Chapter Eleven (Edited)~

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I am holding him as I walk back home. I walk through the trail of the woods in complete silence, having my guard on a high. I get to the house walk in and lock the door behind me. I walk into Jeff's room and lay him on his bed. It has been a hour since he had the injection of whatever Dr Smiley gave him as I am starting to get slightly worried.


I start to open my eyes and my vision goes from a blur to a clear. The last thing I remember is fighting Smiley then he gave me an injection, I must of passed out after that. I am now in my bed, Madison is sitting in a chair waiting in anticipation in front of me. She is waiting for me to awake I assume. I stare at her looking at the ground for a second until she looks up, nearly jumping out of her seat.

"Are you okay?!?" She ask in a worried and excited tone.

"Yah, I'm fine" I groan and pause. "What happened?"

"Smiley almost killed you! He injected you with something and was getting ready to grab you-" I interrupt her

"He was taking me to a gurney so when I woke up he could do 'surgery' on me" her face turns to complete fear.

"Surgery? Like surgery when your awake, to kill you?" She pauses.

"How do you know that?"

"He's a creepypasta, and so am I" I pause "Soon, you will know all of the creepypastas to." I say with a smile. I jump up off of the bed and stumble a little bit to the doorway. Madison grabs me quickly before I fall.

"You should rest for a little bit" she says in a caring voice.

"Fine" I groan.


I walk out of Jeff's room. I'm worried to hell. What did Smiley inject into Jeff? Curiosity is literally killing me. I will ask Jeff when he wakes up. Hopefully he will wake up. I walk into the living room and plop onto the sofa, staring at the ceiling as I think.

What if I wasn't there to help Jeff?..

Would he be dead now?...

No! He would never let that happen, he's to smart with that stuff...

I get so lost in my thought I don't even realize but I fall asleep.


I wake up only a couple hours later. I walk out of my room and into the living room to I see Madison passed out on the coach. I walk into the kitchen and start cooking dinner, I'm making medium rare stake. I'm almost done cooking and she wakes up. She walks into the kitchen with a surprised look plastered on her face.

"What are you cooking?" She says shocked.

"Stake, I hope you like medium rare" I pause as I put the stake on both of our plates. "Thanks for saving me.." I thank her and she smiles. After that, we eat. I haven't had a good meal like this in a while.

Madison The Killer {Jeff The Killer}Where stories live. Discover now