chapter 32 (sirens)

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Ben's P.O.V

I hear them walking away, laughing their heads off. I needed to catch my breath before I started to get up. Before they left they kick me in my back and stomach. It was dark outside and we were in a forest, so it was darker here. But I could see Lena lying in the darkness.

She was curled up in a ball holding her knees to her chest. There were tears running down her face covering the old ones. That son of a bitch did this to her and I couldn't do anything about it. Her muffled screams still run through my head while flash of image run through my head. The cloth was still around her mouth when I kneel down beside her.

She whimper when I make it lose opening her eyes. When she saw that it was me and that they were gone she relaxed a little. She carefully lay on her back squeezing her eyes shut while she let out a whimper. " Ben, I'm sorry."  she whisper trying to catch her breath.

I shook my head no brushing some hair out her face." Why? It's not even your fault." The wind blow through the trees making the leafs fall out of them. We needed to get out of here. I look around trying to find the way out this forest. When they drag us here I didn't have the chance to get a good look at where we were going.

" Ben, it hurt so much." I look at her and saw how pail she was. She stared to shiver a few seconds later. She only had her black dress on, it was sunny today, so she have no jacket with her.

" I know, I'm carefully gone pick you up, so we can get out of here, okay?" She nodded her head taking a deep breath. I lay her arm around my shoulders before picking her up. She whimper a few time, but that ended when I stood up.

" Are you okay?" I asked looking down.

" I'm fine." She breath out closing her eyes.

She put her head in my neck when the wind started to blow harder. I started to walk a direction that I thought we came from And luckily for me I was right. After a short walk we reach the graveyard parking lot and went to my car.

My keys were still on it from before, so I open the passenger's seat carefully sitting Lena down. She stopped shaking when I put my Jacket around her shoulders. I kneel down in front of her cupping her face.  Tears were still running down her face. " It's gone be okay, we're gone get through this I promise." I wipe away the tears from her cheek trying to calm her down.

There were leafs in her hair with some twigs and dirt. Her eyes turned colorless again and I know that she was slipping away again. She put her hand on my cheek looking at it. " Ben your hurt." She wiped the blood of my cheek. I let out a chuckle kissing her forehead.

" I don't feel anything in compare to you, so don't worry about me okay?" I whisper against it.

I felt her nodding her head. She slide her legs in the car and I close the car door. I need to get her home before something else happen. I stepped into the car and drove home.

Lena was shivering when we got home. I don't think that she can take more after what happen tonight and with her brother. One of these days she's gone break and I don't want that to happen to her. She need her friends with her, I would say her family, but now that her brother is gone I don't think that she want her parents.  

When I stepped out the car I took my phone and call Paige. Why did I let this happen. I promise her that nobody would hurt her anymore. This so frustrated, why can't I just do one thing right. My hand turn into a fist and before I knew it I hit the roof of my car. I was breathing hard while leaning my head against my car. I didn't notice that Paige said hallo until a few seconds later.

" Paige!" I said looking up from the car.

" Yeah, are you okay?" She sounded worried, only if she knew what happen. " I need you to come to my house, with Sara if she's with you as soon as you can! I don't have time to explain!" I walked to the other side of my car to open Lena's door.

She was just staring into the distance with no emotion on her face. When I open the car door she still didn't look at me until I took her hand. I helped her out of the car before closing the door. She couldn't walk that well and I was still on the phone.

" Dad, Liz I need your help!" I yelled to the house.

" Ben, what's going on?" Paige asked.

Lena was leaning against me trying to stand up. A few seconds later my dad and Liz came running out the door towards us.

" What happen?" My dad asked when he saw how bad we were looking.

" Take Lena inside I'll explain it there." He nodded his head while Liz helped Lena to the house. When they were at the door I turn my attention back to Paige. " Paige, I can't tell it over the phone, just come there's something with Lena." I could hear her stop walking when I said it.

My chest was killing me from the pain, but I need to get my full attention on Lena now. " Okay I'm on my way." Was the only think she said before hanging up the phone. I took a deep breath and run inside.

Lena was sitting on the couch with her head in her hands. I could her hear sobbing when I walk closer. My sister had her arm around her trying to comfort her. It was horrible seeing her like that, but it hurt me to know that she went through this once before. My dad came in the room with a glass of water that he put on the table in front of her.

They looked at me for a sec before I mention them to follow me to the kitchen. Lena didn't look up when Liz let her go and walked away. I kneel down in front of her. "We're in the kitchen if you need us, okay?" She looked up and nodded her head. I kiss her forehead before walking to the kitchen.

" Can you explain to us what the hell happened." My dad said when I inter the room. He had a concern look on his face when I sat down putting my head in my hands. " Me and Lena were at her brothers grave and when we were at my car some guys came out of nowhere dragging us into the fore forest." Liz gave me a icepack for my cheek. I took a deep breath before I continue.

" The guys where Erick's friends. He told Lena that she couldn't tell anyone about what he did to her, but she told her brother. And as punishment he..." I was quiet, I didn't want to say it. Liz covered her mouth when she knew what I was talking about.

" It was horrible I couldn't do anything. His friends got me pin down to the ground while he did that to her!" I throw the icepack across the room against the wall. Why didn't I do anything, I had fight harder to get them off of me, so I could help her. A hand went on my shoulder and I look up. It was my dad.

" Ben it's not your fault, you did what you could do." I was about to say something when we hear sirens outside the house. 

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