Chapter 14 (New Home)

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When my dad drive away I watch how the tears stream down her beautiful face. I could feel my heartbreak Into million pieces watching her crying thanks to me. When we drove through the gates, I closed my eyes and laid my head against the car window.

I left her there, I left her when she needed me the most. When she finally felt better about herself, but I had t for her own good. I felt a tear running down my cheek and quickly wipe it away with the sleeves of my hoodie.

" Are you curious about your our new house?"  After the howl incident we moved, well they moved to a new house." Uhm yeah." I looked at my dad and smiled, at least it tried to smile. We drive through town past all the building and people. We reach a small forest and drove through it until we get a meadow. 

At the end there was a small farmhouse, a little bit further was a cliff. It wasn't high you could jump of it and swim to the side to climb back up. There was a dock down there were you could dive in to the water.

We came to a stop when we reach the house and I look at the house. "Welcome home kid." My dad said when I look around. I smiled and stepped out the car walking to the front door, while my dad took my back from the trunk.

" BEN!" Before I could step on the front steps my sister came running out the door attacking me in a hug. " I'm so happy your home." She pulled away ruffling my hair. " Me too." I lied have of it. A part of me is happy that I'm back home with my family, but the other half is sad and broken because I had to leave Lena behind.

" Come, let me take you to your room so that you can unpack." She took my hand, leading me inside the house. I was done with unpacking and decorating my room with my old stuff I had. My room had a view of the ocean so that I could see the cliff. I walk do my bed laying down. How could I leave her there, all by herself? I look at the ceiling, thinking how she would feel right now.

I walk into the kitchen were my sister and dad were making dinner. " So if everything unpacked?" My sister asked. " Yeah." I sit down when my sister and dad put everything on the table so we can eat. " When we're done I have a surprise for you." My dad said smiling.

After dinner my dad took me outside to the barn. We walked inside and he turn on the light. In the middle stood something under a big sheet. My dad took the sheet of and it revealed my old pickup truck. My mom and dad give it for my sixteen birthday. It was an old one, but I loved it. " No way.! I walk to the car with a huge smile on my face. " I thought you give it away when we moved," I said looking at my dad.

" Nop I know you loved this car, so I kept it." He smiled, taking something from his pockets. " catch. " He those me the keys and walk around the car to the door. " don't make it too late." He said before he walked out the door.

He know I like to drive, it was the only time I could clear my mind. I got in my car and drive away. It was dark outside and I could see the city light's. I went through town clearing my mind until I came to the place I always came when I had to think. The car came to a stop on an empty parking lot. I stepped out the car locking it behind.

I look up and saw the old building I always came to. It was empty for years and one night I couldn't sleep, I drove to the city. I found this place and looked inside. It was so quiet. I climb through the broken window and look around.

Everything was still the same from the last time I came here. I took a deep breath and walk upstairs to the roof. The midnight air hit my face and I close my eyes enjoying the moment.

It was getting late, so I decided to go home. Walking to my car and see a group of guys following me. I look back in front of me and walk faster to my car. I was almost at my car when someone grab me from behind slamming me into my car door with my head first.

I felt blood dripping down my face when they grab me again, turning me around. The one guy looked anger in his eyes, and two out, her guys held me against the car so I couldn't move. " So you're the guy were Lena is in love with. How cute, but she already have someone and that is me, so back of!"

I know who it was. Erick and his friends. " You asshole you did this to her," I yelled trying to get out of their grip. Erick laugh at me grabbing me by my throat. " Listen and listen closely. I want her, and I always get what I want. The only thing that's in my way is you, so if you love your life and your family I would do what I say." He growled in my face letting go of me so he could turn around with his back facing me.

" Oh is the little kid angry that he didn't get what he want. Too bad I'm not letting you have Lena so you can use her for your own sick games." I yell at him when I catch all my breath. He turns back around and punches me in my stomach.

The other guys let me go when Erick punch me again. I felt against my car and took a deep breath looking at him. He try to punch me too, but I blocked it, hitting him instead. Hard, I know my hand would hurt after, but now I didn't feel anything I was to angry to feel anything. He strumbled back and looked at me.

He looked like he could kill me any moment. He looked at his friend and they grab both my arms, kicking me against my legs. I fell to the ground when they began to kick me. I try to punch back a view time and I hit a few guys, but they would pin me down on the ground. After what seem like hours they finally stopped.

Erick kneel down beside me. " Don't mess with me Ben or you will regret it." He stood up and walked away with his friend. The pain was everywhere in my back, stomach and chest. 

I try to stand up by leaning against my car. It was hard in the beginning when I felt my head spinning, but I had to get home.

I somehow mannish to get home safely without passing out from the pain. I walk through the door to the living room where my dad and sister were watching TV when I pass out. 

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