Chapter Thirty-Five~

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I see Jeff storm through the house and out the front door. He completely ignores my yells for him to stop. I grab his shoulder and he stops but doesn't turn around.

"Jeff... what happened?" I say, trying to be concerned. Ben has told me everything and I think it's sweet he can't decide but also it makes me mad as hell. He doesn't respond. I can hear his heavy breathing when I go around him to face him. "Jeff" I whisper as I hug him. All he does is stand there, frozen.

"I-I'm sorry" he finally manages to get out as he gets out of my grip and walks away.

"J-Jeff!" I yell as I run towards him, damn I'm pathetic, why do I care so much? He doesn't stop he just picks up his speed.

"At least slow down" I yell. He actually does the complete opposite and picks up his speed.


Every time I hear Madison scream for me I have this urge to turn around and hug her once again. I push the feeling away and keep picking up my speed, not saying a word. I can't talk to her at the state I am. Maybe one day soon we will talk again. But until then I'm not talking to neither one of them.. That's my decision until I can make the right one.

Her screams slowly disappear as I keep running away, passing the mansion. I eventually get to this field I have never been in before. I sit down in the grass and stare at the sky. I start to hear a slight laugh and by instinct I jump and whip out my knife. Burning hatred runs through me as I realize who it is.


She laughs even more as she walks closer to me.

"Startled are you?" she says in the midst of laughing.

"In your dreams sweat-heart" I snarl

"But here's the thing Jeffery" she says as she walks over to me and puts her finger under my chin.

"My dreams are always true" she hissed in my face. I instantly swat her hand away and push her to the ground. I start to laugh uncontrollably as I walk closer to her.

"Meee?.." I pause as I can't stop laughing.

"Scared?" I laugh.

"I... Am never scared" I say in a some what ominous way. I keep laughing and she just stares at me like I'm completely insane.

"You've truly gone insane haven't you" she sighs.

"That's no fun... I wanted to make you go insane, not you do it to yourself" she says as she sighs again.

"Isn't that a pity" I say, now done laughing. She walks closer to me and I pull my knife in front of me.

"Well then I guess I'm going to have to kill you" she chuckles. I laugh at her stupidity and I say once again,

"In your dreams sweet-heart" I begin to walk closer to her. She stands there, not moving at all as I get closer and closer to her. I am now face to face to her and see the regret in her eyes


I put my knife to her neck and I can see her tense up.

"Didn't expect me to actually attempt to hurt you huh?" I say with a smirk. She doesn't say a word as I push lightly on my knife, watching the thin line of blood against my knife. I take my knife off her neck and lick the crimson liquid.

"Taste... Delicious" I say with slight laughter.

Damn, I really am going insane.


I walk into the living room to see Madison sitting on the sofa. In her eyes you can see sadness and the feeling of being alone.

What happened?..

I sigh and walk closer to her and sit next to her.

"What happened?" I ask her. She turns her head and faces me.

"Jeff..." she sighs as she looks back at the blank tv screen.

"What did he do now?" I sigh frustratedly.

"He was acting really strange.... He said sorry and just.. left" she says, just as confused as I am. "He truly is conflicted..." she sighs. I don't respond I just get off the sofa and open the door. She looks at me confused.

"I'm going to find him, you stay here if he returns" I say with a smile. Before letting her respond, I slam the door closed.

Let's go find Jeff again...


I finally get off of the sofa after what seems like forever. I go into my room for a little change in environment. I close the door behind me and plop onto my bed, staring at the sofa I think of everything even more as I slowly process everything.

Is Jeff ever going to return?...

Who is he going to 'choose'? Me? or J? Or neither?...

Am I ever going to hear Jeff talk once again?...

Is my life ever going to be the same?...

Am I going to always be alone?...

Madison The Killer {Jeff The Killer}Where stories live. Discover now