Chapter 2

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The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Chapter 2 - Family Troubles

"Where were you!" My dad yelled at me once I walked through the door.

I looked down, trying to avoid eye contact. "Out with friends," I said quietly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my father's face redden in fury, enraged by what I just told him. "'Out with friends'," He quoted me, his voice still booming, "That's what you say every time! I told you that today you must get home on time!"

"I know," I mumbled, still looking at the oak wood floor.

My father took deep breaths, attempting to calm himself down. "Do you not care about your family?" He asked, venom still prominent in his voice.

My head shot up, not believing what he just asked me. Did he think that I didn't appreciate what I have? Sure, I know my father and I don't have the best relationship but I love my sister, no matter how annoying she gets. As soon as my dad and I locked eye contact, my throat tightened. I hate to say it, but I kind of fear him in a way.

"I care about them," I answered quietly, not able to raise my voice.

"Then why didn't you come home?"

"I just- my friends-"

"You care about your friends more, don't you?" He accused me. His words took me back, I was astounded that he would even say that. Especially to his daughter/son.

"No- that's not what I'm say-"

"Just go upstairs," my dad sighed, resting his head in his hands, "I'll figure out what to do with you tomorrow."

Without protesting, I made my way up to my room.

"What's got you down (Y/N)?" Gene asked me, making me realize that I was just staring into space.

I straightened up and looked at him, putting on a fake smile. "What do you mean?"

Gene frowned at me, disappointment in his eyes. "Tell me what's wrong."

I glanced over at Zenix and Sasha who were arguing over what they should graffiti next. "My dad got really mad at me yesterday," I spoke, locking onto his blue eyes.

Gene raised an eyebrow, slightly laughing in response. "He always gets mad at you when you get home late."

"Yeah, but this was different. It was like he was infuriated, almost like he was just done with me. He told me to go to my room- which I did- but he ignored me after that, never even telling me what time I needed to be home today." Out of stress, I laid my head in my hands, not really wanting to think about it too much.

"Maybe talk to him first," Gene told me, laying back on the hill, "I know you don't really like to be the one to start a conversation with your dad but in this case, maybe you should." I didn't respond to him, not really sure what to say. "I think you should talk to him now."

My head snapped up to look at him in disbelief. "Why would I want to do that?"

"Well," Gene started, "If anything bad happens, you would know where to find us because we're going to be here for a little while."

"Good point," I chuckled, standing up off of the ground. "Thank you, Gene."

"For what?" He laughed, not really sure why I was thanking him.

"For listening and giving me advice."

"Whatever," He shook it off, not caring what I said, "Just go already."

I smirked and stuck out my tongue. "You love me."

Gene smirked at me in response. "You wish."

"Dad," I called out once I opened the front door. The living room looked different like it was cleaned for once. Blankets were folded and hung on the couch and the pillows were put in the corners, making it look a bit better.

My dad walked in from the dining room which was located on the other side of the room. "What are you doing here (Y/N)?"

"What do you mean?" I gave him a confused look but his face still stayed emotionless. It was almost like he was a rock, not responding emotionally to anything I said or did.

"Shouldn't you be out with your friends?" He sneered, finally showing emotion. I guess he's still angry.


"No, don't say that. I'm not your dad. My real daughter/son would care about their family and earn a place in this house, unlike some people," He bit at me, clenching his hands by his sides.

"Earn a place in this house?" I questioned him. I get so hurt from my dad saying this stuff but I knew he had a bad temper and he always let his anger out by yelling at me.

"I packed all your stuff up. If you want to live in this house then you have to act like real family," My 'now not dad' said before walking back into the dining room, heading toward the kitchen.

What he said left me flabbergasted, I was so shocked that I stood there for a couple of minutes, trying to comprehend what just happened.

Did he kick me out of the house? Why? Does he really want me to be homeless and wants me to live on the streets? This was all because I wasn't coming home on time? This was his way to punish me?

I shook my head to make myself stop thinking and headed to my room, grabbing all the stuff that I needed and put it into an extra bag that I had. If I didn't get out of here in a short amount of time, I figured that my 'now not dad' would get even more infuriated.

Without a second thought, I grabbed both my bags, my school backpack and my other one that contained all the stuff I needed. I stumbled down the stairs, almost falling down because of how much I was freaking out on the inside and left the house. I made sure to slam the door behind me, making it obvious that I left.


There's a bit of drama in there, I think. 😂 This chapter was to kind of show you what kind of goes on at home too and I'll probably reveal more later on in the story.

Sorry for not updating in so long but, like most people, I have school that I need to deal with. I just went back to school again after Christmas break and I'm getting really stressed because of it. Also, there are things happening with my best friend that I just need to support her and spend time with her to make sure she's okay

Because of this, I'm probably going to make a rant book on this account to jut let out some anger or something like that... because I get angry a lot but keep it in so I don't look like a psychopath.

Thank you for supporting me and just being a really nice people. I love you Reader~Chans!

- Author~Chan

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