Chapter 19 (Mess)

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No, no, this has to stop, but I couldn't move

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No, no, this has to stop, but I couldn't move. I was too afraid. The moments from that night came back, and I was just paralyzed. His lips went up to my neck while his hand went up leg lifting my dress. That's when I snapped out of the paralyzing.

" D-don't." I push him away, but he pins my hands next to my head. He punches me in my stomach, and I let a cry of the pain out. He smirked before he kisses me. " I missed doing this to you, you know." He grabbed my hair, pushing my head against the wall.

My head hit the wall, and I felt myself going weak, but I could faint now. Who knows what he would do to me when I didn't put up a fight.  He started kissing me again, but I did kiss him back. He stopped kissing me and push me harder against the wall.

" Kiss me back!" He growls at my face enjoying my fear in my eyes. The answer I gave him was spitting in his face. Anger took over his face when he wiped it away. A moment later, he hit me again in my stomach in the same place. A blood-curdling scream escapes my mouth when his fist hits it. 

His hand covers my mouth before anyone could hear it. " Shut up." He spat in my face letting go of my mouth. He laughs when hot tears stream down my face leaving traces behind on my cheeks. " W-why are y-you doing this to me. You can have any other girl. Why me?" I stutter, looking at him.

He just smirks, grabbing my face in his hands. " Because I enjoy ruining your life, princess, and it's for my pleaser too, so why not." His eyes were dark, and his voice was cold.  After that, he kissed me again.

The only thing I could think of was how I have to get out of here before he goes too far again and that one of my ribs must be broken. He was too busy kissing me that I took the chance also kick him in the groin, making him release me. He fell to the ground, and I ran out the door, not looking back.

I found a bathroom and when inside locking the door behind. My reflection in the mirror was a mess. My hair was a mess, and makeup was smeared over my cheek. Nobody could see me like this. They would ask what happened, and I don't think they went believe me when I say that it's because of Erick.

The faucet makes a squeak when I open it. I put some water on my face trying to get the makeup off. When I was done, I make sure that nobody would think something happened to me. I put my hair down, making the loose curls fall on my back. I exit the bathroom and search for my brother and parents to leave before Erick would find me.

Someone grabs my arm and turns me around." Oh my god, Dylan, you scared me." I clench my chest looking around. " Sorry, mom said we're going home, and I had to find you. Are you okay?"

" Yeah, just tired can we go now." He nodded his head, and we walked away to the car. The whole car ride, I looked out the window, thinking of what happened at the party. Why did I kick him? He's gone kill me. It would have been better if I just did nothing. 

When we arrived home, I ran straight to my room, closing the door behind me. Tears stream down my face when I try to unzip my dress. When the dress fell on the floor, more tears stream down my face.

There was a big purple bruise on my stomach that make moving difficult. I grab a thank top and a sweater putting them on carefully, and a pair of skinny jeans before holding my phone and shoes. My parents were asleep, and so was my brother, so I carefully open my window and climb through it.

There was a large tree by my window so that I could climb down easily. Thunder goes through the sky with lightning when I landed on the ground. The pain I felt when I run down my street was unbearable, but I needed to go away from my home for a little bit.

Street's light passed me by when I run through the streets of the town. The old building came into my sight when it started to rain. I was soaking wet when I climb through the broken window and look around. It was cold in the building, but I didn't care.

My steppes' ego goes through the building when I walk upstairs to the heights floor of the building.  When I reached it, I was shivering like crazy. I sit on my spot on the windowsill where I always sit when I come here. The view of the city was excellent even when it was raining. The room light up when the lighting strike through the sky.

I didn't flinch when  I hear the thunder, and I was too lost in my thought to be scared of it. My eyes followed the rain that was sliding down the window. I wish I could escape that place forever, but I don't want to leave Dylan behind.

He's the only thing that is keeping me from running away from home. But Erick would find me everywhere where I would go. I can't escape him or my family. This is bad. I'm home one day, and I'm already back in a mess.

The cold was so bad that I couldn't feel my finger anymore, but the pain was good. I instead feel pain than nothing at all.

I was looking outside and too busy blocking the world out to hear someone walking in the room until I hear their voice.

" Lena?"

Authors note: Hey guys, another chapter here. I'm so happy that it is vacation, so I can update a lot more than I usually do. A few questions. Who do you think is in the room with her, and do anyone know an actor or someone else to play Eric? I have no idea who should play him. Help? Anyway, let me know in a comment below. Like always love you guys. Bye.

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