Chapter 4 (Paige's Story)

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It was 2 in the morning when I woke up to the sound of my parents fighting again

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It was 2 in the morning when I woke up to the sound of my parents fighting again. I stepped out of my bed and walked over to my door to listen.

" You whore, you cheated on me with that asshole of a friend of yours!" I hear my dad yell.

" What are you talking about? He is just a friend who I know since I was little!" I hear My mom yell back. I walk slowly out of the room and into the hallway. I lean over the staircase just like I did when I was a little girl.

" I know you slept with him!" He yelled at her.

" No, I didn't. Why would I." She said to him, trying to calm him down.

" Don't lie to me!" He yells, slapping her across the face. She falls on the ground cupping her cheek.

" That's it. I'm leaving, and I'm taking Paige with me." She said, standing up walking to the stairs.

" NO, you're not leaving me with your daughter. You gone stay here, both of you." He said, grabbing her hair pulling her back to him. She tries to fight, but he was too strong for her. He pushes her on the floor and grabs his baseball bat. Before I could do anything, he hit my mom in her back. He hit her in the head and back.

" DAD, stop!" I yell, running downstairs to my mom. He stopped, and I kneel beside my mom, who was cover in blood.

"Mom?" I said, touching her arm, but she didn't move.

"MOM!" I cried out, covering my face with my hands.

"Don't cry about that bitch." He said, grabbing my hair pulling me up.

"No, you killed her. How could you?" I said when he pushes me away from him with tears running down my face.

"She cheated on me with another man." He said, stepping closer to me. With every step he did, I took a step back until I hit the wall with my back.

"Do you want to know how I know?" He said, touching my cheek. I nodded slowly, looking away from him.

"Because you're not my daughter. You never were mine. You were his all along." He said, slapping me across the face.

"And now you're going to pay the price of it." He said, grabbing my arm pulling me to the kitchen. He grabs a knife and pulls up my top while holding my hands above me. I try to escape, but his grip was too hard. He put the blade on my stomach and slide it to the side over and over, making more cuts and every time deeper. I scream, hoping somebody would hear me.

He let go of my hands and let me fall to the ground, where he sits on top of me, putting the knife next to him. He began to chock me. I try to fight, but he was too strong. His grip became tighter, and I became weaker. I look to my side and saw the knife. I grab it and stab it in his neck. Blood came rushing out, and I could breathe again.

He falls next to me, and I stand up, letting go of the knife. I hear the front door open.

"Police, hands in the air." I ran to the policeman and began to cry, falling to my knees covered in blood. They took me to the hospital and there I have to explain everything that happened.

They say I could live with my grandparents, but I would end up screaming from nightmares in the night. When they were gone, I would cut my wrist and stomach so the pain would go away. One night I took some pills so I could die, but they found me and save me.

I woke up in the hospital, where they told me to come here so they could help me, so I did. I'm here for almost a year, but sometimes I still wake up screaming from the nightmares.


She told me her story, and she cried at the end. She has been through a lot, but she still alive.

"I'm sorry, Paige," I said, hugging her.

"It's not your fault, and I'm happy I told someone." She said, hugging back. The rest of the day, we talk and laugh together. I didn't laugh in a long time. It was nice, and for once, I didn't hear the voices in my head.

It was time for another therapy group, so we walked to the social room and sat down in the chairs, waiting for the rest. Ben sits next to me. Dr. Ryan came in, and we began to talk. I look around and saw a blond girl who was skinny and looked down.

" Piper, why don't you tell us why your here." Dr. Ryan said.

" Why would I? Everybody knows why we here because we problems, so why would I say why I'm here." She snapped back at her.

" Now, Piper, what have we talk about how you behave."  Dr. Ryan said, writhing down some things. She rolls her eyes at her and looks at me for a second before looking away.

" Okay, Amy, would you like to talk." She asked a girl with red hair.

"Uhm yeah, sure." She said, looking up. We listen to her and talk for another hour before we were done. I walk to my room and let Paige speak to a girl named Sarah who looks really nice. I was walking to my room when I hear someone walking behind me.

"What are you going to do?" I hear someone say. I look behind me and saw Ben standing there.

"Uhm, I'm going to my room," I said.

"Okay, but do you want to come with me to the roof and I promise I won't let you jump." He said, holding out his hand waiting for my hand to take it. I hesitate but take his hand.

He pulls me to the door that leads to the roof.

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