Chapter 20 (My Fault)

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"Lena?" I look away from the window and saw a dark figure standing in the room

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"Lena?" I look away from the window and saw a dark figure standing in the room. For a moment I was scared, but then lightning hit and I saw those two beautiful brown eyes where I fell in love with.

" Ben." He wasn't as soaking as me, but water drops slide down his hair. Only his jacked was wet, so he probably came here with his car. He walks to me and pulls me into a hug. " How did you know that I was here," I whisper in the hug.

He pulled away and stroke my hair." I didn't. This is a place I always come when I need to think." He smiled.  We had the same, though. His hands travel down my arms to my wrists, and I let a cry of the pain out.

He looks down and puts my wrists in his hand. His eyes got wide when he pulls my sleeve up. The bruise that Erick left when he pinned me against the wall was showing." Lena, what happened?" Tears streamed down my face when I thought about it earlier tonight. 

" It was Erick. We were at the club, and he pulled me into a room and try t-to..." I chock on my own words when I try to tell him what happened. " And when I fought back, he.. he punches and grabs me."

His eyes travel down my body, looking for other bruises. I pull my wrist out of his hand and pull the tank top up, revealing the big purple mark. He gently touches it, making sure he did hurt me. " Lena, he..he didn't..." He couldn't say the word because of the fear in my eyes.

I shook my head no, and he breathes out. I was shivering like crazy, and I wrap my arms around me. Ben saw that I was cold and took off his jacket, putting it around my shoulders. " I shouldn't know that he would do that." He whispers, stroking my cheek.

I look at him with a confused look on my face. " What do you mean?"  He grabs my hand and pulls me to the window sitting down where I was sitting.

" The first night I was back home. I got my car before and drove here to think. When I walk back to my car, someone grabs me from behind, slamming me into the car. When I turn around, I saw some guys standing behind and pushing me against my car. One guy walked over to me and said that I had to leave you alone because you were his. That's when I know that it was Erick. After I said that I wouldn't leave you, he punched me and into a fight, but it was five against one, so you guess who won. " The room lighted up when lightning shot through the sky. I thought about the bruises and the dark mark on his eye.

" So you didn't jump off the cliff and hit a few rocks?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled weakly, shaking his head lightly. " No, when they left me on the ground, I drove home and passed out when I walked into my house. I woke up the next day in my bed with my sister next to me. She said that my dad called the doctor to come and said that I had a broken rib and a few bruised. She asked me what happened and I had to tell her everything. The fight, Erick, his family, us" A tear escapes my eye when I think about what Erick did to Ben.

" I told my dad and her that I didn't want to call the cops because he would just deny it, and they would send me back to the mental facility." How could I not see that coming? Erick said that he would hurt him when he's out of there and knows he did.

" It's all my fault. I'm sorry, Ben... if I just died that moment or just let Erick do what he wanted to do. Then this wouldn't happen, and we wouldn't have met." Tears were streaming down my face when he pulls me in his arms. He stroked my hair, trying to calm me down.

" It's not your fault. You can't let Erick have his way with you. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened in my life, and I don't care that he beat me up because you worth it." I pulled away from his arms and looked at him. He smiled, wiping the tears away from my cheeks. " No, it's better if he just wins than he wouldn't hurt you."

I stood up, taking his jacket off the shoulder before walking away from him. I run down the stairs without looking back. When I reach the broking window, I felt two arms around my stomach pulling me back.  The pain in my stomach made me stop moving around. " No, I'm noting letting him win." Ben let go of my stomach and turn me around, so I was facing him.

His eyes were felt with hurt and sadness. " I'm not letting you destroy yourself by going to him. I love you, and I don't care about him. All I know is that I need you. I would die if you go back to him, and he hurts you." Apart from me wanted to run away so that he would be saved from Erick.

But I couldn't run. He would get back in his dark place. I nodded my head, hugging him. We stood there for a long time until I remember that I had to go home. " I need to go home," I whisper, pulling away from him. " I'll drive you there." I nodded my head and grabbed his hand. He leads me to his car and drove away.

It wasn't raining anymore except for a few drops here and there. You could hear the thunder in the distance and some lightning, but that was it. The streets were empty when we drove by. Only a few people were walking home. The ride to my house was silent, but not awkward silent. He held my hand while I lay my head against his shoulder, slowly falling asleep.

It was four A.M when we arrive at my home. He stopped a few houses further so my parents wouldn't hear the car. " Lena?" He whispers, stroking my cheek. " Yeah?" I pull away, looking at him.

"Promise me that when he touches you again that you would call me." He looked at me with no emotion in his eyes, telling me that he was serious.

"I promise." He smiled and kissed me.

We smiled through the kiss, enjoying our time together. I pulled away, smiling while looking down. " Go before they know that you're gone." He lifts my chin, so I was looking at him. I got out of the car and run to the tree. I look back at him one more time before climbing up the tree to my window.

He drove away, and I close my window smiling. Maybe if I stay away from the club for a while, I can avoid Erick. I lay down on my bed, looking at the window, slowly falling asleep.

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