Chapter 12 (I need you)

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She was lying next to me as close as possible to my chest

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She was lying next to me as close as possible to my chest. Her eyes were still a little red and puff from the crying she did. Just by looking at her, my world became clear from all the darkness I'll be living in. She changed me into a better person than I was before.

I don't know what I would have done if she didn't come here and walked into my life. The why she looked at me for the first time when she got here I felt something, but her eyes were so cold and lifeless.

She was broken inside by people who should have loved her, but instead, they hurt her in ways that nobody should have done. I brush my hand across her soft cheek, smiling to myself. Why would they hurt her this bad, she's so lovely, sweet, beautiful, and she has a good heart... she's perfect.

She whimpers a little in her sleep, moving around. A tear escapes her eye while she grabs the sheet in her hand. I pull her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her waist. She begins to calm down when I rube circles on her lower back. I kiss her forehead when she whimpers again.

"Ssh, it's just a bad dream. I'm here. It's gone be over when your wake up, ssh." I whisper against her forehead. She opens her eyes with tears in them, looking around. 

"Ben?" Her voice was nothing more than a whisper.

"I'm here. It's over now." She shook her head no looking up at me. Her big brown eyes were felt with tears and fear. 

"No, it isn't over. It's only the beginning."I wipe away the tears that were escaping her beautiful eye.

" No, he's not gone hurt you again." She shook her head again, resting her soft hand on my cheek. " He's not gone hurt me. He's gone hurt you, so I'll break and run back to him and..." She bit her lip, looking at me." And I don't want you to get hurt or your family." I cupped her hand on my cheek, smiling at her.

"Even after all this, you still want to save another men's life instead of you're own." She smiles a little, looking down. I let go of her hand and grab her chin, gently lifting it, so she was looking at me.

"That's why I fell in love with you because you are too sweet and too nice to be broken. And still, you fight for another person's life even when you are almost dead inside...That's why I love it. When I came here, I was half dead. My mind was killing me because of my past. The nightmare's I had are gone because of you. I don't feel the pain I felt when I shot them. It's all gone because of you." She looked at me with her big brown eyes smiling a little.

"Lena, I love you." She was shocked at first when I said it, but her face soften.

"I love you too."

Those four worst were the best thing I ever heard in my entire life. A smile came on my face, and she smiled too. I lean closer to her, looking at her lips and back to her eyes, while she did the same. Our lips brush against each other for a second before I put mine on hers. Her lips were soft and moved perfectly with mine. 

I roll on top of her, cupping her cheek with my hand.

She wrapped one leg around my waist while her hand finds its way to my chest. Our other hands meet each other on the pillow next to her head. We smiled in between the kiss, enjoying each second of it. We pulled away, breathing heavily. If we didn't need air, then that kiss could last forever.

I looked into her eyes and saw color and happiness. The cold and the lifelessness disappeared, and there was only happiness left.

" Don't leave me." She whisper.


She smiles, kissing me one more time. There was a knock on the door, and we pulled away. She sight when I roll off of her. I laugh a little, and she stood up, answering the door. She opens the door, and Dr. Ryan came in. 

"Ben, I thought you would be here. I need to speak with. Can you come to my office?" She said, looking at her clipboard and then to me.

"Uhm yeah, sure." She nodded, walking out of the room. I stood up and wrapped my arms around Lena, kissing her one last time.

"Be back soon." She said when I let her go.

" A soon as possible." She smiled, and I walk out of the room, closing the door behind me. I walk down the hall to the office of Dr. Ryan. I reach it and knock on the door waiting for her to answer. " Come on." I open the door and when inside sitting down on the chair in front of her desk.

She looked up from her papers and smiled.

"Well, Ben, you're doing well, and you're making good progress. I'm very impressed by how much you change in the last month." She leans back in her chair, smiling. I looked around at her office because she was looking at some papers. 

"That's why you can go home. You're done here." I immediately turn back around, looking at her. I was shocked I couldn't leave Lena here. She needed me as I needed her.

"I can't leave." She looked at me with a confused look.

"What do you mean?"

"The reason why I'm better is thanks to Lena. I needed her, and she needs me." Dr. Ryan's sigh leaning back forwards.

" Look, Ben, I get that you two like each other, but Lena needs to get better on her own. If you care about her, you'll leave and let her heal on her own that's what's best for her and you." I wanted to yell at her flipping her desk over, but all I did was nod. 

"So pack your thing you're going home tomorrow. I already called your dad, and he's coming to get you tomorrow." I nod again, standing up leaving her office.

I can't leave her here. She needs me.

 I need her. 

I need her smile, her laugh, her beautiful eyes looking at me, her head on my chest when she sleeps, her touch, I just need her. I walk to her door knocking on it. " Come in." She said whit her beautiful voice.

She looked at me with her warm smile, but it disappeared when she saw my face." What happened?" She asked, standing up from her bed.

I grabbed her, wrapping my arms around her. We stood there for a few seconds before she pulls away. I looked into her eyes and saw the confusion.

" Lena... I..I'm leaving."

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