Chapter Seventeen (Edited)~

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Me and Madison walk out of the door and into the forest. After awhile of walking we make it to this house. We start to crouch as we get closer to it.

She once again, like always disappears from my eye sight. I scan my surroundings for her. I groan and keep crouching towards the house.

"Jeff!!!!" Madison screams and I quickly run to her voice.

I run into the house and around the corner to see Madison and her victim. But it's different, the victim is fighting back. He punches Madison straight in the face and she falls to a loud thump on the hard floor. I jump in and slash at the dudes face. He now has a deep gash on his cheek. Madison jumps up quickly and rams into the man holding him by his shirt.

Fear plasters on his face as she says "don't worry, I'm saving you" in a murderous voice only a person with bloodlust could produce.

She stabs the dude in the eye letting him fall to the ground and her now sitting on top of him, her knife still in his eye. She then craves the knife all the way down to the bottom of his stomach keeping the knife as deep in the mans flesh as when she started.

I stare at the beautiful sight in awe, looking back and forth between Madison and her victim.

She then stands up wiping her bloody hands and knife on the dudes shirt. She walks away like nothing happened and crouches her way up the stairs. I follow her pushing my self in front of her. I quickly go up the steps and look in all of the rooms.

"We are good" I whisper loudly at Madison from up the stairs. I walk down the stairs and walk out the door.

"Now it's my turn, I need blood to you know" I growl slightly. I have been waiting to long, I need blood now!

I run quickly until I make it to a house. I start to crouch towards the house, realizing that Madison is following me I push her back with my arm.

"My turn remember?" I growl a little bit pissed off.

"What ever" she scoffs.

I start to crouch again moving closer and closer to the house.

I stalk through the glass door and see a family of 3. I wave Madison on and say "there is 3 people in there. We both get 2 people today, deal?" I say as she scoffs.

"But I thought it was your turn" she says with a lot of attitude in her voice.

"Bitch, your lucky I'm giving you one of my kills." I whisper a bit louder with bold lust in my voice.

She is getting ready to say something in response. I can tell that she is gonna scream so I cover her mouth. "If you scream your gonna ruin my fun" I whisper loudly and harshly.

Anger flows through her eyes and u chuckle under my breath. She crouches down next to me when we realize some of the people are splitting up into different rooms as one of them go up stairs, perfect.

I quietly open the door and signal Madison to stay out of sight. I quietly go to the stairs and slowly crouch up them, not making a sound. I hear the little boy cussing out his parents as if they were there. I open the door slightly and slide into his room, luckily he isn't facing me. I walk behind the boy sitting in his bed and I say calmly:

"What the hell happened between you and your parent that made you so mad?" I say calmly as curiosity is beating my blood lust at the second. He doesn't even realize that my voice is different than what he's used to.

"They are pissing me off as usual" he pauses. "Who are you?" He ask me, turning around. The second he sees my face he stiffens as I have my hand on his shoulder and pull it out of socket.

"Jeff the fucking killer" I growl with blood lust only a cold blooded killer could produce.

As he realizes that this just might be his final moment he punches me straight in the face and runs as I fall to the ground. I quickly get up and catch him by the hood before he can run down the stairs. He try's to scream but I muffle it by pulling his hood over his face. (He has a Hollister hoodie on)

"You shouldn't of done that" I say, blood lust still in my voice.

I pull him back into his room closing the door quietly and locking it, listening for the click. I throw him down to the ground. He stares at me with fear as I show him my blood lust. I start laughing uncontrollably at his failed attempts. More fear plasters on his face as a keep on laughing in amusement. I walk over to him still laughing and I saddle onto him pining down his arms with my knees. I put my knife right between his eyes. He try's to grab at the knife but the second he try's I push the knife straight through his face and his arms slump to the floor, ending his life.


I crouch walk into the house and walk into a room were a lady is in the room by herself. I quickly grab her muffling her screams by stuffing a rag down her throat so deep she starts choking on it. I ignore her choking as I drag her outside and into the woods. I let go of her and let her drop with a hard thump on the ground. She gets up and try's to run but I quickly stop her by putting my arm in front of her as I have a good grip on my knife. I rap my arm completely around the ladies neck and put my knife to the back of her neck. I push on her neck with my knife slightly as I choke her by squeezing my arm inwards. I quickly let go by slices a ring around her neck while breaking her neck. The sound of her bones breaking make me smile in happiness as I watch her body slump to the ground.

"Madison!" I hear Jeff yell as I turn around with my smile still on my face. "Looks like you had fun" he chuckles.

"I did" I say murderously as we start walking home.

We walk through the woods in silence. Once we get to the cabin we walk inside, going our separate ways as we go to bed.

I kick my shoes off and plop into my bed. I dig myself under my covers as I cuddle into my pillow, going to sleep almost instantly.

Madison The Killer {Jeff The Killer}Where stories live. Discover now