Chapter 16

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Before I start anything, the authors note at the end is important so please at least skim through it. Thank you. <3

"Freedom is never given; it is won."
-A. Philip Randolf

Chapter 16 - Problems

Another torturous day in prison- or school, whatever you would like to call it. I know it may be kind of boring seeing that everyone's like, "Oh my Irene, why do I have to go to school? It's absolutely terrible!" but I mean, at least they're telling the truth.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there are not any positive outcomes from going to school. There's education, friends, and food. Even if it's not free and not exactly a five-star restaurant, it's still food. Anyway, education is important because otherwise how would you get a job? I don't think I want to work at a fast food restaurant forever, no offense. But if that's your life goal, you do you, I'm not here to judge.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Garroth asked me, waving his palm in front of my face.

Gosh darn me and talking to myself. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You know, last night when I talked to Laurance, he was acting really weird. Do you know why?"

I looked at Garroth perplexed, not really knowing what he was getting at. "I have no clue. Maybe he's sick, people can act differently when they're sick."

"Yeah, but he seemed a little... I don't know, irritated?"

I glanced over at Garroth who was staring into space, his mind somewhere else.

"Maybe someone tried to deflate his ego," Zane pitched in, laughing for a moment.

I looked over at Zane and chuckled too, finding his joke pretty funny. "Yeah, that was probably it."

Garroth tried not to laugh with us as he forced himself to keep a straight(ish) face. "You know, I'm trying to be serious here."

"Garroth trying to be serious?" I boasted, looking at him with wide eyes, "Is everyone changing around here?"

After a few minutes of cracking several jokes here and there, we made it to school. People were still staring at me, dodging me whenever I got too close. I guess that you could say they were a bit scared of me, or maybe scared of what would happen to me. I did, after all, hit Gene and basically humiliated him. I wouldn't blame them if they think that I'm next on his hit list.

It's either that or maybe they're ignoring me because I'm with Zane. I'd go with my first choice, it just seems more... legitimate, if you know what I'm saying.

But I could be wrong. Perhaps they're scared of his big build and deep voice. Note my sarcasm. Zane with a deep voice? Ha, I don't even think puberty can fix that.

I struggled to keep myself from smiling at the comment that I made inside my head.

"What's so funny (Y/N)?" Zane questioned me, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Oh, nothing," I flashed a grin at him, making him frown.

"Something you'd rather not tell me?"

"Yeah, something like that."

I looked at him confusedly whenever he made a disapproving noise while shaking his head at me. "You're so weird."

"Hey, I just like to be considered... different."

"Yeah, you're like extraterrestrial."

Thinking is a Sin (Zane x Reader) Phoenix Drop HighWhere stories live. Discover now