Chapter 15 (Sara's Story)

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It has been three days since he left, and I feel empty

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It has been three days since he left, and I feel empty. Paige tries to help me by talking to me. It's help taking my mind of him. It helps sometimes, but when I'm alone at night, I hear the voices in my head again. I listen to them scream at me, and every night it's getting louder and louder. It was two AM in the morning, and I couldn't sleep.

The voices were back, and I had to get out of the room. I stepped out of my bed, taking my size sweater. I walk out of my room, walking down the hall to clear my mind from everything.

I walked around the corner when I saw someone sitting against the wall, looking at him opposite him. When I got closer, I could see that it was Sarah. " Sara?"

I kneel beside her, and she looked at me. " Is everything okay?" Her eyes began to tear, and she shook her head no. I sight sitting down beside her.

"You can tell me if you want to?" She looked at her hands in her lap, slowly breathing in and out." Do you know why I'm here?" She asked, looking at me.

I shook my head no, and she looked back to the wall in front of us.


 I stood in front of my house, holding my backpack strep in my hand. I held it so tied that my knuckles became white. Just looking at the house, knowing what was inside or better who was inside, wanted to make me turn around and run away from it, but You can run from the problems. You have to face it and deal with them.

My foot took a step forward slowly. My other one followed, but the more I got closer to the door, the more my stomach turned. My hand slowly turn the door knob, and I took one last breath before walking inside. My mom was still at work, and so is my sister, so the only one home is my mom's boyfriend, Chuck. 

I walk inside quietly, closing the door behind me so that he wouldn't hear me. As I walk to the stairs, I could hear my heart beating. " Where do you think you're going, Sara?" He stood behind me, looking at me with a smirk on his face.

" I'm going to my room. I have homework." I turn around and face him. He stood there with a bottle of beer in his looking at me. " Why do you even bother to study." He took a sip of his beer, not taking his eyes off me.

" I want good grades. That's what my mom wants." He chuckled and came closer to me. He was inches away from me, and I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

My hands were sweaty, and I could feel them shaking. He took a piece of hair in his hand and twirled it around. " I-I need to go."

I run upstairs, leaving him alone in front of the stairs. When I enter my room, I close the door a quickly as possible, locking it as well. My room was the only place I was safe from him, but I was wrong.

That night I was lying in my bed trying to sleep. When I heard someone opening my door, I hoped that it would be my mom or sister, but I was wrong once again.

He took my arms and pinned them above my head. I wanted to scream and cry, yelling for him to stop. But I couldn't do it. I was paralyzed from the shock. After he was done, he told me that I couldn't tell anyone or he would kill my family or me.

The day's passed by, and I still didn't tell anybody I was too scared. Every day after school, I would come home and run to my room to avoid him. My sister notices that something was wrong with me, so she came talking to me.

That's when I broke. I told her everything that happened. She was shocked at first, but then she was angry at Chuck. She ran out of my room to the living room where my mom and Chuck were. I didn't run after her. I just sat there looking at the open door. There was screaming and yelling for a long time until the door slam shut, and I know he is gone. My mom came to my room with tears in her eyes.

She ran to me, hugging me while I cry in her chest. " I'm sorry, sweetie." She told me that we were going to the police in the morning. We when to the police, and they got Chuck. He told them everything that happened, and he didn't lie.

They locked him up, and everything would turn back to normal. But it didn't. I had nightmares from him every night. It was so bad that I didn't want to sleep anymore, so I didn't.

I didn't sleep for two days when my mom found out. She brought me to a doctor, and he brought me here.  ~  


She cries a little at the end of her story. " I'm sorry that happened to you."  I took her hand in mine. She looked away from the wall and looked at me.  

" I know everybody is, but they don't feel how it is." She doesn't know that I know.

" Actually, I do. A guy I know he.. Uhm... he." It was hard for me to talk about it." You don't have to say it. I know what you mean."

She smiled at me. " I think we better go back to bed," I said, standing up. " Yeah, thanks for listing to me. It was nice for once" She turns around and walks to her room.

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