Chapter Nineteen (Edited)~

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I start to head home when I hear Jeff calling my name repeatedly looking for me.

"What?" I groan, loud enough to be a yell.

He walks towards me and guides me to a tree and we both sit at the bottom of it.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He ask staring into my eyes.

"Nothing, It was just stupid." I say, my loneliness quickly fading.

Jeff smiles and pulls me into a hug. We don't move for a while.


Me and Madison hug for a while. All I can smell is her Japanese cherry blossom scented hair, I could live off of her scent.

We eventually get out of a hug and start to walk back inside.

I walk into my room and she follows me as I quickly grab my knife and slide it into my pocket. "Let's go for a walk, maybe even kill a few people if we find any" I say as I walk past her and to the door.

"Okay" she responds as she follows me.

We walk through the woods for what seems like a eternity. But I enjoy it, talking to her. I almost forget about my bloodlust. The whole reason that we are out here.

Out of nowhere we here shouting, a group of people saw us walking. I'm guessing they want to start something. One dude has a sniper rifle. I run towards him but I don't get there in time. The guy shoots Madison right through the stomach.

I watch her fall to the ground as rage fills me like nothing before.

"Your gonna fucking pay for that" I growl at the man as I lunge at him. He try's to shoot me but I turn the gun around and take it from him, I shoot him right in the stomach then start bashing his head in with the butt of the gun. His friends look at me in fear then smile. The one guy runs towards Madison and I instantly shoot him in the leg. The other guy starts to run away with fear as I quickly head shot him. I then turn back to the other guy now laying on the ground holding onto his leg. I saddle onto him and pin his arms down with my knees. "Go To Sleep" I growl murderously as I punch him in the heart making his heart stop long enough to kill him as he starts to cough up blood, breathing his last breath until his life slips away.

I quickly run to Madison laying in a pool of her own blood. I quickly pick her up and run to the house. "Why do we always get hurt in the most brutal way?" she finally gasp out and pauses catching her breathe some more "and of course we can't go to the doctors or anything" she then breathes very heavily.

"I don't know"

I quickly burst through the door to see Ben still there and he quickly jumps up realizing Madison's condition. I carry her to the couch and lay her down.

"What the hell happened?" Ben ask in fear following me as I grab medical supplies.

"She got shot by a bastard in the woods trying to start fights" I pause as I start to work on her "Trust me, he and his friends got what they deserved" I chuckle as I concentrate on Madison.


I look up at the ceiling, trying not to concentrate on them as I start to see black spots. They multiply like crazy until all I see is black, I pass out due to blood loss.

Madison The Killer {Jeff The Killer}Where stories live. Discover now