spoke, her ears twitching a bit.

"It's nice to meet you too," I told her, trying to make a good first impression (which I totally suck at).

"So," Katelyn said, leaning in towards me, "You are the one from the video right?"

"The video?" I asked her, not remembering this morning.

"You know, where you slapped Gene. Oh my Irene," She laughed loudly, "The look on his face was priceless!"

My face went red but I chuckled too, trying to make it less of an awkward moment. "Right, that."

"It's literally all over Facebook!" Katelyn added.

"Yeah, I know," I said, not knowing what else to say.

"It's about time that someone stood up to Gene besides Aphmau."

I glanced over at Aphmau, surprised that she stood up to him too. I mean, Gene is always the person to bite back, and sometimes it gets really difficult to deal with.

"(Y/N)!" I heard a familiar voice yell from behind me, making even people nearby look up and stare.

Looking back, I saw Laurance, a phone stuck in his right hand and his backpack on his left shoulder, being supported by his left hand.

"(Y/N)," He said, sitting next to me, "I have to show you something."

"If you're talking about the video, I already know," I told him, noticing the video on his phone.

"No, no. This one's on YouTube, look at it," Laurance told me as he gave me his phone.

I tapped it, raising the brightness and made sure it would turn off when it was in my hand. I froze when I looked at the video, seeing the title. '(Girlfriend/Boyfriend) hits their boyfriend when he calls out another person for liking them'.

"(Girlfriend/Boyfriend)!" I yelled, not believing that I actually read that. I skimmed over it a few times, making sure I wasn't hallucinating.

"Yeah..." Laurance said, scratching the back of his neck nervously, "Look, I wanted you to know this in case people started questioning you about it."

I stood there in shock, my eyes wide. "W-Why would they think that I'm dating Gene?"

"Well," Laurance said, "The only people that he hung around with was Sasha and Zenix but he seemed to spend more time with you."

I sighed, giving Laurance his phone back before I banged my head down on the lunch table.

"It's okay (Y/N)," Aphmau spoke, rubbing my back, "At least you didn't get called Laurance's (Girlfriend/Boyfriend)."

"Excuse me?" Laurance said as Aphmau chuckled.

"I'm just kidding," Aphmau said defensively, holding her hands up in the air.

"That's true," I smiled at Aphmau, tilting my head to look at her.

"What!" Laurance squealed, "You're agreeing with her?"

"I mean, can you blame me?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"What's so wrong with dating me?" He questioned me, putting a hand on his hip.

"First of all, you're you." I broke out laughing when Laurance's mouth opened wide, obviously offended, "I'm kidding too, Laurance. Nothing is wrong with dating you, it's just that I don't really think of you that way."

"So you're saying that you think of Gene that way?"

"I never said that," I said, "Gross, I wouldn't want to date him either."

"Then who would you want to date?"

"Why would you care?" I scoffed, turning to eat my food before class started again.

??? POV

I laughed at the video that played in front of me, angrily squeezing the metal pole next to me.

"Just wait, (Y/N). Just you wait."


I thought I would add that little sliver for just a bit of suspense.

I wanted to thank you all SO MUCH for getting this book to #555 in Fanfiction. I know it might not seem ranked that high  (even though it is if you think about it) but I'm just glad that it even got ranked.

I hope all of you liked this chapter and I love you all so much. Toodles!

- Author~Chan

Keep leaving your ideas/suggestions if you want me to use them! (I'll start to use some of them soon)

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