Chapter 16 (Ready?)

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It's been a month now since he left, and he thinks they are starting to get better

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It's been a month now since he left, and he thinks they are starting to get better. Dr. Ryan is helping me as much as she can. She said that I'm making good progress and that if I stay like this, I can go home really soon. But the truth is that I don't want to go home.

My parents and Erick are there, and they will make my life worse than before. Knowing that they would forbid me to see Ben and Paige ever again. What if they would forbid me to go outside ever again and just go to the club with them or go to Erick.

Only the thought all makes me want to stay here as long as possible. "Hey, Lena, we have to go to the group therapy." Paige and Sara came into my room while I was lying on my bed thinking. " Yeah, I'm coming." I stand up from the bed and walk out of my room after her.

The halls are still the same since I live here. The same collar, same people, everything is just the same. We inter the social room where the rest of the kids and Dr. Ryan were waiting for us. We all sat down and waited for Dr. Ryan to speak. She Looked up from her clipboard and smiled at us.

"Now, guys, I have great news." She stared, still smiling.

" You guys are allowed to go home!" Gasps felt the room with smiling kids hugging each other. This has to be a mistake. I'm not good enough to go home yet. My head is still packed with stuff I shouldn't think of, and now they are sending me home. I am getting better, but I'm not there yet. I was cut out of my thought by Paige and Sara hugging me.

" We can go home!" Some kids yelled, laughing. " I call all of your family, and they are picking you up tomorrow morning, so go pack your stuff, kids." Dr. Ryan stood up, leaving the room with laughing kids.

I was in my room packing my stuff for tomorrow when somebody knocked on my door. " Come in," I said, not taking my eyes from my suitcase and clothes. " Hey, are you okay?". I look up from my bag and saw Paige standing at my doorway. " Yeah, I'm fine."

She shook her head and sat down on my bed. " No, you're not. You skipped dinner and didn't come out of your room for a whole after Dr. Ryan told us that we could go home." I sight putting my clothes down. She right I'm not okay."Your right. I'm not. The thought of going home scares me. What if I'm not ready yet to go home because I know I'm not."

Paige looked at me while I tell her everything that was on my mind. " Your gone be fine. You're gone see Ben again and your brother."She tries to cheer me up, but it didn't help it all." Maybe you should go talk to Dr. Ryan," Paige suggested giving me a small smile.

I nodded at her idea, and she smiled more. "Come, let's go now before you change your mind." She grabbed my hand, pulling me up from my bed and out of the room. We stood for the office door of Dr. Ryan. You could hear her talk on the phone with someone when I knocked on the door. " Come in." I looked at Paige, and she opens the door so that I could go inside.

" Go, I'll wait here for you." I nodded and closed the door behind me. " Hello, Lena, what's the problem?" Dr. Ryan asked when I turned around facing her.

" Is it good for me to go home?" I asked, sitting down in the chair.

She took her glasses off and looked at me with a concerned looked." Lena, I know you scared to go home, but you are so much better now than you were a few months before." Maybe she's right, and I'm better it is possible. Dr. Ryan saw me hesitating about what she said before standing up from her chair and walked to me.

She put her hand on my shoulder and looked at me with a small smile " Lena, just go home and enjoy your time you have with your friends." I nodded and thanked her for what she said before returning to my room with Paige so we could pack or backs.

I was sitting in my room waiting for Dr. Ryan to get me. We all said our goodbyes this morning, and I promise Sara and Paige that we would hang out sooner or later. I was playing with my dress while looking at the wall. I was so nervous to see my parents and how they would react if they see me.

There was a knock on my door, and Dr. Ryan came in. " Lena, he's here." My parents probably didn't want to get me, so my brother came. I nodded, standing up from the bed, grabbing my suitcase. When I walked past the mirror, I looked at my reflection.

The past few months, I try to avoid looking at it. I didn't look that much different. My scars were almost gone in my arms, my hair was maybe a little longer, it's now past my waist, and my eyes are a little bit more colorful.

The light pink dress makes my eyes and hair browner than it normally is. For once in a long time, I actually look a little bit better. " Lena, are you coming?" I looked away from the mirror and nodded.

We walked through the hall to the door when Dr. Ryan stops and turn to me." Are you ready?" I looked at the closed door and back to her. " yeah, I'm ready." I took a deep breath, knowing that I'm free when I walk through that door and can go home to my brother and Ben.

" O, and I know he will love that dress on you." Dr. Ryan said. If she meant my brother, he saw me in this dress it's nothing new for him, but before I could ask her what's she meant, she opens the door.

I looked outside, and a smile came on my face. I know what's she meant now because it wasn't my brother who was picking me up.

It was Ben.

He was standing against his car, smiling at me. I run to him and drop my back right before I reach him. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me. The feelings I had a month ago when he kissed me last time came back to me.

His lips on mine while his hand is on my waist and mine around his neck. The feeling I had In my stomach when he touched me felt all so good. We pulled away, smiling, not letting go.

" I told you I would be here when you walk through that door."

Authors note: Hey guys, I know it's a long time ago when I last updated, but I still have school until next week. I don't know if I'm gone updated this week again because I have my last exams this week and I need to study a lot, but after next week I'm gone update as much as I can. I'm also making new stories, and I'm hoping I can post them this vacation when I have a lot of time... I hope ;). Don't forget to comment and vote. I love you guys. Bye.

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