chapter 34 (tests)

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Lena's P.O.V

After we drove for about a halve hour we finely came to the hospital. I don't know if they gone finds something, it did happened yesterday. We walked to the front desk and asked the lady for help. She guide us to a room where we had to wait for a doctor to come.  

Sarah said something to her in private before she inter the room too. " What if they don't believe me or find anything?" I asked them. I know that it's silly to asked, but I don't know who I should believe or who to trust.

Paige and Sarah I can trust I know that, but after they took Ben I just fell apart. " Trust me I know a doctor here who's gone help us." Sarah said. A woman came in whit a clipboard. She looked familiar, but I didn't know where I saw her before.

" Hello, my name is Dr. White." She said sitting behind her desked.

That's when it hit, her name. " Your Sarah's sister." She nodded her head smiling.

" I told her what happen and why you didn't get the treatment before." Sarah explained.

" Don't worry, I'm here to help you." I nodded my head in response.

" Girls go wait outside, so I can to some tests." Dr. White said against them. 

They went outside and she lead me behind a screen giving me a hospital robe. After she was done I put my clothes back on and walked out the room. Paige and Sarah saw me and stood walking over to me. " Are you okay?" Paige asked.

" Yeah I'm fine." I said giving her a weak smile.

" Okay, I treat her against pregnancy and diseases. I also took  some DNA, so we can help your friend."  Dr. White said when she walked out the room.

" I will have the results from the DNA tomorrow." We thanked her and said goodbye before walking out the hospital. " Don't worry Lena everything is gone be okay." Paige said when we stepped into the car." Yeah, I hope so." The rest of the car ride was silent.

She stopped at my house and looked at me. " Are you sure your gone be okay?" Sarah asked. I looked at my house and nodded. " Yeah I'm gone be okay." They both hugged me before I stepped out the car.

" Call us if something happen, okay?" Paige said through the window. I said yes and walked to the front door. I don't know how my dad will react when I stepped through the door. My hand went to the door knob and slowly twisted it.

A sighed escape my lips before I stepped into my house. A soon that I close the door someone grab me and push me against the wall. " Where were you!" His face was really close to mine when he yelled in my face.

" T-they took me to the movies." I whisper trying not to make my dad more angry than that he already was. The grip he had on my shoulder become more tighter. " I hope for you that you speak the trued." He growl in my face before letting me go.

My legs were shaking, but I managed to walked to my room and closing the door behind me. Why did he have to go, it's all my fault.

I stood up and walked to my bathroom opening the cabinet. Where is it, I know that it stood here before.


Slowly I took the little jar from the shelf reading the description. If I can stop this now maybe nobody would get hurt anymore. 

Isn't it incredible that one little pill can make you sleep, but a bunch of them can kill you. I walked back to my bed holding the jar tightly in my hand. This can be the last time I stand here, in my room, breathing.

I poor the pills in my hand and took a deep breath. Okay this is it. When I looked down on the pills something got my eyes. There was something laying on the floor. I put the pills back in the jar and kneel down to take it from the ground. I don't know why I wanted to get it, maybe because I didn't want to the take the pills.

Tears filled my eyes when I saw what it was. It was the pictures from the fair. I forgot that I still had them. That night was the first time I had fun in a really long time. I didn't feel bad or sad, I was happy.

Tears roll down my cheeks while I lay on my bed with the pictures in my hand. I can't give up, I have to keep trying. If I give up now and take the pills he would be alone. He can't go back into that dark place where he was before. I know who it feel to be there and I don't want him to feel that way. If Dr, White calls tomorrow and she said she found something than he can be free.

I put the jar with pills down on my nightstand looking at it one last time before turning off the light. What if they don't find anything and Ben have to spend the rest of his life there. My parents would let me marry Erick even when I don't want too. Just imagining that I have to be with him makes me sick.

A sob escape my mouth when I think about Ben and how he's not with me right now. He's there alone and I don't know what to do. I wish that my brother was still here. He would give me advise and let me cry first to let it all out before making me feel better.

I really miss him.

I tightly shot my eyes trying to sleep with the picture in my hand, hoping that if I wake up tomorrow that it would be al better.

A ring noise came from next to me waking me up from my sleep. My eyes hurts from the crying I did last night, but I force them to open. I felt around on my pillow and found my phone.  It was a unknown number, but I answer it anyways.  

" Hello?" I said closing my eyes again.

" Hello, Lena this is Dr. White." My eyes shot open and I shot up quickly. " I have the results from the test." She explained that all the test came back good. I was just waiting for her to say if they can help Ben or not.

I was playing with my bed sheet until she told me it.

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