Chapter 29 (Don't Say The Words)

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The sunshine hit my eyes when I slowly open them

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The sunshine hit my eyes when I slowly open them. I forgot for a sec why I fell asleep in the barn until I look down. Lena was asleep against my bare chest with the sheet wrapped tightly around her. I looked around and saw our clothes on the floor.

That's when I remember what happened last night. A smile came on my face when I realize that Lena isn't afraid anymore. I finally broke her walls down after all she's been through. I pull her closer and trace circles on her bareback, smiling at how cute she looks when she's asleep.

A groan escapes her lips a few minutes later, followed by her eyes opening. " Good morning, beautiful," I said, making her look up with a small smile.

" Good morning." Her voice was nothing more than a whisper. I push some hair out of her face before kissing her forehead. She let out a few giggles when I pull away. " So, what do you want to do today?" She asked.

I kiss her lips for a few seconds before pulling away. " This, I want to do this." She let out a giggle and bit her lip, looking at me.

"I love you."

A smile came on my face when I hear her say that.

" Love you too."

I started to lean in again while her hand when to my cheek. We finally reach each other lips. I didn't want to let go. Her lips were moving ideally against mine. Her hand on my cheek while I was leaning on my hands next to her head. If I could, I would kiss her forever, but we both needed air, unfortunately. Our lips were still close to each other, that I could feel her breath on mine.

The whole day we spend together doing nothing. Just us two, laying there. It was getting dark outside when we finally left the barn. My dad wasn't worried. He knows that I took Lena to the barn yesterday.

She was going to walk into the house when I pull her back. " What?" She asked, smiling.

" Let's go to the town or go on a crazy adventure," I suggest pulling her to my truck. I hear her laugh when I open her door.

I started the car and drove away to the town. The lights from the city were beautiful when we drove to it. Lena laid her head on my shoulder, kissing my shoulder.

A smile came on my face.

Lena's P.O.V

 We drove through town, passing all the people and cars. We came to a stop at the old building. I look to the old building through the window. The memories came back from the night I try to kill myself.

Then I thought that it was the best for everyone if I was just gone. I was gone from home, gone from their lives.  But now I see that out bad things good things can come from. I'm not the same person I was back then. Maybe I'm better, perhaps not.

Only the future knows.

We got out of the car and began to walk out of the empty parking lot. I hear people walking behind me, and when I looked behind us, I saw some guys. Ben notice that I tighten my grip on his hands and looked at me.

" What's wrong?" I look one more time behind me, making sure that I was right. " Erick's walking behind us." There was no emotion in my voice. There was nobody around other than just us, so they wouldn't hear us if they would do something.

We were almost out of the parking lot when two guys came around the corner from the old building blocking our way. I hear chuckling behind us and turn around. Erick stood there with his two other friends while the other two were blocking out way out.

" Hello Lena, Ben." He spat Ben's name out.

Ben's put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. He didn't want me to be far away from him. He wants to know that I'm still there with him. " Erick," Ben said, looking at him.

" I don't know how you can be so happy, Lena. Didn't you hear the news about your brother?" My heart stopped beating for a sec when he mentions my brother. "the look on your face tells me that you didn't hear it. well, let me tell you then." He continues with his friends laughing.

" He came two nights ago to my house. He was furious at me. Luckily my parents weren't home, so they didn't see him or hear him. He punches me in the face yelling that I raped you." O, no, he did something stupid, I know it. I told him that I couldn't tell him that he knows.

Something must happen after that because he didn't call me the day after I told him. " I told you not to tell anyone, Lena." He growls at me.

" You assehole be glad that she didn't go to the cops!" Ben said, stepping in between us. Erick let out a chuckle looking amuse.

"O Ben, you always play the hero, don't you?" Ben shook his head with a scoff.

" But this time, you can't save her." He simlpy answer.

I was getting scared he was walking closer and his friends too. " I normally would hurt the both of you, but I think if I tell you the rest of the story, you're going to break more, Lena, trust me." He smirked while his friends laugh with him.

" So apparently, after your brother left my house, he got into a car accident."What no, please don't say it.

Don't say the words.

I can't take them.

" He's dead, Lena. He died in the car accident."

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