Chapter Thirty-Three~

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I wake up in the morning, on the sofa, I must of passed out. The tv is still on and I turn it off. Rage still builds inside me as I think about what has happened. As I'm thinking, the mansion randomly pops in my mind. Maybe he's there. A large smirk appears on my face as I get up and leave, not even saying a word to Madison.
As I make it to the mansion I think a lot. I really need to go killing, I should probably do that to. I smile largely at the image of blood being spilled enters my mind. I turn around, the mansion facing my back and head for a random house to go killing, then I might come back.
I heard Jeff walk in the hall and then the front door close, he must have blood lust. I sigh at the thought of being alone.
He is so much like my father, independent. My father was a retired assassin. He used to tell me stories about all of his adventures. He was so bold, but he was also a complete asshole. The power of being an assassin went to his head, and now because of that.. He's dead.
I get up and walk into the living room to see I am actually not alone, Ben is here playing video games.
"Is this like your house now?" I giggle while saying it.
"Yah, I guess" he barely says, he's that concentrated in the game. I smile and walk into the living room, sitting next to him. He pauses the game once he realized I sat down next to him and faced me.
"So where did you go?" I said as I faced him.
"To the mansion" he said calmly, he's usually so energetic. Weird...
"Why there?"
"You ask a lot of questions" he giggled. "It's basically a safe sanctuary, Slendy would never let him attempt to kill me, even thought there's that stupid medicine on us" he says like he's sad, isn't he happy Jeff nor the others can kill him?
"What medicine?" I say curiously.
I do ask a lot of questions do I?..
"It keeps us from killing each other, we can hurt each other to near death but never to death" he says, relieved it isn't possible. "We'd all be dead if it wasn't for Slendys concoction. The way we hate people and don't really have a heart. Yah, we'd be screwed. And who would torture people?" he giggles at the last sentence. "Now, are you done asking questions?"
"Yah.." I pause. "For now" I whisper to no one in particular.
I make the fatal stab right through the mans back as I start to laugh. I admire the scene in awe as he falls with a loud thump to the ground. I watch the pool of blood surround him and at this point I'm laughing uncontrollably, only a way a killer can after he spills blood. I smile largely as I walk out of the house before the cops came.
I burst into a sprint, I can't even feel my feet hit the ground. I don't stop until I reach the Slender Mansion. I put my hands on my knees as I pant, catching my breath before I go inside.
I open the gate and then the door, leaving the gate wide open. I close the door behind me and I look around to surprisingly see no one there. I walk up the stair case and get to Bens room. I am getting ready to knock but I am quickly interrupted by Slendy.
"Don't go in there" he snapped. "We need to talk" he said more calm this time. I listen to him and remove my fist from the door. I follow him to my room and we walk in as he closes the door behind us. I go to my bed and sit down and he walks closer to me.
"Why did you stop me from talking to Ben?" I ask as I bang my head on my pillow.
"You guys don't need to fight anymore"

"Fight?.." I say confused. "How do you know we fought yesterday?"
"Ben told me" he sighed. "Why is it a bit deal this Madison girl knows about us?..."
"Because you gies will kill her, almost everyone already has tried" I say.
"I thought you loved Jai-" I quickly interrupt him by slamming him into the wall with my arm.
"DONT TALK ABOUT HER" I growl. Slender doesn't say another word, he just teleports out of my grip and out of the room.
"God fucking dammit!...." I scream as I bang my fist against the wall and make a large whole, letting me see into the hall.

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