Chapter Fourteen (Edited)~

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We walk inside and go into the living room, sitting on the sofa.

"Want to play a video game?" Jeff suggest.

"Sure! What game?"


"Okay! I love Halo" I say, excitement in my voice. He puts the game in the xbox and turns on the tv.

We play the whole campaign and before I know it, it's already late at night. Jeff turns the game off and we both go straight to bed, I didn't even realize that it was so late! I walk into my room, closing the door behind me. I plop onto my bed and get under the covers. It takes me a while to go to sleep. I keep hearing a taping on the window.. It sounds like a tree but we are in the middle of a field, the trees aren't that close to the house. I can't fall asleep, trust me I tried. Then it stops as I hear a dog growl. I hear a scattering of many feet. What ever that was, smile must of got it. I fall asleep almost instantly after that.

It is now the morning and I have a small scratch on my cheek. Where the hell did that come from? I walk out of my room and into the middle of the living room and the kitchen to be greeted by Jeff.

"Morning" he says as he is sitting on the couch.

"Morning" I say still pretty tired.

"Did you not get enough sleep?" He pauses as he gets off the sofa and turns to me. "Holy shit, what happened to your face?" He says in shock as he walks towards me.

"Honestly, I don't know. I did hear stuff last night. Out side my window, maybe that thing I heard got in?" I say confused.

Jeff freezes, "W-What did you hear?" He stutters.

"Um, well I heard a taping on my window for a while until I heard a dog growl, I think smile got it" I say, still confused of why he's freaked out. He runs out the house and to the dog house as I follow

"Smile!!" He yells as Smile comes out of his dog house. "What was outside of Madison's window last night? Was it the rake?" He asked Smile.

"Who's the rake?" I say, still very confused as smile nods his head in response to Jeff.

"Your sleeping in my room for a while" he says as he walks back inside.

"What the hell is the rake?" I yell as I turn Jeff around by him shoulder.

"The rake... Is a thing, he's a creepypasta. He looks like a lizard with an overgrown manicure" he pauses as he giggles a little bit but that quickly turns back to seriousness. "But he stalks people, kind of like I do. But he will tap your window all night. Until you look at him." He pauses as he puts his hand on my shoulder. "What ever you do, don't look at him. He won't hesitate to kill you." He says as he gets out of my grip and walks into his room.

"Are you saying I could get killed?.." I say fear going through my voice as I follow him into his room.

"You could, but I think your strong enough, I doubt it." He pauses with a smirk. "I just had to warn you, I don't want you hurt." He says with some care in his voice. I never thought a cold blooded killer like him would care so much, it's kind of weird. I walk out of the room without another word.


I just showed affection to Madison.

Oh god, what the hell did I do?..

I plop onto my bed, holding my head in my hands.

After thinking for like an hour I walk back out into the living room where Madison is sitting on the sofa, I sit next to her.

"You wanna go and adventure for a little bit? Kill a couple people?" I ask, excited.

"Sure" she says as she stands up.

I stand up as well and walk past her. We walk out of the door, closing it behind us. We walk through the woods, going down our normal dirt trail. We start to crouch as we see a couple people walking through the woods trial. I realize Madison isn't next to me. I look around until I hear a scream. I smile largely thinking that it was her next victim till I realize that her victim is looking at something. But nothing is walking towards her.

"Madison?.." I whisper, wondering what the hell is going on

I crouch a little closer till I see Madison in the arms of the rake. And the victim is just screaming at the sight. Madison has no reaction. Just a straight face. She looks at me then back at the rake. I walk towards the rake silting the girls through as I walk past her.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!" I growl, loud enough to be a yell as I lunge at the rake.

He drops Madison and fights back. He gives me a huge slash right on my chest, I don't even realize it, I'm to busy protecting Madison. I stab the rake in the shoulder as he stumbles back but then comes right back at me. He stabs me right through the stomach. I fall to the ground in pain, in a pool of my own blood as I am holding my wound. All I see is Madison, lunging at the rake, and then I pass out.


As I see the rake stab Jeff through the stomach I feel that rage I haven't felt for a while. I lunge at the rake and slash at him. I dodge every attack he does to me. One of my slashes cut one of his long nails. The rake looks at his nail, then at me, then at Jeff now passed out on the floor. He smiles and then runs away. I quickly run to Jeff and pick him up.

"Dammit Jeff why do you always get hurt?!" I say to his passed out, lifeless body as I'm running to the house.

I quickly run into the house and lay him on his bed. I run in the bathroom and get bandages, the ones that already have medicine on them. I take his hoodie off carefully and rap him in the bandages, using the rest of them. I then set up some blankets and a pillow on the ground, he said to sleep in his room and that I will do. It takes me forever to fall asleep, worrying about Jeff. but eventually I do.

Madison The Killer {Jeff The Killer}Where stories live. Discover now