Chapter 37 (ending)

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Paige P.O.V

It's weird how much can change in just a couple of mounts. First you're with your family happily than ever and the second you know your breaking down losing everything you have.

Piece by piece your breaking down, getting tired of the daily routine.  People you loved your howl live turn they're back's on you.  When you think that all the hope is gone and al you lift for is gone that's when you break down.

You get depressed and you know when your depressed if you don't want to get up the next morning and you have to pull yourself up from your bed saying that it's gone be okay.  I can't imagine how bad someone can get it, until I made Lena.

She was friendly against everyone, always helping people, a happy person. Until she couldn't fake a smile anymore. She try to kill herself two time, maybe more.  Just like me she was send to the mental facility, that's where we met each other.

She couldn't believe in love or trust anymore, because the people who were close to her hurt her. I can say for the most of the people who come from the mental facility and who met her that she's one of the reasons their better. After awhile there she became better.

She found love again with someone who was broken too. They helped each others in way's that they didn't know of. But something as beautiful as that get's quickly destroyed.

It broke down what they have and they lost each other for a while, until they got back up. And for those splits seconds they were happy again until that one night.

I was shocked when Liz called me.

I remember falling down on my knees just like they do in movies. How can someone do something like that. In one night I lost two of my best friends.  They both made it to the hospital alive, but it was too late for them.

The wounds were too big and too deep to  heal. After my mom's death I never imagine that I would stand for a grave so soon, let alone two. The doctors said that their heart stopped beating at the same time.

Maybe it's a good thing they both died.

At least their together.

I never would imagine how they would survive when one of them would die. I'm standing at the ocean with my feet in the water, listing how the wave crashes on each other and the sand.

I'm never gone forget them.

How they fought for each other, their family and friends. Even when they were down they still helped us.

" Paige?"

I look behind me and saw Sarah with tears in her eyes. She was a wreck when I told her about Lena. It lasted a weak until she didn't cry anymore, but I know she still do's. Lena was the first person she told her story to and that made her feel better.

I open my arms and pulled her in for a hug. Once she hugged me back she completely broke down crying.

" I miss them so bad." She sobbed.

It lasted a day without her crying so she doing while, I guess?

" Me too." I said in a sighed.

It's been a long week for all of us.

It's hard for Ben's dad and sister. They lost their mom and know him. Lena's parents didn't even come to her funeral. If I was them I would do the same. They lost already a kid and now they lost the other one, because they didn't treat her right or listen to her when she needed them the most.

Dr.Ryan was at the funeral too. 

Ben's dad invited her, because she's one of the reasons his son got better. When she saw me and Sarah she hugged us and told us that we can go talked to her if we wanted to. I said no thanks, but I made Sarah go.

I didn't want her to be down and sad about it for the rest of her life. I know that Lena and Ben didn't want that.

" Why did they have to leave?" Sarah said pulling away.

" I don't know, but look it this way. Now their together and nothing can pull them apart anymore. They can be happy just like they wanted us to be happy." Sarah slowly nodded her head wiping away her tears.

" After all the finely got their happy ending and it doesn't  matter where they are, as long that their together and that's all what they need, trust. me" I now that I was right about that.

And it wasn't just to make Sarah happy.

After all Ben saved Lena from a broken mind, just like she saved him from one.

authors note: oh my god it finish and yeah I know that's not a happy happy ending, but look it this way their together at least. It was fun writing story for you guys I hope you liked it. New stories are coming soon, I just have to decide which one come first because I have like three stories ready to publish. Okay that was it thanks for reading and liking this story, see you in the next one. bye

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