Chapter 21 (The Devil With Heels)

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I woke up when I hear my phone going off

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I woke up when I hear my phone going off. My hand felt around in the bed, trying to find my phone. " Hello?" I asked when I finally found my phone.

" Hey, Lena, it's Paige. did I wake you up?" I could hear a girl laughing in the background, and I know it was Sarah. " No, it's fine."  I stood out of my bed and walked to my mirror, sitting in front of it. "Do you like to hang out today with Sarah and me?" I wanted to go because I don't want to go to the club today with my parents. It's time to avoid Erick for a little while.

" Yeah, sure, where do we meet?" I answer back. She asked something at Sarah before she answers back." Uhm, at the mall in an hour or something."

" Yeah is good for me," I said before walking to my closet.

" Okay, see you then bye." She said before hanging up the phone. I smile, laying down my phone on my bed before return back to my closet. After I got dressed, I walk out downstairs and saw my mom was busy in the kitchen." good morning, mom, I'm going to the mall with some friends." I grab an apple-eating it.

" Okay, have fun. Asked Dylan to bring you there." I nodded my head and walked upstairs to my brother's room.

" Dylaaaaaaaaan." I sang when I open his room. He was busy on his phone and looked up when I came into his room.

" Yeah?" He smiled when I sang his name.

" Can you bring me to the mall? I'm going to some friends."I asked with puppy dog eyes. He chuckled and stood up." How can I say no to that?" I laugh and walk after him out of the room. " You just can't," I said, laughing. 

We walk out the door to his car. " So, how are your friends." He asked when he drives out the driveway. " Some girl I meet in the metal facility. They are nice, so don't worry." He smiled, nodding his head.

I said goodbye to him when he drops me off at the mall. Now I have to find Paige and Sarah. When I walked inside the mall, I looked around. There were people everywhere, walking, talking, eating, but I couldn't find them.

My phone when of, and I saw that I got a text from Paige. It said that they are at the Starbucks, waiting for me. I start walking when I put my phone away.

Paige and Sarah smiled when they saw me. "Hey!" They both pull me into a hug. " So are you ready to have fun," Paige said, smiling. "Yes, I need some girl time, so let's go."

We went to every store and just had fun. It was a long time ago that I laugh that hard and much. We were sitting at the fountain just talking and laughing after going to a lot of stores. " Well, isn't this sweet. The problem girl has friends."

I turn around and saw the devil with heels standing there with her two best friends beside her. Let me explain it for a sec. The devil with heels is Courtney, a snob from the club. She hates me because of Erick. She wants Eric, but he doesn't want her. 

" Hello, Courtney," I said with a sight. She drank from her coffee, giving me a fake smile, while her friends drink from theirs. Paige and Sarah looked at me with a confused look. " So are those you two friends you meet in the mental facility." While she talked to me, I texted Paige explained who Courtney is and how much I hate her.

She's a total bitch against me. She spread some rumors around about me that isn't through in school and at the club, took all of my friends, so I was all alone, and I hate her so much. " Why would you care Courtney, can't you just go away and bother someone else." I spat at her.

She looked shocked at first, but then she got an evil smile on her face. I looked at Paige with a confused look, and she shrugs with her shoulders. When I turn my head back to Courtney, I saw that she was standing closer to me, and before I know it, she dumps her cold coffee on my head.  She stepped to the side, and her two friends throw theirs too.

"Oh my god!" I stood up, wanting to punch her in the face, but Paige was faster than me. She stood walking to Courtney. " You bitch, you think you're so tuff because you have money and two airheads as best friends, but guess what, nobody care who you are. So get out of my face before I rip your fake hair out of your plastic head!" She screamed in her face.

Sarah, who was came standing next to me when Paige was screaming at Courtney, was looking at Paige with wide eyes.  Courtney gasped, stomping her feet on the ground. " How do you think you are speaking at me like that." Her two friends try to calm her down, but she was dramatic.

" Not your nose doctor because I would have done a better job," Paige said, smirking. Courtney's hands went to her nose, gasping more.  " Excuse you. She didn't have one. This is all hears. " The two friends said with a bitch attitude.

That's when Sarah stepped in. " Well, I think she had two pairs left because you two have the same as hers. " The two gasp touching their noses. Courtney screamed a little before turning around with the two airheads behind her.

They turn to me, and I just stood there looking at them like they were crazy. " Are you okay?" Sarah asked. I nodded my head, looking at my clothes.

" Just a little wet. What you guys just did was amazing. Nobody ever stood up for me against her." She smiled, giving me a napkin. In school, everybody would laugh at me because of her.

They would push me against my locker or laugh at me when someone would hit the books out of my hands. "  Nobody deserves that, and besides, she's a total bitch, so somebody had to do it," Paige said. We all laugh, taking out bags. " Let's go home. I'll drive." She said. We nodded, going home.

" Let's just hope we don't have to see her ever again," Sarah said, helping me with my bags. " Well, I see her at the club every time, so I'll see her. I'll she hey to hear from you." She playfully rolled her eyes at me, laughing.

I said goodbye to them and shower before my parents got home and saw me like this. My phone went off when I walked into my bedroom. I put the towel down where I was drying my hair with.

It was a text.

' Not a smart move, princess. Your two friends aren't right for you. I have to deal with them.' Erick.

No. Erick, he's... no, he can't hurt them.

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